Well, I just came back from the city. No copies of EQ2 or DDO anywhere, so that ruled those out, hehe. Didn't see Saga of Ryzom anywhere either...

I managed to pick up a full copy of WoW, for 19 Euro, which wasn't bad at all. (I payed with 20, the store cleric gave me 21 euro back, oh, how I hate being honest, I could have made money on buying the game :D ) I'm installing now, hopefully it will let me play straight away, else I'll have to go out again and get a pay per month card, or beg someone with a credit card ;)

I also managed to pick up NWN2 for 40 Euro, 15 less then in most shops, and I just can't resist a bargain, so I am going to take a look at that one anyway, despite my initial misgivings. Those two games should keep me busy for a while, hehe. :)
I hated Ryzom. Played it for like a month, and was bored stiff by fighting different flavors of like 3 different types of monster archetypes.

Definitely some of this in the game, though, to be honest, I've seen enough of this in other games that I have trouble holding it against Nevrax... For me, I like to work through as many "career paths" that are available to a character in a game, so I'm actually in combat less than other activities, so it bothers me even less. But I definitely agree, and sympathize, with your take, and with the somewhat confusing system - it definitely takes some getting used to, and has a steep learning curve. Ryzom has been called, and I agree, a game for the "experienced MMO player", and definitely not for the WoW-crowd or the new player. Not for everyone, but those who like it, LOVE it. It has an AMAZING community - the best I've ever experienced, and I've seen pretty much all of them.

Plus, no good stuff was available from the vendors, so you were pretty much forced into buying things from players or making your own...Atrocious lag, and areas bordered with uber-powerful monsters kept me confined pretty much to one area, albeit big, but one area.

Again, I can sympathize, having played Ryzom back then and only recently returning for a second round...a LOT of these problems seem to have been resolved by the devs. Plus, I'd rather a bit of lag getting onto a server than not being able to get on a server AT ALL, which I had my fill of in WoW, even towards the end of my time with it.

Sorcha, glad to hear you got WoW...I don't think you'll have too much trouble with it, and I honestly don't remember if you need a credit card or not. I don't expect to see you back here anytime soon, with two games like those on your desk. ;) Have fun!
Keep us posted with your impressions of WoW, Sorcha. It's always interesting to hear how different people respond to different games. Also, watch out for Murlocs!
One thing that initially hooked me into getting Ryzom was the concept of mob invasions, and having to fight them off and defend certain areas. Never really saw or heard any evidence of this happening when I was logged on. Did you ever take part in that, rheric?

As for Wow-
Must... resist... re-installing...

im really jonesing now, probably pick up NwN II to stave it off before it's too late!
I have yet to experience that part of the game, but to be honest, I just recently got back in, and had been gone so long that I just rerolled everthing and started fresh...so I haven't been off the newb island much.

With you on the WoW thing...it's a weekly battle not to reinstall and get back into it. I still wake up some mornings in the wee hours, with the loading screen song playing in my head. It's like being an amputee and feeling the missing parts itching...
yeah...save your 20...and your love of gaming. DDO almost killed MMOs for me. such high hopes for a game based on D&D, and set in Eberon...and so very very disappointing in its implementation. You'd think Turbine had NO experience in the MMO market they made so many poor design decisions.

Makes me fear to Lord of the Rings. They have two of the most loved franchises in the fantasy genre, and botched their first attempt...
I still have hopes for Lord of the Rings Online, but then i go and watch another gameplay video at the official site and find myself getting depressed all over again. Combat looks so dull it's not even funny. Sad really, because next to D&D and Star Wars, Lord of the Rings is one of the richest IPs to hit the MMO scene for a very long time.
Agreed. It has so much potential, and I think, for most, it will either be an amazing experience, or an utter disappointment. Nothing in between - you love it with all your heart or you hate it with a passion. The IP alone has that effect on people NOW with the books, movies, and games.
It's too bad DDO was so badly implemented. That universe, the lore, rules and classes just lend themselves to multiplayer so well.... (although ofcourse originally it was ment for smaller groups of P&P players)

LotR online.... I don't know. For me that is a story, with a beginning, a middle and an ending. Either you play out the story of the actual Fellowship (which means it isn't an RPG or MMO for that matter, since the story and roles are set in stone) or you get a game like the one for the PS2. Can't remember what it was called, but it was set at the same time as LotR, and you were playing with not-Aragorn, almost-Gimli, similar-to-Boromir, wanna-be Arwen, and so on (the names of the characters never stuck either).

But maybe I'm wrong, because there is a very rich lore there, and if well implemented, it could be very succesful. In the way that even people who dislike star Wars could appreciate KotOR for the great rPG it was, might apreciate LotR Online despite the fact that is set in that particular universe.

