Fable 3 - Failure Should Not Kill the Series


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
UnrealityMag writer Paul posted a new article where he talks about the failure of Fable III, and how it should not stop Lionhead from developing Fable 4.

The roadmap is there, and there’s proof that single-player RPGs are still in-demand, as evidenced by Dragon Age: Inquisition and everyone on earth dying to play Elder Scrolls VI sometime before they die of old age. And this is an age where Microsoft very, very much needs exclusives to compete with the likes of Sony. They’ve been on a role recently between Sunset Overdrive and Halo: The Master Chief Collection compared to Sony’s well…nothing, and a new true Fable game would work magic in 2015 or 2016.

The roadmap to fix the series is there, and everyone knows all things that made Fable 3 so shitty. But the way to fix them wasn’t to transform the series into another genre, it was to get up and try again. Molyneaux gave up, but the franchise doesn’t need to die, and someone a bit more sane at the helm might actually work wonders for the series.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I am not sure how much you would have to pay me to play a Fable 4 before DA:I, Witcher 3, or ES 6. If ES 6 was just released and I had to slog through 15-20 hours of Fable to play it, I need a sizeable sum. Maybe less than half what I make a month, maybe not. I don't think there is much profit in Lionhead in that.

The entire series is in the minor leagues compared to those kinds of games. I don't know why someone would bother to write an article begging for another one.
Feb 2, 2007
i never could stomach this series.. and now it clearly is not the time to work on another chink.
and yes, that author is clearly no1 to be trusted )
Aug 7, 2008
St it's time Fable 1 was okay game. Recently I've tried to replay it, I couldn't bare it for more than an hour, many years passed, it didn't age well and I'm not talking about it's graphics.
Fable 2 was never on PC.
Fable 3 is one of those rare games where I got so annoyed (here by repetitive content and grinding) that I never finish them.

Fable 4? Not buying. Unless it's totally different from 1&3. But then it's not Fable, right?
Apr 12, 2009
You know a franchise is on death's door when publishers begin squeezing every last drop out of it by making cheap knock offs that are nothing at all like the franchise was. Fable Kinect and Fable MOBA are the telltale signs that the series is doomed. Hope I'm wrong, I'd like nothing more than to play an improved Fable 1/2.
Oct 18, 2006
First one was good at the time, didn't care for the sequels. I wouldn't be particularly excited for a new one.
Oct 15, 2012
The first Fable game was okay, nothing special but had it's fun despite lots of nonsense, the most memorable thing about it was probably kicking chickens which says a lot and sums it up nicely.

As for Fable 3, just watching videos about them showing it off before release made me cringe and laugh. It was completely absurd that it even got put onto paper nevermind got out the door.

I want to say I don't care either way if they continue the series, though then I think of that shameful milking of Fable 1 which was nothing but some money snatching, so let them and the series go the way of the Dodo, good riddance.
Jan 6, 2014
Fable and Fable 2 were both good and worth playing, certainly.

If they make another good Fable - I'll get it. If not, no big deal.

There's always room for good games, so I don't think the series needs to die. But, let's just say I'm not expecting anything from Fable in the future.
Played Fable 2 quite a bit. Combat was dumb console stuff. I don't like fighters, I much prefer it when my spreadsheet overwhelms the enemy spreadsheet. I can do 1st person shooter (w/ mouse&keyboard) or action-y Diablo combat and have fun if it's presented well. Mostly the combat was so easy I just ignored it. For me the game was about buying every single property and watching my millions grow. I think the "gotta catch 'em all" aspect is fun and I'd play a properly made F4. But ya, it's not very core RPG, it's one of those games that spends a lot of time with other things you can do. And that's cool for what it is.
Oct 18, 2006
As for Fable 3, just watching videos about them showing it off before release made me cringe and laugh. It was completely absurd that it even got put onto paper nevermind got out the door.

My less then 1 hour time spent with Fable 3 didn't even allow me to know how bad the actual gameplay was. I simply couldn't get passed the idea of the 'Sanctuary' as the metaphor for the user interface. It was slow to load and cumbersome (to put it nicely) to perform what should be simple UI tasks.

There was just no way I was going to wrestle with that concept for an entire game.
Oct 18, 2006
The execution in all three games of the Fable series has been so disappointing that I would rather see completely different developers take specific inspiration from the elements that were innovative than let Lionhead take a fourth crack at them.

I say this as someone who genuinely believed after Fable 2 that they had gotten close enough to getting it right the second time out that the third time would surely be a home run -- and then instead it was the most flashily empty misfire of Molyneux's three attempts!
Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
I can't imagine a scenario where I would ever be compelled to play anything Molyneux had a hand in again. I think it was the farting that did it, more than anything else (not that I had a shortage of complaints).
Oct 3, 2007
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