What games are you playing now?

I played quite a bit of Antharion some time ago, one of those times that I was just too tempted to be able to resist trying a game before the actual launch. I really need to get back to it at some point!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Thanks for the mini review! I do have switch and due to the heat wave I am hardly putting my PC on so I will check out the demo which I didn't know about.

You're welcome. Once you'd your time with the demo, do share your opinions as well!
Mar 3, 2008
Still playing For the King; there are a few features in the UI that I hate (a few tweaks that would streamline play quite a bit); other than that right now it seems interesting for the 1st 10 or 15 hours. I think pretty soon as the game is better understood I will grow to dislike it - still in the novelty phase. Its not easy and there is a lot of rng alas as a rouge type game (think hack) there is no trail and error. As you get further along in the game the events begin to rush forcing you to move faster and take more chances conversely goof and it is game over. It is sort of a bait game with the start very difficult to die but as you build your characters you run into a situation where it is nearly impossible to avoid death.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Still playing W3. In Novigrad, trying not to lose interest while getting through the Dandelion stuff. It helps having a few beers and watching dialogue sequences lying on the couch :)
Playing the surge, a scifi demon souls clone. I'm not sure if I will like it in the end, I have been really frustrated losing a lot of souls (scrap) numerous time in a row. Just because I could not see an enemy in the pitch black darkness behind a crate, or falling of a cliff due to unprecise controls. It felt really unfair but according to google the game is found to be fair, so I guess it is just my own stupidity and wanting to rush things too much (coming from andromeda that makes sense).

Moreover, it made me ponder the reason why I like roguelites more: because it has the difficulty without losing any money after a run. So maybe it is the best of both worlds? I certainly wouldn't mind to see roguelite mechanics in a proper CRPG (despite that it would require some respawning). Is there any roguelite with a proper story and NPCs? I don't consider the story in rogue legacy, well, a story really.
Jun 5, 2009
I've been playing some online games in co-op mode lately, with a friend who is taking a break from his job in Singapore. We've been playing Warface , Insurgency, Day of Infamy.

Day of Infamy was the pick of the bunch. We're only playing it because we liked Insurgency, so looked at what else they'd made, and found that DoI was on sale for 6 NZD. Also, I remembered someone here (DArt?) recommended it. Anyway, excellent fun; emulates the chaos of WWII quite well.

On our regular LAN co-op session we've started FEAR 3. My (different, local) friend gets to be the "normal" dude, shooting shit up, and the I get to be the "supernatural" dude. Had the potential to be a bit naff, until I found that I could possess people and shoot shit up that way. Fun, but apparently quite short, We've only played about 5 hours and already seem to be very close to the end.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
Still playing W3. In Novigrad, trying not to lose interest while getting through the Dandelion stuff. It helps having a few beers and watching dialogue sequences lying on the couch :)

There is only one scene in the whole game that should be seen from the couch.

Not being in front of the monitor with k+m under fingers for the rest of it is a sin.
Apr 12, 2009
I jumped into Heroes of Monkey Tavern, which I'd completely forgotten about, don't even recall when I bought it or perhaps it was a gift. Played maybe three hours today and got to the sixth floor, right now I'm hoping it has a bunch more floors because it is pretty fun. You get a group of four folks and basically just go diving into a dungeon, which for me is pretty much the pinnacle of gaming!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I jumped into Heroes of Monkey Tavern,

Yeah I enjoyed that! Short and simple, but with well designed dungeons.

I've been playing an Iceblink module called Hearkenwold by Dorateen. It's still in beta but got an update recently. I've been going through it with a party of dwarves, which is an interesting restriction. The ruleset is D&D inspired, so that means no magic! I do have a cleric though. The mod is a lot of fun and is scratching a certain itch. :). It's an interesting game world to explore, with memorable moments and combat. I've also been testing the new Iceblink engine, which will be available on mobile phones and incorporates a new 3d first person perspective for exploration (like the old gold box games). I've been putting together a short mod whilst on my commute, it's great - easy to use but with plenty of scope for imaginative use. There are still a few features missing but the dev is working on it before the release.

