Exzore: The Rising - Now on Kickstarter


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
An open word action RPG set in a medieval world, named Exzore : The Rising is now available on Kickstarter.

Tiny Shark Interactive Launches Kickstarter for Exzore: The Rising Open world action RPG features realistic character interactions and consequences,mechanical gadgets, modular crafting and more​

London, England--August 15, 2017--Tiny Shark Interactive has launched the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for their upcoming open world action RPG, Exzore: The Rising for PC, XboxOne and PlayStation4, along with a new trailer for the game. The campaign will run through September 18 and may be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/864487186/exzore-the-rising

"[Tiny Shark] looks like it has the basics sorted out and a clear direction for how the systems will work together. Exzore: The Rising has a lot of potential," said RPGamer. Commented One Angry Gamer, "The one thing that I was most intrigued by...was the crafting mechanic. This feature allowed players to tinker around with different sword combinations by mixing and matching hilts, blades and crosses. This could be one of the highlights of the game depending on how well it all plays out and how effective the different weapon choices are when you utilize them in combat."

Set in the medieval world of Eogaan, the game follows Damien Clive, former commander of the Exzore army unit, as he is emerges from the ashes of his betrayal to seek retribution and regain his honor. Exzore: The Rising features the use of "mechanical gadgets" which give special abilities to the hero and can be used in combat and exploration. The game also features a unique Affinity system, which affects the player's experience and how the story unfolds as the character interacts with the game world and the various factions, as well as an extensive combat system that allows players to mix and match Exzore abilities in a wide variety of combos. Eogaan is split into four factions, each with its own community and rules. As you play, your interactions between the different factions will affect the game's story and how it progresses. Favor any faction of your choice to get special missions, rewards, benefits, and abilities. Each faction has its own motivations and agendas. The Affinity parameter will be altered as a consequence of player's choices in game. Every mission will alter affinity, increasing toward one and decreasing toward another. Affinities are important because they directly affect the character and mission progression, and play an important role in gameplay experience. Choose your faction and actions wisely, as they may alter how the story ends.

  • Play as an Exzore - As Master Exzore, you have the ability to equip up to six unique mechanical gadgets at a time - to help in combat and exploration. Each of these gadgets is different from one another and offers unique special abilities.
  • Faction Affinity System - Favor any faction of your choice to get special missions, rewards, benefits, and abilities. Each faction has its own motivations and agendas. Choose your faction carefully as it may alter the game progression and ending.
  • Companion - Icarus, your pet Golden Eagle is your most trusted ally in the field. Use his abilities to perform various scouting activities, from spotting targets or treasures to aiding in combat.
  • Dynamic World - Feel the game world react to various natural factors like time, seasons, weather (rain, snowfall, the wind), day-night cycle, etc. Player interaction and exploration alter the game world, making it more alive.
  • Smart Characters and Enemies - Every character in game has his/her own mind and will develop through the game. Everyone, right from common town folk to your greatest enemies will get smarter and stronger as you level up too.
  • Nonlinear Quests - Every quest in game is designed to be completed in many different ways. Every choice has its own unique outcomes and consequences.
  • Unique Combat system - Indulge in well-crafted combat system containing smart and challenging foes. Mix and match multiple Exzore abilities in combination with your weapons to create powerful combos.
Exzore: The Rising is expected to launch in late 2018

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
No random generated areas, no MMO, no DLC, no phonegraphics...
Apr 12, 2009
I somehow doubt they can make this game for the amount of money they are asking for.
Jan 8, 2017
I don't KS anymore, but I'm definitely interested.
Oct 18, 2006
I somehow doubt they can make this game for the amount of money they are asking for.

According to the video the game is primarily funded privately, this is extra and if successful will lead to more private funding as well. Kickstarter amount said to be about 10% of development cost.

Definitely ambitious vision but looks really good if they can pull it off. Backed
Apr 25, 2009
I'm somewhat cautious about the costs of the project, but it really looks pretty cool.
Jan 14, 2016
TBH, I find this a bit over-ambitious and the pitch unconvincing. Also the writing in the clip is about as painfully clichéd as you could imagine.
Nov 8, 2014
Graphics look unusually good for KS.

I dont think its that good. Some areas seems to be more polished like those ruins. But look at woods in dialogues when camera is close…

I assume there will be also usual flak for combat animations but its pretty common nowaways. :) But they should correct hero attack. His arms and weapon seems to be absurdly fast compared to enemies.
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
Not sure about this. Yeah the graphics look nice in parts but I agree with Ripper about the pitch and ambition. And a fixed protagonist is a minus for me. I'm not backing it, but if it ever comes out I'll have another look.
Apr 13, 2012
Fixed Protagonist is a big minus in my world too. I like choices. It's why I play role-playing games. It's a big reason I've never finished several otherwise big name games. It's why I love sandbox games over dial-a-story types.
Oct 18, 2006
I agree that Ripper raises legit issues whether the cost to develop this game is accurately pegged by the KS devs. I couldn't''t tell whether the devs plan to use any positive support from this KS to increase the budget to a value well above a current 500K (10 X 50K) value, or simply to support a budget of 500K.

500K seems too little for this game. Substantially larger budgets could be reasonable. Before supporting this KS I'd want clarification from the devs what budget (or budget range) that the devs would expect as a result of a positive KS.

I thought it was a bit odd when they said their investor is only funding "development", but not voiceovers, contractors, marketing, etc. Surely some of those things are very much part of development. If that were the case, why would the investor allow them to take money away from development, as they suggest, and why would he ever allow the project to go without promotion?

That, combined with the budget and a few more subtle things, just makes me think twice.
Nov 8, 2014
I thought it was a bit odd when they said their investor is only funding "development", but not voiceovers, contractors, marketing, etc. Surely some of those things are very much part of development. If that were the case, why would the investor allow them to take money away from development, as they suggest, and why would he ever allow the project to go without promotion?

That, combined with the budget and a few more subtle things, just makes me think twice.
Well check out the Kingdom Come: Deliverance kickstarter as the developer did the same thing. As they had an investor pay for only part of the games development.

Some of the stretch goals included voice-overs and other things.
Oct 1, 2010
Yes, I understand that investors will sometimes only finance part of development. What I found odd was the suggestion that he's paying only for "development" and not these other specific things, but that, without the KS, they would have to reduce the game to pay for those other things out of the development budget. Doesn't quite add up, to me.

Like I said, it's that and the overall impression I got from the pitch, that I just didn't find too convincing. More a question of whether this pitch happens to persuade me, and not me being certain that anything's wrong.
Nov 8, 2014
Interesting. Nice Vision

Project looks quite interesting. Graphics look really nice. Its a nice try. I just backed this project. Looking forward for successful completion and release.
Aug 16, 2017
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