I have p;ayed EQ2 for a couple of months, if you are considering it and perfer having a choice about playing solo, I would suggest a Summoner.
My toon was a Gnome Summoner and did very well constantly soloing, there is a nice balance you need to play with of trying to get your heals timed at about 60% of your pets damage but very nice once you get than sweet spot.
It is just a matter of moving to the next area finding a spot where you can have your pet pull a single mob back to your safe spot to fight (safe spot being, having and knowing your escape plan).
I was able to level to the cap at the time of 50 very quickly and as mentioned they do have a great craft system, housing (with unlimited possiblies), mounts and many RP servers.
Not that I am saying they are the greatest as mentioned obviously WoW has done many things right and I still haven't play it, though I think about it. :)
Yet the content EQ has is 5 or 6 years worth its amazing and they have made efforts to fine tune it especially with the personalised dungeons where you can enter them solo anything you get tired of the normal content.
The amazing thing about an Summoner is they are also very groupable, so if you want to find a group you are in demand, my Pet could tank with the best of them. ;)
Plus you get a few attack spells and of course healing spells for your Pet, which changes every 10 levels (iir) so you wont get bore with one pet.

I had a friend that wanted to play EQ2 instead of WoW because well he is a graphics nut, but he paid for my game to get me to play so it only cost me $15 a month.
Sadly I leveled so fast since I could play solo, while he chose a strait Mage was very limited and forced to group since Mages are not the best for soloing as a starting toon.
He got discuraged even though I offered to start another character or go to another sever with him and he quit playing.

So that's the best advice I can offer for the most versitle toon go with Summoner. :)

I guess I should have looked at the date, your proabably level 100 by now, doh! ;)
I guess I should have looked at the date, your proabably level 100 by now, doh!

hehe, no my highest character is lvl 30, I do have various alts though. :)

I like WoW, initially there is a lot to it, with the crafting, and gaining skills and levels fast, but I did find that after a while the novelty of that wears off. I don't play the game every day, and can't see myself still playing it a year from now. But for the moment I am enjoying it, and playing regularly.
Maybe once I get fed up, I'll have another look at EQ2, depending on if I can find the prepaid cards ;)
Ive read just the opposite, that D&D online isnt very solo friendly at all.

I would recommend WoW purrsonally. I played it for like 2 months pretty much solo, then moved into a guild later on. It was easy to get the hang of, and you are able to move around to harder areas if you want, I always end up fighting things just a tad tougher or fight multiples to keep things interesting. Played it about 6 months or so 'til I started getting bored and my guild moved on to goals that I was not interested in, and also felt it was time to start chipping away at the singleplayer games that had been stacking up on my desk the entire time. So I quit for the time being, my characters in stasis awaiting my return.

It was a fun time tho, and i am thinking of re-logging back in lately, most certainly when the expansion hits. Alot of people diss WoW or MMORPGs in general, but I strongly believe that you create your own experience within them, it's up to you how you want to play the game.

The solo potential in WoW is pretty good, but mind you that this also depends on the class you pick as well. Pick the Hunter for what is in my opinion the best solo class, and later on if you want to get into big dungeons delvings with a large group youll find that you and your pet can be a very powerful part of the group. Ive played other classes, but I always end up coming back to my Hunters (I have a couple of them specced different!)

My little sister who is 12 and has never played anything other than the Sims before recently picked up WoW and did just fine with it, so i think it's safe to say that it's pretty forgiving to newbies to the game and genre itself.

hehe "purrsonally". :lol:
Anyway, I actually agree 100% with everything xSamhainx posted. Except the sister part, of course, as I don't have one. ;)
I just read about the new EQ2 expansion and it astually sounds pretty dang cool, you can play a Fae. :)
I may have to try this, when I got out the max was 50th level, looks like you can ply to 70th now, could be a good couple of months of soloing fun apparently you can do the whole 0-70 in the new content. ;)

Found this on Blue's.
Yes, I saw that as well, problem is that I can't get the Pre-paid cards for EQ here in Dublin :(

I've hit lvl 30 now with my elven Hunter, and levelled up several alts to over lvl 10, but am starting to find the game rather repetative. So I nagged hubbie until he grabbed a copy for himself (nothing like sharing the pain, is there? :) ) and we've been playing together. That has been more fun, but he's not really sold either, the "Kill 20 rats for 7 tails" quests turn him off, after playing Guild Wars for so long. :(

at the moment I can't see either of us renewing WoW after my prepaid card run out (his first free month). It is fun in the beginning, but once things (levelling, gaining new skills and so on) slow down, all there is is the "kill 10 orcs and collect their ears" quests :(
Truth to tell, I can't see EQ2 being different, maybe we should look into playing some singleplayer games coop...
"Pre-paid cards for EQ here in Dublin "
Do you have a friend in another city or country, whom will send you one?
They are about $15 US, iir.

