Also, to others who completed it:
Did the story and writing seem somewhat confused and messy towards the end? The writing in PB games is usually at its best when it's a bit simple, but it's never really been as bad as some people claim. The story in ELEX 1, with the comet, the Hybrid, Calaan, the betrayel, Dawkins etc is actually pretty good, but I wasn't a big fan of the story towards the end of ELEX 2. The singularity, Dex, Dawkins somehow masterminding everything despite finding no indications of that in his personal logs in ELEX 1 and so on. It just didn't work for me.

Am I the only one?
Edit: There are a few unique weapons that can only be found if you max out fuel.

Edit 2: Oh yeah, the whole infection thing really got on my nerves. Comments and such ("That.. thing.. will happen to me") were far too frequent.

Probably needs its own thread but:
1. Didn't like the quest list so I worked on getting the side stuff done, went through most of the MQ with few side quests so it did not feel it flowed as it could have.
2. Exploring came later but meant I didn't do as much, more for a second go though
3. I liked the companion quests even though sometimes they cut across each other, a bit confusing

Not sure it was noticeably worse or better than the first really, I find many MQ's in open world games to really lose their way the later the game goes. Also the whole Dex thing seemed to be an add on rather than fully integrated - I'm assuming it is because of Elex 3
One complaint I have is that it's too easy to accumulate money. I'm only level 14, and I'm already swimming in more shards than I can spend.

Even though damaged weapons sell for much less, you can still acquire a ton of shards by selling them or repairing them with 1 level in blacksmithing and then selling them for more even with the 3 to 1 trade-off. They should have made damaged weapons basically worthless imo. Either that or less common.
The top-end armour and weapons do offer somewhere to put that money but yeah. By the endgame the game had pretty much moved on from being about gathering resources and into taking the fight to the enemy for me. Which I was fine with - it's ok to change style for different parts of the story, quite good even IMO.
Is it just me, or are the companion quests wildly unpredictable in terms of difficulty? I wish there was some indication of what was in store for us before starting them.

Fox's first quest after he joins you at The Bastion...

So I agreed to help him deal with these Outlaws that supposedly beat up his friend. We get teleported to Ignadon, I talk to their leader, and he immediately one-shots both of us as soon as the conversation ends. And that was just the one guy. There are several others there too.

Prior to that, I had done all of Caja's quests and several for C.R.O.N.Y. and Falk, and they were all fairly easy.
Caja robots quest easy?
You must have waited quite a while before going for it - I tried it as soon as it appeared and the difficulty bar felt extremely high at that point.

But yes, difficulty of any quest is quite unpredictable at early stages.
Sure, when you get a quest to kill a troll logically that one can't be easy, but in other cases you can't know.

The other cooment was on money.
Money you need. Certain items that you will unlock later are very expensive.
Is it just me, or are the companion quests wildly unpredictable in terms of difficulty? I wish there was some indication of what was in store for us before starting them.

Fox's first quest after he joins you at The Bastion…

That spoiler thing happened to me too. I went away and did some other stuff, I can only assume that something needed to happen within the overall story prior to attempting the quest. When I arrived a few levels later it played out very differently.

I found some of the quest chaining a bit erratic but wondered if I was playing it too fast (if that makes sense)

With Elex 1, I found my second playthrough more detailed and logical. Possibly I was so focused on staying alive first time around that I wasn't absorbing the story
Caja robots quest easy?
You must have waited quite a while before going for it - I tried it as soon as it appeared and the difficulty bar felt extremely high at that point.

Compared to the one I mentioned, yeah, Caja's quest was a cakewalk. I think her quests are meant to be done earlier than the others.

That spoiler thing happened to me too. I went away and did some other stuff, I can only assume that something needed to happen within the overall story prior to attempting the quest. When I arrived a few levels later it played out very differently.

Thing is, there's nothing to indicate to the player when it's a good time for that quest. They should have designed it where Fox doesn't even present that quest until you're a higher level.
I actually didn't find Fox until I was a reasonably high level, so while I found that quest a challenge, I eventually managed it with a lot of running and sniping!!
I've completed it with the Berserkers, Albs (Clerics) and Morkons now. Overall, I enjoyed it a great deal, though I do prefer their previous faction systems, and I'm not a fan of the infection aspect.

- I found axes to be better than swords or hammers, both for 1H and 2H, because they're faster. The damage is a bit lower, but I found the speed increase to be more valuable.
- The best ranged weapons are high end shotguns. Enhanced Leadspreader and Thunderclap are considerably stronger than any other ranged weapons. Probably than any other weapons, period. They'll out damage even heavy weapons. They do require a bit of practice though, as you need to basically be in melee range to do proper damage with them, but they can be used with the jetpack, so flying close by is always an option. Or dodging around.
- Rain of Fire is the most powerful spell available. By a huge margin.
- Morkons can still come close to Berserkers in terms of power though, due to a combination of damage reduction, extra health regeneration, extra attack speed and more melee damage. They make the best brawlers.
- Alb spells are quite mediocre, beyond the healing spell, but at max rank, empowering their main attack spell for an AoE explosion isn't terrible. I actually prefer it to the Berserker spells (except Rain of Fire). However, a good shotgun is way more powerful than either one.
- Going without a faction shouldn't be a problem, provided you go for max fuel and grab Thunderclap. No abilities are needed for that thing to make short work of just about anything, even on higher difficulties.
I maxed out dexterity:

I've completed it with the Berserkers, Albs (Clerics) and Morkons now. Overall, I enjoyed it a great deal, though I do prefer their previous faction systems, and I'm not a fan of the infection aspect.

