Dead Space

Its released in sweden today (23/10) - and no i haven't finished it by a long shot. I just commeted its more of the same concept (as in standard FPS genre). In comparison with Dead space which i also merely sniffed on the surface to. It felt fresher in its execution. (For me, since i love the genre more then anything plus this is done right (except the mouse/keyboards control))

But i have no opinion on whats great either way. It was just a "freshness" comment!

Both game was out today and I got them the same time and i got soo hooked on Dead Space. (This is a personal preference).
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Oct 18, 2006
I saw Dead Space on Swedish shelves today, PC version.
Oct 26, 2006
I bought Dead Space yesterday ... still waiting for the first area to load :D

Seriously, compared to Brothers in Arms and Far Cry 2 the loads are inexcusable ...
Oct 18, 2006
Txa: Wait until you try to use your mouse to turn! :) The loading will look lika a "slight over sight".

It will be interesting to learn if anyone is actually liking the default control. (Perhaps it works after a while...)

JDR: when i read the official forums, Dead Space was released 10 days earlier in the states then here in europe? Atleast that was what i understood when i skimmed the forums some days ago.
Oct 18, 2006
JDR: when i read the official forums, Dead Space was released 10 days earlier in the states then here in europe? Atleast that was what i understood when i skimmed the forums some days ago.

Yep, I was at the local mall today and saw it at Gamestop. For some reason I thought it still had a few more days before PC release.

That's ok though, I have no interest in anything not titled 'King's Bounty' right now. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Txa: regarding load times in Deadspace. It loaded the first time when you started a new game. And after that i really haven't noticed any loadings at all. Even when you start deadspace and reload an old save (or between chapters). I would say that there is none at all... Only played 2 hour in game so far (Its been more real life since i tend to die to much! :) )

Buying weapons, upgrading suits, reading textlogs, hearing audiologs, beeing in a space environment you don't really understand. Hm ...
Oct 18, 2006
Well, i will never recommend a game to anyone. But i have found the game for me this year! :) I hope some of you enjoy it as much as me.
Oct 18, 2006
I got one of my XBOX360 controllers hooked into the game. It works beautfiul. The awkward control scheme doesnt bother you and the tutorial in the beginning correctly assume your using the controller. (Although no schematic about the controller is available in the packaging).

My original negativism above was when i tried it with mouse and keyboard.

So its safe to buy the game for pc instead of xbox? Mouse and keyboard controls are screwed but if I can use xbox controller then thats just fine. Are there higher resolutions/enhanced graphics/etc in the PC version? Consoles games are rarely full hd but I would expect that option to be available in the pc version.

In the least though my pc is very silent compared to the noise-box so thats always a plus for any game. Im bending towards the pc versions - it costs 20€ less too.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Yes, the XBOX controller works flawlessly. The "good" thing about the EA DRM thing is that you don't need the disc in the drive. The DRM is intrusive and was the real reason for not getting it on the PC. But at the shop i reasoned about the price and that i usually get annoyed about stutters and on un-even fram rates on the xbox (not to say anything about dirty discs messges.. yiakes - i hate when consoles "crashes").

I am using resolution (1680x1050) and its a joy to behold. The experience is very seamless. The loading between levels they must have hidden in the elevator transistions. But it i have no performance or stability issues.

On the official forums some people using some mouse controllers that have their own drivers may get some issues. But for me this has been an extremly bug free experience.

Biggest problem is a) controller - solved with an XBOX controller (mind you that the tutorial uses XBOX button - nice - but you won't have a legend to the button if you forget what to push, but i haven't found that to be an issue). b) mouse extremly laggy when having vsync on - solution vsync off.

Read at metacritic a user review that gave it a 5. Reason - they have copied the concept from System Shock and restyled it - Blaming EA for lacking new ideas. I loved that review. But i would have gave it a 9 instead - for the exact same reasons.

(I don't have a clue if Dead Space stutters on a XBOX360 but that was/is a reason for me not getting to many game on that console).

My pc specs is core2duo 6850, 4MB ram, 8800GTS and VISTA.

I feel like a dirty salesperson saying : "No i do not wanna make you buy it. Thats not my intention. I am just stating the fact that this is a great product that only fools don't buy. So if you want to be a fool thats fine by me...".
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Oct 18, 2006
Gah, altough the game is sometimes more geared towards games like Resident Evil in certain conditions. (It is a consolification of System Shock 2 after all).

I just hate stupid pointless no good fights. Half way through now and i realize that you really can break the game early by doing some stupid choices upgrading weapons or upgrading your suit.

Some things thats bad with the game.

* The tram doesn't let you revisit places. If it had, wow. This would have been the best ever.

* Consolification of boss fights. I don't play game to be frustrated. I want to have fun. Some people think this is part of good design. I am not. I just want to be relaxed and amuzed. Good thing however, this is the first time they resorted to cheap game design (in my view). (I don't mind challenging fights, but when you stuck with your own spatial awareness and ability to react to surronding connected to your own body (I.e how good you are with the stick on your game pad) thats bad design. I like it when you play the game with the persona in game and use his abilities fore most. (Don't know if that made any sense ... :) ).

I try to explain:
Its like in a driving game when driving online with friends (using the same car). Its your ability to be fast, not the car.
In games like fallout, or any good party rpg, its how you devised your party and how you play your party thats important. I like both world, but i don't like at all when a game based on the latter transformed to the former at certain places. Thats totally bad design for me, and a game might go for the best evver to the worst evver.

I just hope i live through this level. This is a make or brake for me. Darn it! :)

(Some will have a breeze here, just as in chapter 1 end fight in the witcher, and some will torn the game to pieces and call it crap).
Oct 18, 2006
Okey, i suck! :) I wasn't suppose to do what i tried to do. Once i figured that out it wasn't difficult. Or ... well, it wasn't a cake walk either but --- oh boy, i am such a cry baby.

All is good in dead space. As long as it can be good in a dead space.
Oct 18, 2006
All is good in dead space. As long as it can be good in a dead space.

Shouldn't it read "all is dead in dead space" ? ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Oct 26, 2006
Playing it at the moment. I'm in chapter 2 and it's been one helluva of a ride. I love the atmosphere, the gameplay, the dismembering mechanics, the holographic projection of the inventory, journal, etc. Graphics-wise it's very close to flawless imo. The lighting for instance is just amazing. And it also sounds great.

The only problem I had, which I don't anymore, was the over the shoulder camera, which seemed a bit too much over the shoulder. But I got used to it, and it's ok.

And I love the parts where you take the gravity out of a room, and can walk on the walls and ceiling. :D
Jul 31, 2007
I still haven't seen much more than a few minutes ... between everything else (Far Cry 2, Brothers in Arms, Mount & Blade, Dark Horizon, Hinterland, King's Bounty, and so on)
Oct 18, 2006
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