
The game always crashes, especially while encounting the Dragon Ship, with the full following message:
"There's too many physical objects in the scene, please reduce their amount"

How can I reduce this amount ? What file and what precise change to note down ?

By the way, is there a process to manipulate ini.files
as it is written consecutively 1 for "increasing" and 0 for "decreasing"

the game engine is a really upsetting one...
did you try replaying at an earlier save?

Ive had this error occur and went back to the previous planets save to fix it.
except once on Reandore, working for the free traders, then it got bad, and I started an earlier save and choose to begin working for the empire.(when A-Z asks you)
but if youve pissed the empire off, then you need to find an empire representative and pay him off first.

Ive noticed this error only really happens when working with the free traders on Reandore. (who knows why, the programmers probably rushed past it and missed something.)