Aside from that, I fired up Neverwinter Nights EE for an explore. I'm playing through the OC at the minute - I know most people around here dislike the OC, but I'm having a pleasant burst of nostalgia with my fighter/Weapon Master. The opening areas in the city really are a slog though - the area with the prison felt like it would never end. The EE looks great on my opinion. I'm having a slight problem with a recurring crash, but I've flagged it and the good folk at Beamdog were straight on the case, so hopefully they'll find a solution.
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2012
Still looking for Ciri in Novigrad. This is the area where I usually stop playing - because it's rather exhaustive in terms of endless dialogue and fetch quests.

The writing also seems a little weaker in this area than before. You can tell they cut dialogue here and there for "brevity" - as sometimes lines seem a little out-of-the-blue (much like in the first Witcher), and Geralt has a tendency to get a little over-dramatic at times, which is especially grating since he's supposed to be this killer in strong control of his emotions. More like Hollywood writing than the excellent Red Baron stuff.

Anyway, I'm determined to get through it this time - and it's still pretty good. It helps that it's so pretty and smooth. The auto-win Igni is both fun and not so fun, but that's ok.

I hope Novigrad is the only major hub like this. It reminds me of the second chapter of the first Witcher game, where I also gave up several times before I forced myself past it.

Anyway, even though I now remember why I'm not the biggest fan of the game, there's no denying it's a quality effort in most ways.

I just really wish they up their game for CP2077 when it comes to mechanics and freeform exploration.
Also played a little more NMS. I tried Survival mode - and while it's pretty harsh in certain ways, it seems to be a better fit for the gameplay.

It's still grindy as hell - but the grind feels slightly more meaningful when your life is literally at stake.

Overall, I'd say the game is VERY close to being worth playing in the longer term, but it's not quite there yet.

Unless, of course, you're a huge fan of the sandbox experience - in which case it must be a bit of a dream come true.

What I would personally need, I think, is something like a less opaque story presentation - with stuff like audio journals and a better sense of motivation and direction.

While I haven't played it enough to be sure, it also seems the "loot" is a little lacking in terms of meaningful properties. I think the game would benefit tremendously by having more profound weapon/armor properties - especially now that it's multiplayer.

They have a very good creature generator - so if they could up their game in terms of the loot hunt, and potentially implement more RPG features, like skills and abilities - it would take the whole thing to another level.

I assume that's not really their intention, though - but that would work for me.

So, my final recommendation is that you wait for a few more updates - unless you're a big fan of the pure sandbox.

Also, I should note that the UI and inventory system are absolutely and completely terrible. We're talking among the worst interfaces of all time here.
Happy days - I'm through the Novigrad-Ciri questline. Pheeew.

Now I can do stuff I actually feel like doing ;)
I started playing The Banner Saga 3 and I am thoroughly enjoying it.
It it exactly what I was hoping for. It is essentially taking all of the best things from the first two iterations and improving on it. I have had the game for around 10 hours and played for 7 of them :D

I think that if you enjoyed the first two, you would be quite happy with this one too.

I had played through the first two less than a year ago so I still remember most of the people and decisions, but if you haven't I would recommend playing from 1 through 3 in a row.

Each game is around 15 hours long, so in essence that would be perfect for most people. Although I recommend playing the first one on easy as it has a lot more management aspects and if you are not familiar with them, the game is quite hard on a first run through. I did play it on Normal myself, except for the final battle, when I played it for the first time, but it's just a suggestion.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Deeply sucked into Darkest Dungeon over the past few weeks. Fun little game. Another one of those very simple games with deceptively deep gameplay. Total time sink.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Came across one of the better Witcher 3 quests - Cardinal Sins. That was pretty well done, and I greatly enjoyed it.

Also found another mod that helps more than perhaps it should. It lets you toggle Witcher Senses - so you're not spending what sometimes feels like half the game with your right mouse button held down. Makes it less annoying to be the auto-detective.
Came across one of the better Witcher 3 quests - Cardinal Sins. That was pretty well done, and I greatly enjoyed it.

I had to look that up, since I didn't remember the name. (btw, it's carnal sins, no?)
Anyways, yeah it was a good one. It was one of the later stage Novigrad quests that really surprised me at how long and consistent it was. And I believe it's a side quest, right? You can skip it, I think. But I also kind of remember the ending of the quest leaving me a bit unsure whether I liked it or not. I can't remember the details really, but that's what I kind of remember feeling.
Also found another mod that helps more than perhaps it should. It lets you toggle Witcher Senses - so you're not spending what sometimes feels like half the game with your right mouse button held down. Makes it less annoying to be the auto-detective.

