Ultimate general: gettysburg. A cheap indie wargame. Very similar to Sid Meiers Gettysburg if you guys remember that one. It is however more difficult with a better artificial intelligence, not as deep and more intuitive. The graphics are very pretty for a wargame. I'd give it 7/10.
Gauntlet 4€
Little big planet 3 19€

Tempting but not buying system shock enhanced. Ive played that game through several times and I still remember the places in the game. Maybe once my older buy gets year or more so we can then continue by playing shock 2 through together.
I didn't buy a lot of games in september, the last ones are from end of august:
Trine 3 (PC)
second-hand Nier (PS3)
Just grabbed the South Park 'Stick of Truth' game on the GamersGate sale. Never a huge South Park fan (show is OK for 5-10 minutes at a go), but for cheap money decided 'why not?'
I picked up Darkstone and Nox on Gog. Even though I've owned the game for years, I evidently never played Nox.