Shroud of the Avatar - Release Day

Steam reviews are mixed but around here it’s universally negative. That implies people are too wrapped up in the drama to be objective. Guess I’ll give it some bake time and see some actual player videos before trying though. No walking sounds is a sign of an incomplete or buggy game for sure.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Steam reviews are mixed but around here it’s universally negative. That implies people are too wrapped up in the drama to be objective. Guess I’ll give it some bake time and see some actual player videos before trying though. No walking sounds is a sign of an incomplete or buggy game for sure.

Generally steam reviews are never mixed unless the game is bad.

The walking sounds was just a way of showing how bad sound design is...balance is all over the place for instance....I was in the new user experience and had no trouble whatsoever....I could not die. I'm killing things so easily at a very low level it was boring.

I mentioned this in REDDIT and got the, well you shouldn't be playing there go somewhere esle....but the storyline stuff starts there....

The biggest thing is I just can't get my self to want to play it...I tried a few times now. Most of you know I was big on this when it came through kickstarter and then kind of dropped off over time.

At launch yesterday they just broke 500 users online....500 is such a small number.
Apr 17, 2007
Steam reviews are mixed but around here it’s universally negative. That implies people are too wrapped up in the drama to be objective. Guess I’ll give it some bake time and see some actual player videos before trying though. No walking sounds is a sign of an incomplete or buggy game for sure.
Steam = whiners
Here = not quite MMOonly audience
Apr 12, 2009
Luckily I dodges this bullet and didn't back it. And I won't buy and play this game before I see a screenshot of a town feeling alive in single player offiline mode. I can't believe that they're advertising this game on the actual steam store page with some rural screenhots that look as alive as the beforementioned dead horse.
May 6, 2013
Those figures might be correct for this turkey, but I've also found that Steamspy numbers are all over the place sometimes, in ways I find quite puzzling.
Nov 8, 2014
Those figures might be correct for this turkey, but I've also found that Steamspy numbers are all over the place sometimes, in ways I find quite puzzling.

When I played last night I saw about 10 players in one of the starting towns....take that for what it's worth.
Apr 17, 2007
I know one thing for certain, I'll never give this clown another dime of my money. Not to him, nor any project that he is ever remotely affiliated with, ever again. I really should have know better, I suppose.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
^ This
I backed it at the time because of him being Garriott and the promise of a single player campaign. At least the comments were somewhat entertaining every now and then :)
Aug 30, 2006
Generally steam reviews are never mixed unless the game is bad.

I disagree with this, I've played several games over the years that for me personally was really enbjoyable or even great. Eador:Motb and Torment:ToN comes to mind. The first I'm guessing because it was really buggy and the second because people had expectations that weren't quite fulfilled. The fact that most people who actually liked the game probably were backers in the first place so our reviews don't count probably doesn't help either.

I like to read Steam reviews before buying a game I'm unsure of, and in general I try to read both a couple of positive and a couple of negative ones to get an idea if the game is for me. The "general" score is not as interesting though, since I think the system is heavily flawed (not that I can think of a better one).
Dec 20, 2010
I find that review aggregation can be very misleading. With RottenTomatoes, for instance, a movie that receives a modestly positive review is counted as a win, and if everyone gave it 7 out of 10, it would seem like an overwhelmingly positive reception. But something that's a bit more challenging and divides opinion a little bit, with most considering it a masterpiece, but some disliking it, might be rated at 75%. I think a similar effect occurs with the thumbs up or down Steam review system.
Nov 8, 2014
^ This
I backed it at the time because of him being Garriott and the promise of a single player campaign. At least the comments were somewhat entertaining every now and then :)

I dunno Myrthos, I think you are missing an opportunity here. They could pay you for good review.

Although if you are in EU territory then you get your data mandatory transferred to another company. Or if anywhere close to Russia then handed over to Russian company.
Aug 13, 2013
What a shame that the current generation will remember Garriott more for this mess than for the many great games he wrote in his youth. Past performance is no guarantee of future results...
Nov 30, 2009
One day I hope someone explains to me how one person, who obviously at one point understood what makes a great game and how to deliver it, absolutely forgot everything they had learned in a matter of a few years. It's like having a perfect formula, and instead of using it, just opting for chaos theory.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
One day I hope someone explains to me how one person, who obviously at one point understood what makes a great game and how to deliver it, absolutely forgot everything they had learned in a matter of a few years. It's like having a perfect formula, and instead of using it, just opting for chaos theory.

I have zero evidence. But my gut tells me Garriott may be in financial trouble. If he is, it would explain A LOT about why this game became so heavily focused on RTM. He bought a castle. Went to space. And did a number of other impressive and expensive things. I bet a good bit of it got chewed up "playing." At one time, Mike Tyson filed bankruptcy after commanding a net worth of 300 million. It can happen.
Oct 18, 2006
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