Your donations keep RPGWatch running!
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RPGWatch - About the Donations

by Myrthos, 2019-11-05 11:00:45

We are running RPGWatch without ads for some time now and even when we did have ads they only covered a small part of the total cost, because we had chosen to make sure the ads are not very obtrusive and are only about games. For the most part we have been running on donations from our visitors.
The advantage of doing this is that there are none or only a few game related ads. The disadvantage is that we are fully dependent on donations.

The current situation is that we are not really close to have the operational cost of this year covered by donations. I am looking into lowering that cost for next year, but that isn't going to help for this year.

This is why I am making this post to ask our RPGWatch members and other visitors if they are able to make a donation, which allows us to get closer to covering our operational cost for this year.
Any amount of money that you can spare for RPGWatch will help in reaching that goal. When we receive more donations than needed for this year, they will be used to cover the operational cost of next year.

At the moment we are only supporting PayPal donations. If you would like to donate in another way, contact me via a PM or via the 'Contact Us' option in the 'Contact' menu, near the top of the page. If you would like to make a recurring payment then this can be done using PayPal.

Thanks for being with us!

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