Anyway, I'd better head back to WoW :D Spent the whole evening last night installing, patching and updating, so I've only had a brief look this moring. Since the little one is watching 'Go Diego, go' and 'Dora the Explorer' after that, I should have an hour to myself :)
Hehe, I'm still here. The little one has problems with her asthma and a throat infection on top of that at the moment, so I've been playing nurse :(

Anyway, I made a Gnome Mage on an RP server, and am having lots of fun. The game is fun to play, it looks great in action, and the people are very friendly. I've joined a roleplaying guild, which really helped.

Haven't seen any Murlocs yet though... :D
I am now in the "Am I sure I really want to get this addicted to a game" stage with WoW. Just got to L40 with my main character (a dwarf pally) so with the mount, and plate mail this is watershed moment. Prolly wind up sticking with it for at least an other month or so.

I find the game very addictive, easily accessable, and the server I am on friendly. The crafting is a blast (mining and smithing/armorer for Kazadkin, my dwarf pally, other combos I am running are skinning/leather working, enchanter/tailor, herbalist/alchemy, and tailor/skinning (dont ask)). My biggest complaints with the game todate are:
1. Horrible lags in Iron Forge
2. Too much of a time suck.
3. Addons are a must!
4. Can't dye your armor (a minor complaint, but I am *really* partial to green!)

Speaking of addons, if you want to try this game you *must* aquire an addon that allows map notes, and an other to track resources. These are not really optional for a serious addict! There are many other quality addons, but these are the bare minimum.

Game is very forgiving for solo players - although the best 'drops' are in dungeons which require a party of at *least* 2 (and only for the more forgiving ones and if you are both a good 30% above recommended levels) ... I would recommend no less than 4 for most dungeons - and then only if well balanced.

There are moments of extreme frustration when you don't know where to find things (like where a certain city is), but the community has, to date at least, proven *very* helpful and friendly.

I've not tried any other on line games and so can't compare, but I've enjoyed my WoW experience much more than I'd expected.
Yep, lv#40 is the big one! congrats on the mount!

Now you need to get your "epic" mount...

I have to admit, Ive been looking at EQ2 lately outta curiosity, Ive never played an EQ game before.
Hi Lintra, and thank you for your imput. Yes, the game is pretty addictive, but i also find it easier to shut down then Guild Wars. Mainly because Guild Wars is all instanced, so if you are halfway on a map and log out, you have to run all the way up again :)
Besides that the quests come in short and easy to manage chunks (kill 10 of these, get 6 of those) so even if I only have half an hour I can still aacomplish something :)

I love the crafting and the fishing as well, my huntress spends almost as much time fishing as questing, hehe.

I agree on the dye for armor, at one stage my blue-haired elf was running around with a bright green shirt, yellow cloak, red trousers and purple boots. It was a bit much, i have to say. :D

I agree on the easiness to solo as well, and if it get's too hard, I can always come back at a higher level, or team up with someone already there (that's the non-instanced ones ofcourse)

I have no lag problems, fortunately, not even at Ironforge :)

Yes, i am happy I chose this game, it is a nice change after all those bleak (read: realistic) looking RPGs, it is easy enough to pick up, and offers enough variety not to get boring quick.
I just picked up a two-monthly pay-card, so I'll be playing for the next while.

I'll have to look into these plugins and macros, I'll do a search tomorrow.
Fishing is great fun! Helps with keeping a pet fed as well if you have a cat, which is one of the reasons I always stuck with cats. I wrote a fishing guide, if I can find it I'll post it, there's some intricacies and tricks to it you wouldnt think it first it was that involved.

Nice to actually do cooking at the same time, helps to level cooking quick at times, and you can make some really kickass food with buffs.


Ah, here's a rough draft of my guide I found on my hard drive, unfortunately the final has been lost since it was a forum post on my deceased guild's website.
What is fishing all about in World of Warcraft? Reading the guild chat of myself and other members going on about it, it may seem a little weird at first, or a total waste of time.

While I admit virtual fishing is a little weird, if you know what you are doing, fishing can be anything but a waste a time. For one, tradeskills such as alchemy and cooking use fish for a few of their ingredients. Secondly, if you are a Hunter, you can arguably keep certain pets always fed for free simply by dropping your line into the water for a little while each day. You also can eat the fish raw if youd like, however, this is best used in conjunction with the cooking skill for best effect (fish when cooked bestows far greater health and buffs).
As with every gathering tradeskill in the game, there is always someone else who needs what you’ve got. While Ive found Firefin and Blackmouths to yield pretty minor cash payoff usually in the silver range, Stonescale Eels are a very profitable catch that has paid off time and time again in gold. Just a couple days ago, I sold a stack of 15 Stonescale Eels for 15 gold in the auction house. A gold apiece!