The one mod I'm sad I never found, and the developers seem to not think they should implement, is a fog of war for the map. I really wanted to have that, to help exploring. To know where I've been, and where I've not.
Jul 31, 2007
I had to look that up, since I didn't remember the name. (btw, it's carnal sins, no?)

Yup, that's right - Carnal Sins :) I was apparently confusing it with the seven deadly ones :)

Anyways, yeah it was a good one. It was one of the later stage Novigrad quests that really surprised me at how long and consistent it was. And I believe it's a side quest, right? You can skip it, I think. But I also kind of remember the ending of the quest leaving me a bit unsure whether I liked it or not. I can't remember the details really, but that's what I kind of remember feeling.

Yeah, I'm going through each and every side quest and contract in the game - starting with the lowest levels.

They're all well done, though I've yet to find something post-Bloody Baron that hits the same quality mark.

Most of the quests in Novigrad are about on par with the average or slightly better Bioware quests.

Much like with Bioware games, I'm really not a big fan of running back and forth doing errands in the big city areas. To me, endless dialogue cutscenes are boring unless they're particularly well done (I play games for the gameplay, mostly) - and Carnal Sins had just the kind of stuff I like to experience.

Then again, I'm much more of a exploration/mechanics guy - and I prefer freeform exploration where I find my own rhythm and decide exactly what I want to do, and when.

Witcher 3 quests are very much: do this, then do this - then go do this - and then go talk to this guy. My preference is much more go to that area and solve it as you see fit. Games like Deus Ex are great at that - and I find many Fallout 4/Skyrim quests to be a little similar, at least for the dungeons and stuff. They direct you to an area and let you approach the exploration/fights without that much guidance.

So, for me, Witcher 3 is a little dull unless you're doing well-written quest content - because the mechanics are shallow, the powercurve and progression awful, the exploration a joke - and the combat is a complete auto-win in 99% of the cases, even on Death March. At least for my approach to playing. Thankfully, most of the quests are very well written, even if I'm not as impressed by the past 10-15 hours as I was with the Bloody Baron questline.

I hope more of that stuff is forthcoming.

I guess I should learn to gimp myself. So far, the vast majority of fights are about pressing Q - waiting for them to burn for a while - press Q - and win. I'm level 20 now - and I'm still using level 11 gear, because I've had no reason to upgrade.

Ironically, the most challenging fights - so far - have been the ones where I have a companion with me, because their hits actually interrupt the burning mechanic for some stupid reason. So, it takes longer.

The most annoying fights are the forced fist fights where you face multiple opponents. Facing one opponent is auto-win (again, on Death March) - but multiple opponents is a little harder, because you can't actually prevent them all from hitting you at the same time. Incredibly unfair, if you think about it - but given the easy of parrying, it's still not a big deal. But I've had to reload a few times here and there.

So far, the best part of the game has been the non-city stuff where I roam free and do side quests when I come across them. But because of the rigid and inflexible pace of leveling up - I have to do the quests in a specific order if I want anything like an appropriate challenge or reward.

They've added an upscaling mechanic, too - but I find that level of scaling extremely off-putting in a singleplayer game.

The one mod I'm sad I never found, and the developers seem to not think they should implement, is a fog of war for the map. I really wanted to have that, to help exploring. To know where I've been, and where I've not.

Well, it sort of makes sense that you'd have a basic map of the area - since it's been explored for many years. If you turn off the PoIs - I find it reasonably easy to guage where you've been, because you don't see any markers where you haven't explored.

There's a lot of fast travel markers all around the map, and they're very easy to see on the map as they're green.
To be honest while some bioware games had really good side quests the builk of them were not that great (imho). Some of the witcher 3 side quests are not great but a lot of them are very good - even better than (imho) the main story.

Yup, that's right - Carnal Sins :) I was apparently confusing it with the seven deadly ones :)

They're all well done, though I've yet to find something post-Bloody Baron that hits the same quality mark.

Most of the quests in Novigrad are about on par with the average or slightly better Bioware quests.

Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
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