Getting grumpy and ‘mean’

I get grumpy way too often, triggered by so many ppl/things but when I get a hug from hubby/family/loved ones it all melts away. Oh, and a bit of ranting helps too, so good on you pibbur - you are on the right track to healthy & happy life ;)
Sea gulls. Stupid birds!!!

For years they have been nesting close to our local railway station. Now, part of their nesting space has been transformed into a parking lot. The gulls doesn't seem to realise that, building their nests and laying their eggs where they used to. Those using the parking place itself for nesting aren't much of a problem (for us humans) - the nests don't last long enough for the eggs to hatch.

But for the birds nesting in the close vincinity (seems that the correct spelling is "vicinity", but I like "vincinity" better), it's another matter. Like their parents, the young ones aren't very clever. As soon as they learn to walk (but before flying) they tend to walk into the parking lot. Now, we drivers prefer not to run over them, or otherwise threat them badly. But the parents don't appreciate that. So like screaming Messerschmitts they come diving, dropping bombs (mainly bird poo) on us, or they even enter into melee combat armed with sharp beaks. We have to use umbrellas, even if it's not raining (water).

I (somewhat) hate seagulls.

Another person whose relation to seagulls is a bit strained, was the man who checked in at the Canadian 5 star Fairmont Empress hotel 18 years ago. For some reason he had brought with him a significant amount of pepperoni. And due to somewhat lacking cooling facilities in the room, he spread the material on a table, leaving the window open. Then he went for walk. When he returned to his room he found it inhabited by 40 seagulls devouring said pepperoni (and probably making a lot of noise). The birds weren't too happy by his arrival, and started panicking, flying randomly all around the room, only occasionally finding the way to the open window. Drooling, dropping poo bombs and in general making havoc. To put it mildly, the room wasn't habitable afterwards. Housekeeping was not pleased. "I can still remember the look on the lady’s face when she opened the door".

It didn't help that during the fight he threw one of his shoes at one particularly nasty perp, missing the gull, but hitting a tourist on the ground below.

After the ordeal he was declared persona non grata, forever banned from visiting the hotel again.

Yet another person with a seagull problem was this guy who recently was sentenced to 30 days in prison and 120 hours of public service (correct English?) for killing seagulls,. Why? Some seagulls (Rissa tridactyla) are endangered, killing them is in general frowned upon. In addition he had in stead of just shooting them with an air gun, also brutally stepped on some of the birds. If you find the verdict a bit harsh, there were a couple of other offences. He had for instance peed on a police car, forgetting that policemen tend to get grumpy (pissed) by such actions. If you think the verdict was mild, well this is Norway.

pibbur whose relation to sea gulls are definitely better, but who still finds them annoying (occasionally).

PS. Pepperoni man was recently excused and allowed entrance to the hotel again. Partly because the room cooling facilities now are significantly improved. DS.
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I am prematurely grumpy...I think it's because of over-exposure to 'the youth of today' (I'm a lecturer) who bleat about everything and seem to want it served up on a silver platter!! When I was young... *oops* Seriously though, so many things annoy the hell out of me - service levels *everywhere*, inconsiderate a*holes and their late night partying, <insert full list here> I said to a friend my ability to tolerate BS has eroded with time, and I think that is natural as you age. You've seen it all before, as well as all the excuses... Embrace your inner grump :)
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
More about seagulls.

Read in the paper today that seagulls are actually not stupid. On the contrary. According to ornithologist Arild Breistøl, they're really smart.

For instance:

  1. If you try to scare them away using a scarecrow, it takes them only 3-4 hours to realize it's fake.
  2. If you try to scare them away using plastic snakes, they use those to build their nests.
This means that the actions I described above as stupidity, are in reality part of a cunning plan. They use their kids as bait, as an excuse for violent attacks. They meant to destroy the hotel room. And they sacrificed their own in order to destroy the life of the unfortunate seagull killer.


pibbur who considers a membership in the National Society for Cruelty Against Animals (source: MAD magazine - yes it's a joke)

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Sea gulls. Stupid birds!!!