"I can't see EQ2 being different, "
You are proabably right, though I can't say for sure since I never played WoW.
I know that there are some more completcated quests for more valuable items, which sometimes require you to get help, but are mostly for the most valuable items.
I know many people play WoW and say it's fun but I am not sure it's fun because the quest are easier allowing your to do more of them though I would imagine they are similar, as well.
The only thing besides the years of content, better crafing (I hear), houses would be the graphics.
It's a good looking game while many don't have to have the best graphics, it's a nice addition for a game to be better looking.

NWN 2 is the newest Coop game, I can't recall from the thread if you played NWN 1 but it would have the most content, atm.
Next on the list is the very buggy Dungeon Lords, though they did release a CE that reportedly fixes many problems, it like so many games recently was rushed out too soon, possibly a year too early in this case.
It can be a fun game with friends if your not taking it too seriously, though mostly a Hack and Slash most quest (if fixed) are great but they are acceptable.
Yes, I played NWN through several times, but hubbie is not into it at all, he holds a grudge against D&D from his P&P days I think :D He hates all the rules and restrictions, I believe.
I have NWN2 myself, but am waiting for it to get patched a bit more for reinstalling.
(Hubbie won't even install 2 on his PC)

I had the Dungeon Lords CE in my hands a while ago, but didn't pick it up, and picked up NWN2 instead. I wish now I'd picked up Dungeon Lords CE and left NWN2 for a few months, I might have gotten it cheaper ;) I looked for DL CE last week in town, but ofcourse they didn't have it anymore, maybe after christmas it will be in again.

If i really wanted to I could ask one of the guys at the local Game to order in the cards for me, I just wish I hadn't already used up my EQ2 trail-time a little while ago, when I chose to go for guild Wars instead.

Over christmas we won't be able to play together a lot anyway with the little one at home and staying up late, maybe we'll manage to pick up something nice in the January saless :)
I had the Dungeon Lords CE in my hands a while ago
but didn't pick it up
picked up NWN2 instead.
Excellent (except for your problems, of course)
I wish now I'd picked up Dungeon Lords CE
I looked for DL CE last week in town, but ofcourse they didn't have it anymore
Very good
maybe after christmas it will be in again.
I hope not ...

The odds are txa1265 is right, though I did read one review about the CE saying it was acceptable now, but like I said it's a Hack n Slash.

Now the best possible outcome would be if the CE is decent and you could get it installed on both you and your hubby's machines, allowing you guys to possibly have a good game of Coop, if your hubby was intrested in this style of game.
There are several "if "s in there. :)
Personally, I liked the demo of the game. It ain't Morrowind, Neverwinter's Nights or KOTOR, but, I had fun with it.

Hubbiw would probably play DL, he does like Morrowind, Dungeon Siege and is still getting over his Guild Wars addiction :D I believe DL would be more up his street then NWN2.

Sorry, Mike, if I get another chance to pick the game up for 20 Euro, I will :D
I reviewed both, and found that while the CE represents the 'Ultimate Dungeon Lords' ... it still isn't that great, and certainly not as good as I expected. You are correct about co-op, though - I've heard that is the way to go.
Sorry, Mike, if I get another chance to pick the game up for 20 Euro, I will :D

I've probably knocked ~200 hours into it, and will likely play it again next year. Once I got past what it *should* have been and accepted what it was, I had much more fun. I feel that I like it much more than I should, and that my 3/5 reviews were overly generous ... that is why I warn people off.
I read your reviews on Gamerdad, and was weary of the game, I only downloaded the demo because a friend said he bought the game and was having fun with it. By that time the CE was out, and I was aware of the bad reviews and the fact that it was a dissapointment to a lot of people. So I went in with no expectations at all, no positive ones anyway :D
And then I actually had fun with it, and played the demo twice in a row! I felt the same way as you though, as if I was having a lot more fun then I should have had with the demo.
If i get 200 hours out of 20 euros... well, then I'm a happy bunny :) It is more then I got out of Oblivion, for sure ;)

This thread has gotten pretty much derailed, hasn't it? :D
I had fun playing it also, especially the Coop. :)

There is also a Tool now for DL which can fix many borken quest, replace lost items and almost anything.
I think it is even possible to get it to work on the Main character (one whom started the game, the Server) in a Coop game, so to some degree even the Coop game can be editied.
You can take alook at this thread if you wish to read some on it, you need MS NetFramework 2.0 which is very commonly needed program this days, think youget NetFramework 1.0 with Service Pack 1 or 2 whatever were up to with XP.