Lord of the Rings Online Discussion

You won't believe this, but the problem was my power supply. For some reason it was way under-powering my laptop. Know how I fixed it? Unplugging it and plugging it into a different socket. Problem completely solved after that. Only tricky thing now is, if this happens again, I may need to replace my power supply. Turns out this has happened to other Alienware users in the past, that's how I found out about it by researching old forum posts on NBR. So relieved that it's solved, though. That was seriously looking dire.
wow. Yeah I have multiple bricks myself. My dog ate one already so I'm going to order a new backup. Glad you got it sorted!
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I took a short break from LOTRO for a few days. Was playing Everquest 2. I have to say, upon returning to Middle Earth, it was very refreshing. EQ2 is a good game, but LOTRO has that certain something that makes it the better game for me. Maybe it's the atmosphere, or the fact that everything just fits together perfectly, or the high amount of polish, but whatever it is, LOTRO has it.

EQ2 definitely has some things going for it. Nice quest design and stories, lots of races and classes to choose from, cool little touches like underwater combat, flying mounts (and many different styles of mounts as well), and it seems to have a good amount of lore to go with it. So it's definitely a cool game. Not sure how much I will be playing that game, though, now that I'm back in LOTRO.

Can't wait for Update 11! Daily hobbit presents :)
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