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Once again the next game from Spiderweb Software will be another remaster of Geneforge 2. The project will launch soon. Here is the link so you can set a reminder.

Edit: Link Fixed
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I currently have 7 games, counting Geneforge 2, that I want to remaster. I put a huge amount of work into these projects, going over everything carefully. It takes about 18 months for a full remaster. Which means this is a project that will carry me to retirement age.

However, it's a tough business, we're still a tiny company, and children gotta' eat. We can only make these games with the support of our supportive, awesome fans, all of whom have terrific taste.
I'd no idea they were serious about doing that many remasters, looks like a few more are going to get facelifts sometime in the future.
I'm not sure why he keeps refering to the new Final Fantasy as a remaster when it clearly isn't. It is a remake and the game is even called "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE" in all uppercase! Although he does seem to use the term quite broadly. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is the remaster and it just improved the visuals, added a couple of new modes and a few new quests/characters. Quite similar to what he does I guess.
So, probably the other 6 he still wants to remaster, besides Geneforge 2, are Geneforge 3/4/5 and Avernum 4/5/6. Guess this means he isn't planning on ever doing Nethergate?

edit: just saw a reply on the blog entry's comments where he seems to essentially confirm this, although he leaves open the possibility that Nethergate might happen eventually.
I'm not sure why he keeps refering to the new Final Fantasy as a remaster when it clearly isn't. It is a remake and the game is even called "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE" in all uppercase! Although he does seem to use the term quite broadly. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is the remaster and it just improved the visuals, added a couple of new modes and a few new quests/characters. Quite similar to what he does I guess.
I'm not sure I'd call Intergrade a remaster. It's more of an extended edition with some minor upgrades and the DLC add-in included.
Game was funded in the first week. Here is the first update.

Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter One Week Update!
Greetings, supporters! It has been a week since the Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter started, and it’s time for the first of several weekly updates.

We are thrilled with how the Kickstarter has gone. It funded almost immediately, and we’ve already reached our first stretch goal. There will be a game (out early 2023), and it will have a new creation to send into battle. After the Kickstarter is done, we’ll begin asking your opinions for what it should be and what it can do.

We’re looking good for our next stretch goal: Adding a new, long quest storyline with a bunch of new sections to explore. Hopefully, it will fund before next week’s update.
Avg $54.66 per backer, for a game that will sell for $20. When you figure in the Steam tax, and Kickstarter's much lower tax, he's getting 3.6X as much money from each backer on Kickstarter as he'll get from each full-price buyer on Steam.

This Kickstarter is only 1/4th of the way done and it's already boosted his bottom line by about $38K, compared to a scenario where these 1047 backers would have just bought the game on Steam instead.

By the time the KS is over, it'll be at least $50K free money in his pocket, compared to not using KS. And he runs one just about every year. No wonder he still uses it.
Avg $54.66 per backer, for a game that will sell for $20. When you figure in the Steam tax, and Kickstarter's much lower tax, he's getting 3.6X as much money from each backer on Kickstarter as he'll get from each full-price buyer on Steam.

This Kickstarter is only 1/4th of the way done and it's already boosted his bottom line by about $38K, compared to a scenario where these 1047 backers would have just bought the game on Steam instead.

By the time the KS is over, it'll be at least $50K free money in his pocket, compared to not using KS. And he runs one just about every year. No wonder he still uses it.
There are some gullible people in this world.
I've got nothing against people who want to pay extra for a game to support the developers, although Vogel's low-effort games are probably the last place I'd do that. (I still like his games, just don't see why I should pay more than the minimum when he never seems to do more than the minimum himself)

I'm just amazed at how much extra money KS is making for him. I think Geneforge 1 sold really well, too, from what I've seen/heard. He must be rolling in dough right now compared to 5 years ago.
Heck, if I'd the money I'd throw a bit their way, as they've provided me with hundreds of hours of sheer entertainment over the decades. As it stands, I'll be one that nibbles at the twenty dollar price at release.
Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter Week Two Update
We have reached our second stretch goal! This means that we’ll be adding a whole new storyline to Geneforge 2, with its own characters, sections, sweet loot, and a new creation to discover. The world of Geneforge is full of stuff that can be expanded in interesting ways. There are things we can expand upon that people have been asking for for twenty years, and we were listening!

We also just got a very nice write-up from PC Gamer magazine. We have a huge fondness for PC Gamer. It’s one of the last old-school game magazines around, and they have been covering us since the 90s. Them stepping in to help us out in our old age gives us a warm feeling in our hearts.

