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MMO Games - Dungeons & Dragons vs Neverwinter

by Couchpotato, 2015-02-09 04:09:57

MMO Games published a new article that compares Dungeons & Dragons Online, and  Neverwinter to see what MMO game is better than the other one.

Once upon a time, geeks across the country flocked to the darkest depths of their parents’ basements where they would role dice and take turns creating epic tales. While Dungeons & Dragons maintained a very popular subculture for quite some time, it has also seen a shift to the virtual medium. No longer do friends sit in crowded basements or tucked-away game stores, but instead they interact with each other through emotes and VoIPs. As technology changes, we also change with it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stay true to who we are. As proof, there are two fairly popular MMORPGs that follow very closely to those D&D roots. Both Dungeons & Dragons Online and Neverwinter have the positives and negatives, but which one follows more closely to the true D&D formula?

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