Games recommended for Beginners/Newbies to the RPG genre ?

I wouldn't start them on something easy, I'd start them on something classic. Understanding the mechanics and stats, for me, is part of the joy of RPGs in the first place. The Baldurs Gate series remains my favourite so I'd just go straight in with that.

It's also the first thing to scare away people who're not used to complexity.
I know very little about games for kids, but I guess the LEGO stuff is probably the right place to start.

As for adult, inexperienced gamers, I'd say the more accessible stuff: Mass Effect if they're into sci-fi, and ESO, WoW, Skyrim and TW3 if they're into fantasy, depending on certain preferences. SWToR might also be an option for people who are into sci-fi, yet still want to play together, as it works surprisingly well as a co-op game if you mainly play through the class stories/planets.

The advantage of MMORPGs is that it's very easy to show them around while playing together, especially if you use voice communication (discord, skype, etc).

Edit: That also means LOTRO etc could be good options, based on preferences.
Oct 18, 2006
It's also the first thing to scare away people who're not used to complexity.

I don't know, the complexity and ability to create your own character etc was what drew me into RPGs in the first place - it's what differentiated it from other genres. Its completely hypothetical of course without knowing who you are actually recommending the game to, but ultimately if it came down to Sword Coast Legends because it is easy to understand or Baldurs Gate because it is fantastic, well fantastic would win every time. :)
Apr 13, 2012
I wouldn't start them on something easy, I'd start them on something classic. Understanding the mechanics and stats, for me, is part of the joy of RPGs in the first place. The Baldurs Gate series remains my favourite so I'd just go straight in with that.

I would like to say I agree with you (my first RPG was BG2!) but I think the mindset of modern gamer is a bit different now...

I would suggest Stardew Valley or Mass Effect 2 for beginners. Both games are quite easy to get into imo.
I don't know, the complexity and ability to create your own character etc was what drew me into RPGs in the first place - it's what differentiated it from other genres. Its completely hypothetical of course without knowing who you are actually recommending the game to, but ultimately if it came down to Sword Coast Legends because it is easy to understand or Baldurs Gate because it is fantastic, well fantastic would win every time. :)

You seem to be confusing yourself and your own inclination towards complexity and depth with the average person with no gaming experience.

It's not about which game would ultimately win. It's about which game would be the most accessible and welcoming to the inexperienced.
You're right, actually - I thought from the title this was about getting gamers into RPGs, but the question in the first post is actually about getting someone Completely inexperienced into PC gaming more generally. In which case it really would very much depend on the person.
Apr 13, 2012
I don't know, the complexity and ability to create your own character etc was what drew me into RPGs in the first place - it's what differentiated it from other genres. Its completely hypothetical of course without knowing who you are actually recommending the game to, but ultimately if it came down to Sword Coast Legends because it is easy to understand or Baldurs Gate because it is fantastic, well fantastic would win every time. :)

Some might be drawn to complexity of games like BG, yes :) But I don't know if Sword Coast Legend will be a good recommendation (pretty clunky and not enjoyable, might as well recommend a proper RPG like BG in that case :p)

EDIT: I actually think Expeditions: Viking will be a good entry point too. The game is quite easy to get into and yet it features turn based combat where you do need to put in some thoughts with character builds and combat tactics. It offers a bit C&C as well and quests are surprisingly well-written.
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I don't like SCL much myself.

But it's very accessible and it's perfect as a "light" iso-party RPG with just enough complexity to introduce the finer concepts of the genre to someone not necessarily inclined to go nuts over stats and turn-based combat.

It's key to consider the audience before yourself when making recommendations ;)
DArt, you have a good point but I also agree with Pongo as well. I played BG2 without any D&D knowledge (it was actually one of the first few PC game I played as well). Did I struggle with character builds and combat? To certain degree yes, but I don't remember it being impossible to get through. I actually enjoyed it so much it still remains my favourite RPG of all time. And it is THE GAME that made me into a gamer. So from first hand experience, it's not an absurd suggestion.
I'm not one of the folks who hate SCL, but it would be nowhere in my list of games to attract complete newbies to PC gaming. If they seemed up for an isometric RPG I'd give them a classic game; if they just wanted to mess around in a PC game for a bit then one of the big AAA games mentioned above would be fine.

