You can't make progress in medicine without dissecting a few corpses.
Sure but when these so called chemical and genetic warfare strains get stolen and used..see were I'm going. This has been a worry for 20 years with this type of research.
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The 80% kill rate was in lab mice. The article doesn't speculate what the kill % would be with people, but I assume it would probably be on par with the original Wuhan strain of Covid.
Sure but when these so called chemical and genetic warfare strains get stolen and used..see were I'm going. This has been a worry for 20 years with this type of research.
Why would terrorists want to do that? They'd be better off with the ancestral virus variant, and they would need it anyway. Besides, if they were able to duplicate the experiment, they would know enough to really weaponize the virus themselves.

It's just bad journalism as usual. The same kind who spread fears of creating a black hole with the Higgs Boson experiments at the LHCC.
Not terrorists the threat is the chemical/germ warfare gets leaked and kills all of us. Look it up as plenty of books are available to read on that topic. Movies have been made also.

Fact is chemical/germ warfare is dangerous.
Not terrorists the threat is the chemical/germ warfare gets leaked and kills all of us. Look it up as plenty of books are available to read on that topic. Movies have been made also.

Fact is chemical/germ warfare is dangerous.
That's what I meant in my 1st post. I think it's more important to find a solution to this problem than to sit until the next mutation by fear of a leak or a misuse. If we were driven by that fear, there wouldn't be any vaccine.

I doubt that they're amateurs, so we have to trust that they take enough precautions.
If I read that article correct it's not really a structure but another galaxy that's to far-away for any exploration due to tech limitations. I thought it was an alien space station. :biggrin:
The discovery of the structure, which appears to be a large galaxy cluster, helps to fill in this shadowy part of our cosmic map, which may as well be labeled “here be space dragons” because it is so unclear what exists there.
History lesson : "The Business Plot" :

Which was a try to replace Roosevelt with a fascist dictator :

The Business Plot (also called the Wall Street Putsch[1] and The White House Putsch) was an alleged political conspiracy in 1933 in the United States to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator.[2][3] Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler asserted that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt.

In 1934, Butler testified under oath before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormackDickstein Committee") on these revelations.[4] Although no one was prosecuted, the congressional committee final report said, "there is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient."
It should be mentioned that the WP article indicates that there is doubt about how serious the plot was, and whether the republic was in danger or not. It's still debated.

You can read more about it in the Guardian: (some of the conservatives among you may find it a bit biased, now I've said it, so please avoid P&R)

It has to be said, that before WW2, in many (most) countries several well known people showed sympathy with the ideas of Mussolini and Hitler, some of them also during the ordeal. One very notable example was King Edward VIII of England (the one who abdicated), and in Norway the Nobel prize winning author Knut Hamsun.

pibbuR who thinks the world would be a worse place if he was in power.
There was a strong connection between the industry and the fascists of Hitler here in Germany. Both cooperated largely, by sending forced laborers (mostly from East Europe) into industry plants. It was like some kind of reinvention of the slavery system. The ancient Roman and Greek economy relied on that heavily, and a lot of "western" economies always had a strong tendency to low social class treat workers not well (for example by paying them not much, compared to the profits made).

In West Germany, almost every bigger town which had industrial plants in that age does have memorials for dead workers. Here, where I lived, some where even killed by bombs during the war.

Example :
We really need to do something about these drunk UFO drivers. :biggrin:
It's probably a small meteorite made of Copper or Barium.

Barium typically comes from large astrological bodies - not comets or meteorites.

Edit: Doing more research it's probably a Bolide.
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