@JDR Already checked with Jaz and Magerette to see if it was ok. So don't go tattletailing on me ;-)

I look in the left and right closet to find out what the heck these things are.


Great it really is a thingamjiggy. Oh well, I grab the suit and gadget.
Roger is looking better than ever in his brand spanking new EGA space suit.

I head on over to the console and take another 'look' see.

and another button to push.

And we'll stop here for a few hours. Sarah is bugging me to go watch The Pink Panther 2 and Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Gotta love a woman that loves sci-fi and comedy.

Believe it or not we're almost out of the ship. Just a few more steps and we're home free.
Even though there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread, I'll keep posting away till it's finished. Maybe I can pull a few of you away from the latest social/political event.

At the very least I should show Grandor the ending he missed.

So Roger is all set to get off the ship. He has got his spacesuit, cartridge and gadget. Opened the airlock and opened the bay doors. All that's left is to get out of here. I'll save you the screenshots of me typing another 'look at console'/'push button'

Walk on over and get in your brand spanking new escape pod. Custom built by ACME.

Once in the pod you 'look at console' again brings you these interesting options. I espcially like the 'don't touch' button.

First turn on the power to this puppy.

Then Pull the throttle to get the heck out of Dodge. Oh wait, almost forgot. The escape pods in the future won't start if you don't have your seatbelt buckled. It makes those last minute escapes very difficult.

Plus it might help if I actually closed the door. Being jettisoned into space might hurt my espcape plans.
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Pulled throttle.
Notice the hand animation. That's cutting edge animation back in the 80's.

Now we're off.

That ship is a lot bigger on the outside. Sorta looks like a mushroom.

Nice little pat on the back and a reminder to do something pretty quick or something bad is going to happen.

Like this.

Remember that 'don't touch' button. Well, let's touch it :)

Hey, this looks familiar.




That's Ken and Roberta Williams. The owners of Sierra-Online (back before most people were even "online") and the best husband and wife team ever. I really miss their influence on our little hobby.

If you want to know more about them here is their official site

Ahhh, nostalgia. Back when gamers and game companies didn't take themselves so seriously. Where a little joke like this was possible. We weren't all trying to find the latest and greatest in technology. We could just relax and play a silly game about a janitor trying to save the galaxy.


Ehh, who am I kidding. Even back then I was scrounging around for the latest graphics. First CGA then EGA then VGA then Super VGA. Along the way a lot of games did lose their innocent fun. I guess that's progress though.

We'll stop here for now. I know you all are just chomping at the bit to see more :-D, but that'll have to wait till tomorrow. Next up we have a desert planet with tons of ways to die a most horrible death.
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Even though there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread, I'll keep posting away till it's finished. Maybe I can pull a few of you away from the latest social/political event.

I like this thread, nice to see a game from so long before my time presented in this way!
Now imagine all those screenshots in yellow, as my monitor had only one color :) (at least there were shades of yellow!)
Speaking of which, maybe you can save the images as 16 color GIFs and they'd take like 2K each :)
I have to say, SQ1 really looks like it was a lot of fun, I think I would have played it had I been into PC games that far back.

Was that the original 1986 version?
Yep, this is the 1986 one.

There is another remake of Space Quest 1 in VGA, but I never did like Sierra's VGA remakes of these classics.

I'm glad to hear some of you are enjoying my lame jokes and this trip down memory lane. :)

If you've never played it before and don't mind the graphics I would highly recommend you give it a shot. At least try out the classics like King's Quest, Space Quest or the Quest for Glory series.

As for the pictures, maybe I can switch it around to gif. I'll take a look at my converter program.

And I've solved the mystery of the cut off screenshots. It's this computer at work. It cuts them off on the right side.
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Wolfing was right about JPG files being too large for no reason at all. I'll use PNG files instead. They are much smaller and the quality is just as good as jpg. I still have a few jpg files, but after those are used I'll be switching to png.

When last we left Roger he was hurtling through space in an espcape pod. In the game it gives you about 2 - 3 minutes to do something or you'll get the 'lost in space' death screen we saw earlier.

We have tried doing nothing and that killed us. We tried the 'don't touch' button and that sent us to the Daventry zone :) Now let's try the 'autonav' button because a computer's navigational skills is much better than a janitors.

Cool looks like we got lucky. Hopefully they have a Starbucks on this planet.

I'm not sure I like that read out of 'unknown life or civilization'.