As for development itself, we are slowly gearing up to begin development of the game itself. Thinking up new ideas. Taking a second look at the game elements we’ve already designed and seeing what we’re still happy with. The Geneforge 1 remaster got a very kind reception, and we want to make sure you still like us. Right now we’re still taking a bit of a breath, but serious development will begin the moment the Kickstarter ends.
It looks like to me that the majority of people haven't paid more than they would on Steam. Average is bad metric on KS because as you see in this one there are 10 people who have paid $1,000 (god knows why they would pay that much for a low effort game). Median would be a better meansurement. Most people have paid either 20 dollars or 30 dollars (for a hint book/art).
It looks like to me that the majority of people haven't paid more than they would on Steam. Average is bad metric on KS because as you see in this one there are 10 people who have paid $1,000 (god knows why they would pay that much for a low effort game). Median would be a better meansurement. Most people have paid either 20 dollars or 30 dollars (for a hint book/art).
That's true, wasn't really looking at that, wasn't my focus. I was just interested in seeing how much extra money he's making by doing a Kickstarter.

Updated numbers there:

- 1198 backers
- If they had all bought the game on Steam for $20, then after the 30% Steam tax, that's $16772 revenue.
- Kickstarter is at $63342. Kickstarter will charge roughly 9% in fees, so that's $57641 revenue.

Gains from doing a Kickstarter: $40869 (probably won't hit my $50K projection...)
You might be surprised, as often there tends to be a flurry of activity near the end of a campaign, especially if folk get vocal about it. It wouldn't surprise me if they cross the fifty k rubicon, when all is said and done.
Geneforge 2 Infestation - Kickstarter, One Week Left
The Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter is entering its final week! We’re really thrilled with how it’s turned out. We’re still a ways from our next stretch goal (a new storyline with a bunch of content), but there is always a surge of backers and interest near the end. Fingers crossed!

To try to get attention, I’ve been writing a flurry of blog posts on our Substack. There isn’t a huge market for really long articles on game design, but we’re working every angle to get attention. Also, though it’s a lot of work, it is a nice hobby.
Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter - We Did It!
The Kickstarter is done, and it was a huge success! It funded far above the minimum level. It reached two stretch goals and almost reached a third. Thank you all so much for your support. It means a great deal to us, and we’re all fired up and ready to write this game!

This is a good time to make sure updates from Kickstarter don’t end up in your spam filter. We’ll be sending out regular messages, some of which will ask for your feedback and ideas. Watch out for them, especially if you backed at a high level where you’re adding content to the game.

Now that we’re transitioning from the planning and begging phase to the full-on creating phase, it’s time to get to work. There’s a lot to think about and a lot to do. So let’s get to it …

We reached two stretch goals. We will be adding a whole new storyline with several new zones. We are also adding a new creation based on your feedback.

We will start asking for your creation ideas in a month or so. This experiment in Geneforge 1 - Mutagen resulted in the Cockatrice, a powerful and mercurial beastie with unique abilities. (And it will be reappearing in Geneforge 2 - Infestation.) The cockatrice was a reward for a high level mission, but these new creations don’t need to be. They can be creations you get early on. Start thinking up your wild ideas now.

We got close to the third stretch goal. Close enough, we say! We will be putting a hidden quest line in the game, a tricky mission with powerful rewards that will only be found by the persistent. It’s the least we can do after you were all so generous in your support.

So, again, watch for these messages! We have a lot to do.
This kickstarter motivated me to play the remaster of Geneforge 1 Mutagen. I think I got it for free on Epic Games as I don't think I would of bought it since I did play the original aons ago.

I have to say I was very disappointed. I found it so tiresome to play as it seemed like there were very few QOL features that had been added. The UI felt even worse than the original. Buttons that you would normally push in sequence would often be put on the other side of a popup which mean I was spending far too much time moving the mouse around to achieve simple things. The shortcut keys are way too limited, basic ones like "Take all" are missing - instead you have to navigate to a tiny button the size of about 10 pixels. It's just poor design. Apparently the solution to this is to run the game at a lower resolution...

Even basic things like if you click next to water the game won't register the click unless you happen to be on the "tile" where you can move even though it is unclear eactly where the tiles start and end unless you are in combat mode.

For some reason you have to go into settings to enable an option to have the game map make full use of the screen if you have a widescreen monitor - otherwise you end up with vertical black bars on each side. Why not have it turned on by default?

I only got to the 3rd map before I started asking myself if I really want to slog through this. I might try another few maps but at this point I am thinking I might have to just skip this game which is something I rarely do. At least in this case I can justify it because I finished the original.