Or, alternatively, stick them in Alien: isolation in VR. What could go wrong....?
Apr 13, 2012
DArt, you have a good point but I also agree with Pongo as well. I played BG2 without any D&D knowledge (it was actually one of the first few PC game I played as well). Did I struggle with character builds and combat? To certain degree yes, but I don't remember it being impossible to get through. I actually enjoyed it so much it still remains my favourite RPG of all time. And it is THE GAME that made me into a gamer. So from first hand experience, it's not an absurd suggestion.

It's very far from an absurd suggestion.

I'm just saying people are different - and in my own personal experience, it's EXTREMELY rare to get non-gamers interested in gaming by way of complexity and somewhat obtuse old-school designs.

Obviously, if the person(s) in question is inclined towards such complexities in other areas - that would be another matter.

But BG would most definitely not be my first choice for a first-timer.

It's old and worn when seen through modern eyes.

I mentioned SCL ONLY if the "iso-party" genre was relevant. SCL would never be my first choice for someone who had absolutely no preference.

I would go with something that was likely to make an impression on a much more human level - because that level of engagement will inspire most people to actually care about mechanics and complexities.

Giving a first-timer a complex RPG designed for PnP fans would be among the least effective ways of introducing a casual non-gamer to the wonders of CRPGs.

It's all about human psychology. You do NOT want to confuse your own preferences and standards with those of a complete n00b.

So, my very first choice - given zero knowledge about the people in question - would definitely be something like Mass Effect or Witcher 3.

Both games are MUCH easier to relate to for a non-gamer than SCL, and especially BG.
If they're kids, Lego Star Wars is a good starting point, assuming they like either Lego or Star Wars.

Apart from that, it's a hard question.

I generally think that adults who'd want to play games already are - they've tried them but figure they aren't their kind of entertainment.

I know no one here's suggesting it, but I've read the concept elsewhere and I definitely disagree with anyone who'd say that phone games like Candy Crush are a gateway game to PC gaming - totally different people play those types of games. I've played it, but it's totally not for me, and I can't see people who like playing Candy Crush having a go at Skyrim and transitioning. There will obviously be some overlap, as with anything, but I don't see it as any kind of stepping stone.

In fact, keep the Candy Crush fans away from PC gaming. If people who are okay with spending money on microtransactions get into PC gaming we'll start getting microtransactions in full-price PC games, screwing with balance to make more mone... oh, crap!

Though perhaps a closer gateway game for adventure games would be Hidden Object games. I see a lot more overlap there.

I can't think of a gateway game to RPGs, maybe something like Mass Effect 2, where you don't have to think of changing loot or exploring and can just enjoy the story while fighting.

I got into full-blown rpgs through diablo 2.

It's an easy game to get into with some of the standard rpg mechanics...
It's very easy to learn how to play and it does have many elements that more standard rpgs have.

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
DArt, I know, just saying we shouldn't rule out BG as well since everyone is different :)

Btw, I disagree with TW3 - well... some people do not like playing a set protagonist (I for one) so :p
DArt, I know, just saying we shouldn't rule out BG as well since everyone is different :)

Btw, I disagree with TW3 - well… some people do not like playing a set protagonist (I for one) so :p

I'm not ruling anything out. I'm giving my best recommendation based on having no knowledge of the people in question - but having what I would like to claim is very, very significant knowledge about the way the average human being works.

But now you're just arguing for the sake of it.

I get it, you can't be wrong ;)
I'm sorry DArt but you sound a bit butt hurt ;)

But now you're just arguing for the sake of it.

I get it, you can't be wrong ;)

Thought that's your specialty! I'm just throwing in recommendation like everyone else!
I'm sorry DArt but you sound a bit butt hurt ;)

Thought that's your specialty! I'm just throwing in recommendation like everyone else!

If that makes you feel better about obviously not being able to concede that I'm making more sense than you, then I can live with that claim ;)

You should feel good, definitely!
I'm not one of the folks who hate SCL, but it would be nowhere in my list of games to attract complete newbies to PC gaming. If they seemed up for an isometric RPG I'd give them a classic game; if they just wanted to mess around in a PC game for a bit then one of the big AAA games mentioned above would be fine.

Or, alternatively, stick them in Alien: isolation in VR. What could go wrong….?

Alien Isolation in VR is something I really, really want to experience - but I simply don't have the courage ;)
Dont worry Purpleblob as one of the few people to get DArt to put me on ignore for a while because I argued with him, unless you are prepared for a argument war of attrition, you are probably not gonna win. :)
Jul 22, 2012
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