
Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if anyone has discussed this before, though I did not see mention of it. It seems Bethesda has included a way to finish the game without having to go to war with the three major factions.

According to the video, it takes planning from the very beginning of the game to ensure the right order of quests. You will make enemies with the Institute very quickly, so this ending is not possible if you want to stick around with them. However, you can keep the BoS from going to war with the Railroad if executed properly.

I'm on my second playthrough currently (as I rushed through my first playthrough). I haven't gotten very far in the order of quests, but I'm curious if anyone has tried this before. I'd love to hear others opinions if they have gone this route! Or any route, even.
Since when it's a secret?
Just to say - didn't watch the youtube link so I might be wrong but for all I know so called neutral ending is practically siding with Minutemen and not doing offered other faction quests that are turnpoints (I've even written which ones are those in some other thread).

You'll still nuke half of Boston.
Well I suppose 'secret' isn't the best way to phrase it. You do end up siding with the Minutemen for some important points, but there's

also peaceful dialogue from the other faction leaders. Desdemona comments about rescuing Synths from the Institute and gives you options to continue working for them afterwards. Also, the BoS sticks around, though according to the video, Maxson won't speak to you. And you get to keep both Deacon and Paladin Danse in the end.

I'm working on the particular order of quests now, though its taking longer than my first playthrough because its a bit more meticulous.