- I found axes to be better than swords or hammers, both for 1H and 2H, because they're faster. The damage is a bit lower, but I found the speed increase to be more valuable.
- The best ranged weapons are high end shotguns. Enhanced Leadspreader and Thunderclap are considerably stronger than any other ranged weapons. Probably than any other weapons, period. They'll out damage even heavy weapons. They do require a bit of practice though, as you need to basically be in melee range to do proper damage with them, but they can be used with the jetpack, so flying close by is always an option. Or dodging around.
- Rain of Fire is the most powerful spell available. By a huge margin.
- Morkons can still come close to Berserkers in terms of power though, due to a combination of damage reduction, extra health regeneration, extra attack speed and more melee damage. They make the best brawlers.
- Alb spells are quite mediocre, beyond the healing spell, but at max rank, empowering their main attack spell for an AoE explosion isn't terrible. I actually prefer it to the Berserker spells (except Rain of Fire). However, a good shotgun is way more powerful than either one.
- Going without a faction shouldn't be a problem, provided you go for max fuel and grab Thunderclap. No abilities are needed for that thing to make short work of just about anything, even on higher difficulties.

During your Morkon run, did you do the full questline of working as a mole for the Kriiton followers? I'm curious what consequences it has if any. I was disappointed that I couldn't work for them without actually joining the Morkons.
During your Morkon run, did you do the full questline of working as a mole for the Kriiton followers? I'm curious what consequences it has if any. I was disappointed that I couldn't work for them without actually joining the Morkons.
Isn't that what you need to do in order to
join the Outlaws via Morkons (like working for the claws in order to join the Outlaws via the Berzerks)
? But i can only guess that since I just completed my first play through, and I didn't join a faction.
I hadn't even thought of that since I have no interest in joining the Morkons or Outlaws.

I was hoping there might be something more interesting there... like helping the Kriiton followers take over the Grotto or something like that.
Yep, I also missed interacting with them. Especially if Jax joins another guild it would very much make sense for him to help the Kriitons.
I helped the Kriitons as far as possible, but at some point they say you can only help them further
, if you join the Morkons
. May be I do that in my next playthrough.

But at the moment I am still playing on in my first playthrough long after finishing the main quest, since I want to find all card parts, for example.

Yesterday I met a NPC with a quest in an apparently empty house somewhere outside of any settlement. So it is really worthwhile to look into every house, cave etc.
I have to admit that I am beyond 100 hours because of this…(And I had nearly no reloads, since I play on normal, so fighting is easy; therefore I will play my second game on the highest difficulty).
I helped the Kriitons as far as possible, but at some point they say you can only help them further
, if you join the Morkons
. May be I do that in my next playthrough.

Yeah, I did the same thing. You only get a couple of quests before they tell you that.

What was it like to never join a faction? I imagine it made the game a little more difficult, but you probably had an excess of LPs and money towards the end since you weren't spending them on faction trainers?
Yeah, I did the same thing. You only get a couple of quests before they tell you that.

What was it like to never join a faction? I imagine it made the game a little more difficult, but you probably had an excess of LPs and money towards the end since you weren't spending them on faction trainers?
I maxed out all non-faction skills in the end. Since I played on normal, I didn't find the game very challenging. I felt it easier than Elex 1, but that might only be a consequence of playing Elex 1 so often and therefore being more accustomed to the fighting, when starting Elex 2. The hardest enemies were those big war robots, but there were only two or three in the game as far as I remember. I fought with a bow the most time (because of its far range) and used a shotgun on short range. I use my drone as a companion most of the time and it nearly never "died".

Mild spoiler on companions in fights:
If a companion attacks an enemy two or three times, the enemy will concentrate on the companion. So you can avoid being attacked yourself most of the game. Only enemies with laser/blaster guns don't follow that rule, so they are the most annoying ones.

By the way I have a question on the Jetpack for everybody, who completed the main quest:
I got a perk called something like "Jet pack master" automatically after killing the end boss. This is very useful, since it allows you to fly as long and as high as you want without using fuel. Does everybody get this perk or had it to do with the fact, that I maxed out all jet pack abilities before? Edit: Obviously everybody gets it, at least they say so on reddit.
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By the way I have a question on the Jetpack for everybody, who completed the main quest:
I got a perk called something like "Jet pack master" automatically after killing the end boss. This is very useful, since it allows you to fly as long and as high as you want without using fuel. Does everybody get this perk or had it to do with the fact, that I maxed out all jet pack abilities before? Edit: Obviously everybody gets it, at least they say so on reddit.

Everyone gets it.

As far as the Morkons go, I wanted to redeem the entire faction. Not really an option. As mentioned above, you either go full Morkon or end up an Outlaw in Morkon disguise. I feel like they probably wanted to do more with that than they managed to.
I feel like they probably wanted to do more with that than they managed to.

I feel the same way about the skill system. It feels like the faction skills should have more variety, and I'm particularly disappointed by the Clerics only having two unique skills.

I wonder how much the development was impacted by having to work remotely due to the pandemic. I'm still enjoying it quite a lot, but I think it could have been even better.