Mass Effect 2: What best DLC to use with a main play?

I took the question as "are any of these DLCs important to play before the end of the game?" My answer was an is Kasumi.

If the question is "which DLCs are good and worth playing" then I would say Shadowbroker and Overlord are the two really good ones.
Jan 28, 2011
Shadowbroker would be very logical to play during the main campaign, the game sort of introduce it even without it installed.

But the end of chapter has been quite intense because of the last quests I choose play before jump in chapter 3, and this chapter 3 seems hot, so there's no real bonus to play now, other DLC than Kasumi.
Oct 14, 2007
Finished it, woo great game. I don't care if it's RPG or not well it's clearly RPG anyway, I don't care they probably get influenced a bit by crap games like COD4, I don't care they probably keep in focus to keep it more easy to enter in for more casual players. I think they did a bit of all of that, but the point is it was a great experience.

And to come back to topic, it was great to have used the Kasumi DLC.

EDIT: Yeah the end is more like an intermediate end, it's incredible the huge decision the game let you, I just can't believe they'll be able to implement the consequences of all major players choices in ME3.
Oct 14, 2007
Been playing more than half of Arrival now and while it's not as good as Overlord or Shadow Broker I say it's not as bad as Witch Hunt. It is a quite solid experience and I think it was worth the money.
Oct 26, 2006
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