PoE The White March part 2

Pillars of Eternity
Saw this in my email this morning. I actually haven't evened finished PoE (much less part 1 of the White March), but I figured I'd pick it up sooner or later. Pleasant surprise though when I went to GOG. I pledged high enough to get the expansion included, but I figured that just mean the first part. Wouldn't have blamed them for not including the second part, but there it was! Love Obsidian!
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
They split the expansion in two so the wait for new content would be shorter. They originally promised a proper expansion to KS backers though so I would have been royally pissed off if they would have tried to weasel out of it with the split. Seriously. Giving us both parts for "free" (well, not really given the pledge tier) was the least they could do.
Oct 18, 2006
about dev commentary
any way to enable subtitles for them? dont understand some at all
I'm been replaying PoE v3.0 and I find it much improved from version 1.0. I also decided to play a bit differently, going all over the map instead of doing quests in one place as soon as I get them like I did in my first playthrough. The pacing feels much better that way.

I like the Stronghold update as well. I'm finally able to execute criminals that visit my land and petition me instead of sending someone to escort them so they can come back a few days later. I even got a case where I could "converse" with my companions for options. They also seems to have increase the time before event elapse/auto-resolve, back in 1.0 you had like 2 days to return, now it seems to be 4+ most of the time. You don't feel like you have to abandon what you were doing so much anymore.

I just got the "invitation" to go the White March, I can't wait to see it and complete my roster.

about dev commentary
any way to enable subtitles for them? dont understand some at all

Late response, but there is no subtitles for the dev commentary. People have been asking for them, maybe they will make some at some point.
Oct 13, 2007
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