Realms Beyond - Kickstarter Live

Yes, what else could it be?
My point is that by saying...
Voice over are very expensive and don't really add anything essential to a game.
You mixed an objectifiable statement (voice over is expensive) which is generally agreed upon with a highly subjective statement (voice over don't add anything essential) in one sentence suggesting that the latter is equally objectifyable and generally agreed upon.
So I thought that should be clarified.

I agree with you that in a game like this voice overs should be left out because there are other features with a better cost-benefit ratio.
May 6, 2013
True, but that's why you just get VA for a few key lines/dialogues and leave the rest un-VA'ed. There isn't much valid argument in my book for full VA, certainly not for a game of this kind. But that's just my book.

I agree with your book. And contrary to what many others seem to think, for some people full voice overs are indeed a bad thing, not just unnecessary but a major annoyance. They are a pain in dialogues in PoE2 for example, because they disrupt my reading. The only worse thing is when you don't have the text at all and have to listen to all of the dialogues (In dialogue heavy games, it's not a problem in other genres)
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Dec 20, 2010
Yes, I wanted to add that "Add-ons" section today but had too much work with Twitter, comments on KS and our updates.
Just add 25 EUR and get another digital copy (Steam or DRM free 99%

Thanks, I'll do that then.

Edit: And done.
Dec 20, 2010
I agree with your book. And contrary to what many others seem to took, for some people full voice overs are indeed a bad thing, not just unnecessary but a major annoyance. They are a pain in dialogues in PoE2 for example, because they disrupt my reading.
Yep exactly, I read ahead while the VA is still reading some earlier text and, if anything, it's just distracting when it's going on constantly. If it was just a few key lines/dialogues, then it wouldn't be a big deal.

The only worse thing is when you don't have the text at all have to listen to all of the dialogues (In dialogue heavy games, it's not a problem in other genres)
I just don't play any game that doesn't offer subtitles/written dialogues, and also a good way to skip the VA and move on to the next section of subtitle/dialogue. Also occasionally, you run into a game where the skip feature is horribly broken and when you try to skip ahead on the text, it skips a bunch of it (both text and the VA for it) so you just completely miss out on some stuff. Last game I saw this on was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and it's a large part of why I didn't play it past the first few hours. Granted, it sucked in numerous other ways too though.
Sep 26, 2007

Because people that interesting in this game aren't stupid, they will value quality and they will be picky in their backing.
If you are annoyed from voice, maybe that is a sensory or/and auditory defect. Most gamers haven't problems like that and, like myself, enjoy quality voicing.
Otherwise, we will have stay in analogy in cinema, in the non talking movies and we will haven't so advanced sound systems.
And in any case, it's easy to add a option in the game to close the voice for them that have auditory issues.

You have reason in your talks but I'm not sure, when you speak for "better cost-benefit ratio", you are referring to the developers or to the Gamers?
May 3, 2008
If you are annoyed from voice, maybe that is a sensory or/and auditory defect.
I don't think you understand his complaint. The annoyance doesn't come merely from there being a voice present. It comes from the fact that the voice is reading different text than you're reading with your eyes, because you can read faster than the voice actor can talk, and if you don't enjoy wasting your time while playing RPGs, you're certainly reading ahead. Furthermore, most of these games provide no way to disable redundant voice acting while leaving all other sound enabled.
Sep 26, 2007
Stingray got it right. Of course, if people can't read faster than what you can speak, they'll never notice this problem. Comparing it to Movies is pretty silly, that's a whole different medium.

A better example would be listening to an audio book while reading it at the same time, and constantly waiting for the audio to catch up…

I do enjoy both movies and audio books though, but when it cones to computer games I prefer reading, because it's the more active approach (and faster).
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Dec 20, 2010
Someone pissed griniaris off. He has hardly any posts since 2008 and than talk about voice acting and boom he is engaged big time. Two of my favorite games are Battle Brothers and Eador Genesis so you know where I stand on this issue. ;)

Save the money and add more monsters and magic items and upgrade the modding tools if you have extra money.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
I only play a party-based game about once every 5 years or so. I've got Pathfinder for that itch so I'll pass on this one. Glad it's being made though. We have quite a crew of isometric/top down lovers here.
Oct 18, 2006
Personally don't care if a game has full VA , partial VA , or none.