Fish used in Alchemy-
Firefin Snapper - Fire Oil (used for potions/enchanting/tailoring)
Oily Blackmouth - Blackmouth Oil (used for potions/enchanting)
Stonescale Eel - Stonescale Oil (used for potions)

Along with the usual health gains from eating cooked and uncooked fish, there are a few recipes from fish that also grant a few different buffs.

Some Fish and other Seafood used in Cooking-
Nightfin Snapper - (874 health-restores 8 Mana every 5 seconds for 10 min.)
Sunscale Salmon - (874 health-restores 6 health every 5 seconds for 10 min.)
Glossy Mightfish - (874 health-increases Stamina by 10 for 10 min.)
Winter Squid - (874 health-increases Stamina by 10 for 10 min.)
Mightfish - (1933 health-increases Stamina by 10 for 10 min.)
Summer Bass - (874 health-increases Spirit by 10 for 10 min.)
Redgill - (1392 health)
Spotted Yellowtail - (1392 health)
Darkclaw Lobster - (2148 health)
Deviate Fish - (turns you into a pirate or ninja!)

If you should choose the way of the fisherman, there are a few things you should know.

- The level of fishing is roughly equivelent to the mobs in the area. Thus, you should move to an area with higher level mobs if you think your fishing skill has outgrown a certain area. You will skill up faster in higher level fishing areas, just watch out for high-powered mobs that can ruin your day!

- Use lures to fish in areas that are too high for your level, or if you find your fish repeatedly "getting away". Use the best lures you can for your level. Fishing in areas such as Winterspring are actually 300+, and lures are required to fish there even if your skill is maxed out. While "Bright Baubles"(+75 fishing for 10 mins) can be bought at many vendors, "Aquadynamic Fish Attractors"(+100 fishing for 5 mins) can also be bought at select vendors and are made by engineers as well.

- Try and get your hands on a "Big Iron Fishing Pole" as soon as possible, the bonus you get added with the lures you use allows you to fish in a lot of places normally too high for you. There are usually a few up in the Auction House for a few gold, or you could go try and retrieve one yourself from some shellfish traps off the coast of Desolace. Ive gotten several of them this way, just jump in the waters off the lower part of desolace and start searching all the traps.

The following is a list of the poles available in the game that I know of, unfortunately the Nat Pagle pole is a quest item only for Horde, supposedly going to be made available for Alliance as reward in upcoming Booty Bay fishing tourneys.

-Fishing Pole -Basic, blah. 'nuff said (vendor sold)
-Blump Family Fishing Pole - Fishing +3 (Darkshore quest reward)
-Strong Fishing Pole - Fishing +5 (vendor sold)
-Big Iron Fishing Pole - Fishing +20 (AH or loot from shellfish traps off Desolace coast )
-Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 - Fishing +25 (Horde quest, SV fishing tourney)
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Ah, thank you for that fishing guide, there is a lot of useful information there :)

I have been cooking my fish, and my cat eats a lot of it as well. I've never bought food, either for my cat or myself, I'm a terrible Scrooge when it comes to RPGs, and I only tend to buy if I really need it (with the exeption of a pet bunny for my Gnome mage, she just had to have that). with fishing and cooking, my charqacters never go hungry :)
I haven't been reading trough this whole topic -- sorry for that -- but did read your first post. From experience I can say that WoW is an addictive, fun, but extremely time-robbing game. Now you are a low level, which means you don't have to spend all your time in it. Once you reach level 60, however, and join a raidguild, there are just certain times you have to be on. I have a raid 3 times a week from 1900 till 2300. That just did it for me. After playing WoW for 1.5 years, having a 60 NE rogue with 3 epic mounts and full Tier 2 set (bloodfang, completely epic), reached rank 11 and got my PvP set... It's over for me, I stopped my billing two weeks ago. Maybe in the near future I will start playing again, but for now it's over. I'm playing Lineage2 again, which allows me to be on whenever I like without strict time-schedules. WoW was a good choice, but be careful once you reach 60 :)


Some add-on tips:
- Perl UI -- Clean and perfect looking interface (healths bars etc)
- Atlasloot enhanced -- Atlas, only then with the loots per boss
- Scrollingcombattext
- Equipcompare -- When you hover over a weapon/armor, it also shows your current equip in that slot
- Killingblow -- For BG, says in chat when you do the killing blow.

There are a lot more I use, but these are fun.
Thanks for your input, Neo.
I am not to worried about either PvP or raiding, truth to tell, I care about neither. I don't do PvP at all, ever, and raiding doesn't sound like fun to me either.
For me it is about the journey: levelling up, exploring new maps, completing quests. It is very likely that once I reach 60 (or 70 with the expansion) I'll create a new character, rather then play on with my level 60.

I'll look into those addons, they sound useful. I believe the game does already compare what you have with what you are looking at though, at least at the aH and merchants. :)