Eidos Montreal - Will Focus on Online


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
PCGamer reports that Eidos Montreal, the maker of Deus Ex, will focus on online experiences.

Eidos Montreal, developer of the modern Deus Ex games, will focus more of its attention on online gaming from now on, it has announced. In a new "vision statement", studio head David Anfossi said that it would be "placing an added emphasis on the online experiences in our games". The developer is hiring new staff, including a lead multiplayer programmer, to support the move and reworking its DAWN engine to better cope with online gaming.

Director of online technology Sébastien Bessette said: "All of these efforts unify our teams towards one single goal, that being to deliver the best online gaming experience to our players."

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Does that mean Deus is dead (or at least non-mmo Deus?). I wonder if that vision is their vision or corporate office vision er lack of vision ?

Btw does this also means Tomb Raider reboot is doomed ?
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Code for :
Always online, microtransactions, DLC, lootboxes (by any name), cosmetics, pay to win, pre order, multi exclusive versions/bonuses, MMO daily login bonus, repeat quests etc.

Prove me wrong Eidos... I doubt you will or can.
Aug 13, 2013
It's just code for opportunism. It doesn't have to translate into the death of anything except what's been dead for ages already.
Do people really want online experiences that much? I get to be online all the time. Gaming on the other hand is something like a luxury. I don't need other people for this… I'm not saying that multiplayer games are all horrible, but playing a good story heavy rpg is a perfect way to relax and really get absorbed in the gameworld…
Oct 19, 2006
Do people really want online experiences that much? I get to be online all the time. Gaming on the other hand is something like a luxury. I don't need other people for this… I'm not saying that multiplayer games are all horrible, but playing a good story heavy rpg is a perfect way to relax and really get absorbed in the gameworld…

Yeah, they do. It feels like you're not wasting time when you're playing with others. I mean, what experience in life do you want to have completely alone?

Games have been multiplayer things since the dawn of time. Primitive sports and competitions, boardgames, cards, etc.

People play online games more often, for longer periods and other people rope them back in. It means more money for the publishers. No one buys item mall cosmetics for single player!

On a related note, I think PUBG is so popular because people play it and DON'T enjoy it but they like the fast progression at the start when you find you loot. Then its just walk walk walk walk until you get shot in the back because you got bored and started daydreaming. So they all think if only they had a good SQUAD to play with they can get to the fun in winning so they nag all their friends to buy it. Then if you win it says "chicken dinner" and everyone can feel very silly for caring about ever reaching this exit point when there were so many opportunities to exit the game along the way. :p

Anyway, back to the primitive games!

After the cavemen discovered kicking rocks around was more fun with other people and called it soccer someone invented a book and people who isolated themselves away in singleplayer land of fiction were soon to be mocked as antisocial people who should get out more. Getting your serving of story style themes like love, betrayal, pride, can now be had online and you can pretend you're being social because your brain is so easy to fool since you're actually just a monkey with 2 less chromosomes and DNA that looks 60% similar to a banana and made mostly of water.

And on that note, I think its time to help the wild animals evolve by giving them unlimited food so they're free to do other things with their time than just hunting to survive. That's how it goes, isn't it?

I mean, if gay people couldn't talk then they'd never have got the government to permit gay marriage. I think as soon as an animal can talk then all the same arguments could apply to human/animal marriage? Who cares who they love!? Man, woman, beast? Are we really so different?! Can't we all just get along and play online games?! :D
Jul 10, 2007
See, I believe the exact opposite. I find much more time is wasted when others are involved, at least with computer games. When playing solo, I can stay conformed to my own intelligence and speed, and function normally. If others are involved, an absolute and mandatory dumbing down eventually filters in. It isn't ego. It's not hubris. It is fact.

You can combat this by being quite strict about who you actually play with, and this is the only way we've been able to curtail our frustration with online activities. All things considered, games online as a whole seem detrimental for the most part.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Eidos Montreal, the maker of Deus Ex, will focus on online experiences.
RIP Eidos Montreal.
Apr 12, 2009
Do people really want online experiences that much? I get to be online all the time. Gaming on the other hand is something like a luxury. I don't need other people for this… I'm not saying that multiplayer games are all horrible, but playing a good story heavy rpg is a perfect way to relax and really get absorbed in the gameworld…

It’s a small sample size but I’m guessing it’s probably pretty representative of the younger generation. My sons, thier friends, cousins play probably 95% online multiplayer and about 5% single player.

The other night I went in to my sons room he was watching a Netflix movie on one screen and had Skype with a bunch of friends on the other. I asked him what was up and he said he was watching a movie with his friends.

They had all started a movie on Netflix at the same time and then talked over Skype and watched the movie. It was like a sleep over but they were all at thier own houses,some in different states.

Gaming and computing in general is becoming a very social thing. Younger people have grown up with this technology and see computers as a social device, a window to thier friends if you will. Companies want to cash in on this, after all I’m 30 yrs older than my son he’ll be a customer much longer than me if they cater to him now.
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