Easy. Read Du Maurier's short story (The Birds), go buy a decent airgun, ready your best Charles Bronson face, and go rampage on the front yard.
Added benefit: even your wife wouldn't dare to complain when she sees The Dangerous Man With The Gun (cue western harp music)
Mission completion bonus: she might yell "my heeeerooooo" at the end! :)
Mar 3, 2008
Funny you mention the gulls. The weather has suddenly improved over here, and we had a picnic. We were sharing some bits with the nice turnstones, and then the gull gang divebombed and bullied them all away, flapping and squawking and trying to stamp on their heads. They are not amoung my wild friends.
Nov 8, 2014
A racial enemy, indeed. Another of my enemies is phone typos that I only notice after the fact.
Nov 8, 2014
Easy. Read Du Maurier's short story (The Birds), go buy a decent airgun, ready your best Charles Bronson face, and go rampage on the front yard.
Added benefit: even your wife wouldn't dare to complain when she sees The Dangerous Man With The Gun (cue western harp music)
Mission completion bonus: she might yell "my heeeerooooo" at the end! :)

Worth thinking about. But, seagulls are actually not a problem on my front yard. They're mainly creating problems for me at the railway station parking lot, and for some reason I think that going rampage there with any type of ballistic things might have unfortunate consequences.

As for the "my heeeerooo" part - definitely could happen. But I think I'll concentrate on nuking annoying wildlife in the very close neighbourhood. Mostly dangerous-wannabe spiders and screaming insects, which respond better to blunt melee weaponry than guns. And fortunately, unlike guns a wide range of such devices are readily available in the household.

pibbur who to get the Bronson look, probably only need a partial shave and a haircut. Which of course won't happen.
… Another of my enemies is … typos…

I'll try not to take that personally.


PS. The unpredictable nature of phone typing is indeed annoying. Another item to add to my reasons-for-being-grumpy list. Thank you. DS.
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Should this thread’s name change from getting grumpy to being grumpy??

Or maybe the thread was a mistake. I wanted it to be a humorous take on minor annoyances, but it seems that it's turning into a more aggressive tone. And by that I'm talking about my posts, not yours (meaning other watchers).


Oh, the Ultimate Daily Source of Grumpiness:
Beginner level: F*ck traffic jams!
Advanced Level: F*ck traffic jams and the guy next to me in the SUV blasting superbad gangsta rap at full volume!
Master Level: F*ck traffic jams + the wannabe gansta guy in the pimped SUV and BLUETOOTH for being an unreliable piece of crap technology, while having an important phone conference!
Mar 3, 2008
The SUV guy tried to take me out the other day. I was a bit late crossing at the lights, and he took this as an imposition, so he hit the accelerator as he approached. I had to do a little leaping sprint. I was quite cross, and would like the opportunity to discuss the matter with him.
Nov 8, 2014
The SUV guy tried to take me out the other day. I was a bit late crossing at the lights, and he took this as an imposition, so he hit the accelerator as he approached. I had to do a little leaping sprint. I was quite cross, and would like the opportunity to discuss the matter with him.

With only slightly raised voices, I presume. Very British (according to one stereotype).

pibbur who according to some Norwegian stereotypes would prefer not to speak with him (assuming he was a stranger).

Ah.. the chorus: La-la-la-la...

pibbur who hopes he by this has destroyed the peace and calm of several watchers.
Today I saw this in a coffee shop (not the dutch type): "A coffee a day, keeps the grumpy away".

It's bad enough that they want to make doctors lose their jobs by eating apples. Now they want to get rid of perfectly normal elderly (and elderly wannabes).

I made a wise decision some time ago, switching from drinking normal coffee to decaf. I WILL CONTINUE DOING THAT!!!


pibbur who also considers stop(ping) drinking coke.
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Today I saw this in a coffee shop (not the dutch type): "A coffee a day, keeps the grumpy away".

It's bad enough that they want to make doctors lose their jobs by eating apples. Now they want to get rid of perfectly normal elderly (and elderly wannabes).

I made a wise decision some time ago, switching from drinking normal coffee to decaf. I WILL CONTINUE DOING THAT!!!


pibbur who also considers stop drinking coke.
Coke is bad.for you...
Drink in moderation

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
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