
Turn-based lifeform
Nebula: Sole Survivor is an action RPG that was recently launched on KS. While I'm generally not a big fan of shooter / action RPGs this looks pretty nice. I may back since it's only ~$9 for a digital copy. The developer has promised that there will be "no paid DLC". Just sent him a question about DRM-free options.
Developer responded to my question that there will be a DRM-free release as well as Steam (assuming they're Greenlit).

But with just a little over 10% of their goal reached so far, it's going to need some publicity to get funded.
Looks damn good and interesting. Get RE in space feel from it...Claire Redfield is looking good there as well. :p
It's an interesting setting and background for a game. I'm not sure I buy the science behind the life forms, as Europa is a pretty low energy environment with a sub-ice ocean. But that probably won't matter in terms of enjoyment.