My own personal opinion so moving on now.:movingon:
Oct 1, 2010

I'm not pissed off.
I have great time there.
I love it.

Man, you have take the wrong Idea about what I have sayed.
In Audio Books you can configure the Audio speed to catch your reading speed.
In Movies you can configure the subtitles speed to catch the audio pace.

On the other hand, many people have different "speeds" in their reading or/and listening ability, in comparison to their "thinking speed". In my work, Ι have worked with many kids with sensory disabilities or/and marginal mental abilities that have the above mentioned characteristics.

It's very common for people to have no idea that they can be like that. Sometimes, other people misinterpret those signs and thing them as signs of slowness but this is not the case, all tho sometimes it is the case.

So you should not make the mistake to think that the speed of thinking, that is intelligent depended, is always in par with the reading or listening "speed". Many times are just not coordinated.

Of course, there other means to justify your thinking ability and not the reading speed. The ability to see things that are interconnected, like the different media you mentioned before, is something that dimwitted people can't do!

Anyway, I hope I have gave you a little light for those matters.:)
May 3, 2008
You mixed an objectifiable statement (voice over is expensive) which is generally agreed upon with a highly subjective statement (voice over don't add anything essential) in one sentence suggesting that the latter is equally objectifyable and generally agreed upon.
So I thought that should be clarified.
Jul 27, 2018
I agree on voice acting. I'm fine with text for dialog; especially in games without first person graphics. Most characters are tiny blobs on the screen so I can't really relate to them anyway. It's why I've never finished an infinity engine game except for Icewind Dale. In ID the combat kept me interested to the end.
Oct 18, 2006
I thought the voices in the divinity original sin games added a *lot* of value as well as in dragon age origin; but in bards tale iv they were a waste.
In this specific game there is not enough material presented around the story and diversity in character personalities for me to comment. But overall i've enjoyed the voices in many party based rpg i've played.

My point is that by saying…

You mixed an objectifiable statement (voice over is expensive) which is generally agreed upon with a highly subjective statement (voice over don't add anything essential) in one sentence suggesting that the latter is equally objectifyable and generally agreed upon.
So I thought that should be clarified.

I agree with you that in a game like this voice overs should be left out because there are other features with a better cost-benefit ratio.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
We won't spend our limited funds to voice-over texts, but for voice-sets that work for all languages.

You could do Jagged Alliance 1-style jabber. That would sound like talking and fit for all languages. Of course not in dialogues - big portraits of two characters talking -, but during battlefield banter!
Mar 21, 2013
Man, you have take the wrong Idea about what I have sayed.
In Audio Books you can configure the Audio speed to catch your reading speed. In Movies you can configure the subtitles speed to catch the audio pace.

On the other hand, many people have different "speeds" in their reading or/and listening ability, in comparison to their "thinking speed".

So you should not make the mistake to think that the speed of thinking, that is intelligent depended, is always in par with the reading or listening "speed". Many times are just not coordinated.

First, there's no way you can make an audio book match your reading speed if you're a somewhat fast reader. The audio would be totally incomprehensible.

Second, of course the subtitle of the movie should match the audio of the movie. But what if the subtitles where always located 20 seconds ahead of the audio? You wouldn't find that annoying?

Third, I'm pretty sure pretty much ALL people think, read and talk at different speeds.

Fourth, when have I mentioned intelligence? I'm just talking about reading, which different people do at different speeds, probably a lot more related to how much they've read than to how intelligent they are.
Dec 20, 2010
Fourth, when have I mentioned intelligence? I'm just talking about reading, which different people do at different speeds, probably a lot more related to how much they've read than to how intelligent they are.

Although if you wanted to throw gas on this fire, there is a science study done every 10ish years that suggests that reading speed is connected to intelligence :)
Once the outrage subsided we could discuss how political correctness mantra blinds science and how science itself is blind to reality. We could have outrage from all the groups. :)
Aug 13, 2013
As for voice acting, 99% of the time I think its a giant waste of money. My games don't need to be movies.

"You must gather your party before venturing forth."
Aug 13, 2013
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