Alrighty then we are locked in and hurtling towards our oasis in space.


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Does anyone know if a pink sky is a good or bad thing?:)




After a multimillion dollar cutscene of the pod crash landing we are in our busted up pod and once again the narrator of our personal crisis is not very helpful at all (if you have the chance to play space quest 6 you really should. The narrator is hilarious. That one is narrated by Gary Owens of Laugh In fame. He did a superb job of putting a voice to the narrator.)

Let's take a 'look' around to gather our berings.
Cool a survival kit. Wonder where they hid that before the crash?

So we grab the survival kit and get out.

DOH!!! That seatbelt again is getting in the way of our escape!

Unbuckled the stupid seatbelt and got out of the pod. At least it didn't make us open the door :)

Great I'm in Saudi Arabia. If they catch me here they'll chop off my head and call me all sorts of names (not nessarily in that order :)) for sneaking into their country without being invited. Let's try going stage right.

Hmm, ok more desert and pink sky. Let's try the next screen over.

What the???

Well at least we now know that there is LIFE!!! Not very friendly life, but that doesn't matter because we are on a mission to to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before….uhh wait a minute. I'm getting my sci-fi mixed up.

This is Roger Wilco. He only cares about seeking out new babes and boldly going to the closest pub. Too bad he is worm food. He'll never get to see the Latex Babes of Estros or the killer android that looks surprisingly like California's Govenor.

I'd thought I show you this screen once again. Every time you die it likes to remind you of just how you failed everyone in the galaxy and they all died a horrible death :)

Reload and let's NOT go the stage right and before we leave this area I have one of those psychic feelings that I'm missing something. Let's check the pod again. This time you have to be directly in front of the pod or it'll just say 'it's a crashed pod'.
A little sidenote to anyone who played this game before. This item we are finding now really sucks. It's almost as bad as that cartridge that if you don't have when you leave the ship you can't get past a certain area. I spent hours trying to figure out a puzzle coming up pretty soon and if you don't have this little item then you can't go any further.

Grab that glass quicker than you can say skavenhorde ten times fast.

And we go stage left. The other way has hungry hungry worms :) or Purple Worms. Who knows maybe this planet has a few D&D monsters in it.

This looks promising. At least it's not more desert.
Some sort of land bridge. Hmmm I wonder what's to the south.

NOOOO!!! More desert. Must stay away from the desert.

South is out let's try east. I'm going to be switching the directions I write down to north, east, south and west. Stage right and left is too silly.

A natural ramp of some sort. We'll come back to that in a minute. Lets try east again. With adventure games you have to try to go to every screen. You never know what you're going to miss.

Hey what the??? It's raining a black ball.

That's no black ball. That's some sort of icky spider thingy. RUN, Roger!!!! Run like a little girl.

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Oh great, more desert and a spider droid hot on my tail. That little sucker follows you to new areas unlike the storm troopers from the ship.

These next parts are the horrible deaths I was talking about. If you find yourself in this situation you have two options.

Option #1


Option #2

In case you're wondering. Yes, the galaxy is always out to kill Roger. It seems that the galaxy really hates janitors.

Now let's rewind and try that again. This time going up that ramp instead of running off into an unknown area.
Even though it's a state of the art spider droid. It seems to have a hard time climbing a ramp. Who knew that was it's greatest weakness. You would of thought with all those legs that this ramp would of been no problem for it.

Alright, well we are forced into only one path now. Let's see where it takes us.
Oh great. our little buddy follows us no matter where we go.

To the west we have that land bridge we saw before and something else that might help us in this situation. See that big oval brown shaped thing? Well that might just save our lives.

Hey!!! The landbridge just had a few more cracks in it. Something tells me it's not up to code.

All set. Now we just wait for our little buddy to get a wee bit closer.

DOH!!! Missed!!!
What exactly does a 'pleasing thud' sound like?
Reload and let's try that again.
'push rock' and cross your fingers.

Stay on target…Stay on target…

BOOYAHHH!!! Our little buddy is now spider bits.


Since we are up here and I don't trust that bridge. Damn union workers!!! Let's head to the west.
Interesting hole down there. I'll have to check that out when I get back on the ground.

More cliffs and rock. Yawn.

and more of the same.
Now this looks interesting.

Thanks captain obvious. That helped a lot.

What the???


WEEEE!!! This is better than a ride at Disneyland.

Hmmm. High tech turbo lift that leads to a natural cavern. I wonder who built this?