Grimoire - More Incentive for Cleve


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
As reported before dear Cleve has a new campaign up on IndieGogo. His last campaign achieved to collect about 10K of pledges out of an asked 250K. This time he asks for just 10% of that and probably assumes the pledges are not 10% of the previous campaign.
Again Cleve makes clear that the money is not needed to finish the game. That will be released anyway in May (I'm sure you can place bets on that happening somewhere). The pledges are used to enhance the game. Given the current feedback on the demo I think the first thing to do would be to create a stable game that doesn't crash and worry about any enhancements after that, but he surprised us with actually releasing a demo, so he might surprise us with a stable release as well.
Having self-funded the entire development of the game over the past 17 years out of our own pockets we are now turning to crowdfunding to put the final polish on the game before delivering it to fans worldwide who have been waiting on the game for more than a decade. A pledge to the game will secure you a one-of-a-kind collector's edition of the resulting masterpiece and a guarantee that the completed product will be artistically perfect. Only pledges will get DRM-free copies of Grimoire once it is completed.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I'm going to launch an IndieGoGo campaign to give me incentive to play GRIMOIRE. I want to make it clear that the money is not needed to actually PURCHASE Grimoire. I would not purchase it anyway in May. The pledges will be used to enhance my desire to play the game.
Nov 12, 2010
I'm going to launch an IndieGoGo campaign to give me incentive to play GRIMOIRE. I want to make it clear that the money is not needed to actually PURCHASE Grimoire. I would not purchase it anyway in May. The pledges will be used to enhance my desire to play the game.

Or you could just go back to the newsbits intended for you. There's one on South Park somewhere.
Mar 15, 2010
Or you could just go back to the newsbits intended for you. There's one on South Park somewhere.

Or RPGwatch, a reputable game site, could stop giving voice to delusional game developers who can barely produce an unstable mess of a horrific game in 17 years. You can go to RPGCodex for that.
Dec 2, 2011
This feels kind of shameless. Even if it is just being used as a marketing tool for preorders.
May 4, 2011

And lol @ insulting codex for doing their part much like watch, which is rpg news, interviews, etc. As if most readers would want random strangers to decide for them what's worthy of note, be it for genuine interest or how funny it is to see unfold, rather than provide as much as they can for the reader to follow what interests him/her.
Apr 11, 2010
Cleve has been asking for negative responses for a very long time.

I can sympathise with the "haters" - even though it's silly to get personal.

But the thread is about him and his work - so it's appropriate to speak your mind about those things.
I think these posts are funny, it's like the Comic relief of the news flow. I wouldn't want the forum moderators to stop posting about these kind of games. And everyone is entitled to react the way they want, as long as it's kept reasonably civil. Which on this forum it usually is...the Codex, not so much even though flamewars can be kind of funny too.
Dec 20, 2010
At least Cleve has a sense of humor!

Hey I thought my response witty and kind of humorous in its own way. To each his own I guess. :)
Mar 15, 2010
French humour doesn't translate very well!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Maybe You guys could finally cut the butthurt out of your grimoire news posts and reserve your cynical tone for cases where it is actually warranted, like the newest biowhore games or 90 % of the shit you cover here? waaaah the game is buggy waaaah it will be never released waaaah cleve offended me with his political opinions…
true, the game is unstable on win 7 (for now) and yeah, it's highly doubtful that cleve will manage to release the full game in may HOWEVER judging by the demo grimoire looks more promising than anything that has been released or announced in the last decade or so.
Sep 15, 2007
Maybe You guys could finally cut the butthurt out of your grimoire news posts and reserve your cynical tone for cases where it is actually warranted, like the newest biowhore games or 90 % of the shit you cover here? waaaah the game is buggy waaaah it will be never released waaaah cleve offended me with his political opinions…
true, the game is unstable on win 7 (for now) and yeah, it's highly doubtful that will manage to release the full game in may HOWEVER judging by the demo grimoire looks more promising than anything that has been released or announced in the last decade or so.

Thanks for reliable opinions, Cleve ;)
dude, aside from the stability problems the rpgcodex thread is full of positive feedback on the game . all cleve alts ? from all we know, this looks like a genuine wizardry 7 successor in the making, you gonna dismiss it just because you don't like the developer ?
Sep 15, 2007
dude, aside from the stability problems the rpgcodex thread is full of positive feedback on the game . all cleve alts ? from all we know, this looks like a genuine wizardry 7 successor in the making, you gonna dismiss it just because you don't like the developer ?

I don't know the developer and I haven't dismissed it. Based on my short time with the demo, it looks interesting - but not much more than that. If everything works and is well-balanced, and it has a great story and so on - it might be a good little gem. Calling it the most interesting thing in the last decade is hilarious, but to each his own.

As for RPGCodex hivemind opinions - that's like stating Bioware forums are full of positive opinions about their latest mass-market drivel. I have no interest in extreme bias.
Cleve is funny, although I do think he talks a lot of bullshit most of the time. This news post you are referring too has just some references to what Cleve has said himself before.
I'm sorry that I've hurt your feelings with it and hope the Codex is not in tears over this...
Aug 30, 2006
Yeah to each his own I guess..have fun with mass effect or what ever rpg with "great story" suits your needs
Sep 15, 2007
Maybe You guys could finally cut the butthurt out of your grimoire news posts and reserve your cynical tone for cases where it is actually warranted,

I think I have a right to be cynical about the new post, thank very much. Reasons why: 1. This isn't his first crowdfunding attempt it's the second. 2. The crowdfunding isn't to fund the game, it's to give him the desire to actually finish. 3. The ten thousand he got from the last crowdfunding attempt apparently isn't enough to make him want to finish the game. 4. Since he's using Indie Gogo, he keeps all the money even if it doesn't hit goal. He kept every single dime from the first attempt.

I get Cleve is trying to make a point here. It's a parody of all the other bad kickstarters. But it's parody where he gets to pocket the money, regardless of the outcome. Plus it's like the Penny Arcade kickstarter all over again. Is is really much of a joke when you are embracing the very principle you are trying to satire?

This thread isn't about the game, or the demo release. We already have those. This about Grimoire being funded on Indiegogo. Again.

While I do think people in here are being a bit too personal in this thread, at the same time I can't blame people being cynical about this particular issue.
May 4, 2011
The demo certainly has some promise. The very similar demo released 13 years (or however many) ago had some promise as well. The question was never whether or not Grimoire had the potential to be a good game, but whether or not it was a real viable project that had the potential to someday be released. That question remains.
Apr 14, 2011
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