Your first CRPG

Probably Eye of the Beholder on the Amiga which I got as everyone raved about it in the reviews. Didnt enjoy it that much and must say it is one of the more overrated series around with melee focus, forced hand mapping, and very small game worlds. The first RPGs I really enjoyed were some Goldbox games, namely Champions of Krynn, Death Knights of Krynn, and Pool of Radiance.
Nov 4, 2006
the two Intellivision AD&D's on Rob Herrington's boat were my first two.

The original Adventure followed by the Scott Adams adventures

Wizardry I was big big big with the kids after class in the computer room. The lab was entirelyu made up of Apple ][+'s and Circle 2000 Apple ][ clones. Then I got turned on to Ultima 3.

Since I got a TI-99/4a from gramma in 1983 then Tunnels of Doom would be next. At the public library me and my two chess buddies would monopolize the C64 and we managed to finish Questron 2.

This was followed by Bard's Tale and Might and Magic 2 or 3 when I got my own Apple //c. Might and Magic was an amazing game graphically - it eliminated all the wireframes and put in detailed textures but the crazy thing was it had a horse chewing grass in time to the disk loading - chunk chunk..pause..chunk

PS- After 23 years I'm still trying to finish Savage Island Part I
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
My first pc rpg game was Realms of Arkania 2: Startail (Das Schwarze Auge 2: Sternenschweif). At the end of 1994 I bought my first pc (486 DX2 CPU) because I needed one for school. After getting Populous II as a present I could manage to get my hands on Startail. I never actually played such a game before and i didn't know what I just had bought (the cover was very promising ; - ). So I was fourteen when I first entered this world of conflicts, treachery and ethically arguable situations. It was years before I got myself a internet connection, so I had to figure out most of the riddles myself and it took my several months to complete the game the first time. After a few playthroughs I realized that Startail had a predecessor (Blade of Destiny) and so I got this one too (and a few months later the third and last Realms of Arkania game - Shadows over Riva). For years those games were my only experiences with the whole genre.

Only years later I started to collect some of the other interesting series (eye of the beholder, might and magic, etc.). It must have been after I got my hands on Fallout or something. I started playing excessive after finishing school and bought about 200 games in a few years. My favourite genre stayed with the role playing games and I'm very pleased with games like the gothic series, arx fatalis or the latest wizardry installment. When there're no new games worth my attention I can always go back for my yearly revisiting of the Reamls of Arkania trilogy (and trust me that's a yearly event that must not be missed ; - ). Ahhh. lately I installed Might and Magic: World of Xeen on my laptop and that was interesting too. So who needs new games anyway?
Dec 12, 2006
Hello all...

My first CRPG was Bard's Tale II on the Commodore 64. I think it was around 1986 or 1987. I was around 20 years old and had already been playing games for as long as they had been available on home systems (pong, atari 2600, etc). But the Bard's Tale II was my first true computer RPG.

From there on I was hooked (having already been an avid PnP RPG player for over 7 years at the time). I have fed my CRPG addiction over the years and now at 40 years old that addiction still flourishes.

From that day on I have kept every game I ever bought. You could call me a collector, or you could call me insane... either would be fairly accurate. Just for fun, here's a list of the games that I still have (all still have the original boxes, manuals, etc). A few of them aren't CRPGs, but most are:,-1/userHaveListId,19316/userSheetId,66477/

Well, that's my story.
Dec 8, 2006
So who needs new games anyway?

Yes. That's what I think more recently, too. ;)

Last Sunday, I bout an old game by Blizzard called "Blackhawk". It looks like a jump & run game, sort of. ;)

It's always nice to see what companies have made before they grew big and important. ;)

(I bought the Lost Viking in the early 90s, by the way. ;) )
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I forget the name of the software. It was around 1976, and I played it on an MITS Altair 8800. There was no sound or graphics. It was pure text. I remember thinking it was very cool.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
Atari Adventure here. Anyone remember getting eaten and bouncing around in the dragon's stomach? Ah to be just a itty bitty cube again...

Man talk about memories!

Same here!

Also, "Dungeons of Dagorath" on the TRS 80 Color Computer.

First "modern" RPG I played was Ultima 3 (NES version) If you can still consider that game modern.

First modern RPG I played on a PC was Fallout.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Ah, yes Venture on the Atari 2600. That could count as my first one too I guess. Donny Wahl had the cartridge. We nicknamed the dragons Ketchup, Mustard and Relish (Red, Yellow, and Green).

We never saw the vanity screen though that the programmer got fired over.

Few people realize its an actually adaptation of the aforementioned (Colossal Caverns) text Adventure game. Probably because its not text and plays nothing like it :eek:

does anyone remember what the RPG was on the Odyssey 2? In about 1987 or 88 I had the opportunity to actually play it. There were two adventurers and the load screens between dungeons were horrendously long I remember.

(I just love saying the word, "aforementioned")
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Ah, yes Venture on the Atari 2600.
You meant Adventure, right? But you brought to mind the brilliant stand up arcarde game, Venture. (The one with the protaginast that's just a big smily face with a bow stuck to his head) That one ROCKED!! Think I may go find the emulator version tonight...

does anyone remember what the RPG was on the Odyssey 2? In about 1987 or 88 I had the opportunity to actually play it. There were two adventurers and the load screens between dungeons were horrendously long I remember.

Quest for the Ring? Never played it, but it looked AWESOME.

And just for the hell of it, ALL CAPS AGAIN!!!

Oct 18, 2006
I got POOL OF RADIANCE for my Commodore 64. Unlike my friend's copy of CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS on his IBM, PoR featured a whopping 16 colors (compared to my friend's measley 4) and multi-part music, unlike my friend's pathetic tone-based music. Why, his IBM didn't even have a joystick, so he had to use keystroke commands to make people move.

"Face it," I remember telling my friend, "The IBM just isn't very good for games. If you want real entertainment, you should go with the Commodore 64."

"I don't know," my friend said. "I'm going to stick with the PC for now."

Well, I think we BOTH know who won that one. (cough) ;)

Haven't read everybody's, but later on, I also had a great time with Star Control II. Given that it let you upgrade your ship, offered a BioWare-style dialogue tree, and had such a fantastic story that let you explore a universe that reacted to your accomplishments, I'd rank it as one of my favorite CRPGs ever.
Dec 6, 2006
My first computer game, Zeliard [ゼリアード] (1987, Game Arts [ゲームアーツ]), may not belong to the CRPG genre due to its linear plot and dominantly hack-and-slash style. Nevertheless, at least it gets a dragon. ^^;;

In any case, a screenshot is as follows:

Last edited:
Oct 22, 2006
Probably The Bards Tale on C64, but I can't really remember past all my text based adventure mental scar tissue.

You're in a cave, you can see:
- Large Sword.

> Get Sword
... You can't do that!

> Take Sword
... You don't know how to do that.

> Take large sword
... That's impossible!

> Give me the f*@king sword
... You can't do that!

> Get large sword
... You don't know how to do that.

> Get Large Sword
... You take the Large Sword.
Feb 8, 2007
Hahahahaha, boy does that bring back memories!! Welcome to our little corner of the universe!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
It's either C64 Temple of Apshia trilogy or AD&D Cloudy Mountain on the intellivision. I don't remember which one came first. The sound coming from the monsters were eerie back then. Also Treasure of Tarmin was great on the Intellivision. There was a color system for the treasure. I don't remember what it was now but the different colors for the items meant it had more or less power.
Feb 3, 2007
I still have both of those Intellivision games!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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