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Cyberpunk 2077 - Interview about Gangs & Preview

by Silver, 2020-10-01 03:17:06

TheGamer has an exclusive interview with CD Projekt Red about the gangs of Cyberpunk 2077.

Okay. Each gang seems to have a specific rival. I know you can’t join a gang because you said so in the video, but will you be forced to choose a side in those conflicts?

Like I mentioned in the video, you will sometimes get jobs that were given to a fixer by some gang members. So you kind of do dabble in this dynamic between them, but you won’t really push sides - it’s more doing gigs that will change some local bands of power, rather than shifting the huge bands of power in the entire city. Of course, you will encounter them a lot when you explore the city. Some of them do fight each other over territory or some gang business and stuff like that. I guess that covers it without going too much into the spoiler area.

You said that they have conflicts with each other - is that systemic, does that happen naturally in the world as you are exploring as well as during the story?

To be honest, most of our content is hand-crafted. It’s mostly tailored. We don’t really go into systemic, generated solutions that would generate some random conflicts across the city. Most of the stuff you see as you travel through Night City - like in The Witcher 3 - is hand-crafted and custom made by us.


Gameinformer has an preview of Cyberpunk 2077.

Diving Deep Into Progression

CD Projekt Red has discussed skill trees and customization in the past, but we were not prepared for the full breadth of options available. Every time we leveled up, exciting new perks beckoned, and finding new gear and weapons of various rarities made us want to search every corner of the world. One of the strongest aspects of Cyberpunk 2077 is how every system has multiple layers. It can be overwhelming at first, but once you get a handle on the way those systems interact, tinkering with them is exhilarating and rewarding.

As you level up, you unlock attribute points and perks. You invest points in improving the main attributes, but each one also has its own branching perk tree for unlocking new skills. For instance, in the intelligence attribute path, there are two hacking paths: device or target. You can mix and match skills from both. Device skills improve your prowess with hacking things like security systems and turrets, while target skills disrupt enemy cyberware, like calling an enemy to another to get them both in range for a grenade detonation. Prefer the subtle approach? A high cool attribute provides options for stealth, like adding aerial takedowns, or a Cold Blood tree that buffs movement, damage, and other effects when your health drops.

How far you go down any given path is determined by the corresponding attribute level, and the more you do something like hack or use a specific gun, the more your proficiency grows. “Basically if you want to level up a skill and a specific weapon … you basically level it up as you use that specific tool,” Tomaszkiewicz explains. “However, the maximum amount to which you can level up that skill is limited by a specific stat. For example, your hacking ability cannot exceed your intelligence stat. So if your intelligence is four, you cannot level up hacking higher than four.”


Thanks Farflame!

Information about

Cyberpunk 2077

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Cyberpunk
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
