Paper Mario


Deleted User

So just wondering if anyone here plays the Paper Mario series? I just discovered it recently with the N64 game and I think it's fantastic. There are 3 games in the series, so if you've played them all, which one is your favorite? I've heard the 2nd game on the Gamecube is the best, and the one for the Wii is the worst, but that's just what I've read on a forum somewhere, so who knows.

So, thoughts/opinions/comments on the Paper Mario series?
I wish it would be there for the PC, I must admit. ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The one on the Wii is very different, it moves away from the JRPG-style combat of the previous games in the series, and instead plays more like a platformer. You can still level up, find items and so on, it just changed focus. I actually found its humor to work quite well, though I guess the otaku chameleon might hit a bit too close home for comfort, for some ;)
I've never played the CG version though, it is really expensive, and as much as I enjoyed Paper Mario 64 & Super Paper Mario, I'm not willing to pay the price of a brand new game for one of those.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
I wish it would be there for the PC, I must admit. ;)

You can always try an emulator, no?

The one on the Wii is very different, it moves away from the JRPG-style combat of the previous games in the series, and instead plays more like a platformer. You can still level up, find items and so on, it just changed focus. I actually found its humor to work quite well, though I guess the otaku chameleon might hit a bit too close home for comfort, for some ;)
I've never played the CG version though, it is really expensive, and as much as I enjoyed Paper Mario 64 & Super Paper Mario, I'm not willing to pay the price of a brand new game for one of those.

I bought the Gamecube version off Craigslist for $15. Not bad I guess. I am going to play that one last since I heard such good things about it. It seems that version is closer to the N64 version in terms of the RPG elements and battle system.

The Wii version is really interesting to me. It does away with the turn-based combat, but adds some more platforming elements to the mix. I'm actually very interested in seeing how that game plays. It sounds so unique. The N64 Paper Mario is mostly a traditional RPG, but I do enjoy the few platform-type elements in the game, such as smashing blocks and utilizing the environment in different ways. It will be neat to play a game similar to the N64 version but with heavier platforming.
You guys are almost making me want to try this series. :)

Oddly enough, I seem to have two of the titles despite that I don't remember buying them.
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
You guys are almost making me want to try this series. :)

Oddly enough, I seem to have two of the titles despite that I don't remember buying them.

I'd say go for it, you already own 2 of the games, might as well play one :). You may be pleasantly surprised like I was. The N64 game is quite a charming game. Best $10 I've spent in awhile.
I have not one clue about this game other than the South Park RPG is supposedly going to have a combat system similar to it.
Feb 3, 2007
I have not one clue about this game other than the South Park RPG is supposedly going to have a combat system similar to it.

The combat in Paper Mario is very simple, yet has layers of depth. It's turn based; you make a move, and then the enemy makes a move. You can choose from a variety of things to do. You can hit the enemy with your hammer (if you can reach them; you can't hit flying enemies because you can't reach them), you can do some sort of jump attack on the enemy (which, like the hammer attack, has special unlockable moves that are timing based, like jumping on an enemy's head multiple times as long as you can keep the button presses timed), you can use an item, like a fire flower which damages all enemies with fire, or a POW block that causes turtle enemies to fall back on their shells while dealing damage. And you can only carry 10 items at a time, so you can't just stock up on a million fire flowers to breeze through combat. It requires a careful balance of attack items and healing items. You also have one party member that can be switched out with other members, but you only ever have a maximum of one person help you at a time. The party member has their own skills and attacks they can use, but no HP or stats. There's other quirks with the battle system, like Star Powers, which are special abilities that you unlock by finding the stars that grant them, etc. You'll have to play it to find out the rest. It's definitely a fun and engrossing battle system though, at least for me it is. I think it's quite good.

I didn't know that the South Park RPG was going to have a similar battle system. I am pretty interested in seeing how they pull that off. My interest in the South Park RPG just went up quite a bit.
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Costume Quest also uses a combat system similar to Paper Mario, although it's considerably more simple and basic.

There is also a line of mario games for the DS that uses a very similar system. I've played through those, but not through the console ones.
Apr 14, 2011
I have the Gamecube Paper Mario and it's pretty awesome. Never finished it though, may need to start a new game now!

What was great about it was the writing - very funny stuff, I don't think I've ever chuckled or smiled so much playing a game. Game mechanics were pretty sound, too and I loved the animation.
Feb 24, 2007
What was great about it was the writing - very funny stuff, I don't think I've ever chuckled or smiled so much playing a game. Game mechanics were pretty sound, too and I loved the animation.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about the N64 game. The writing is very amusing, and that mixed with the quirky animations makes for a very charming game.

It also have the right amount of cuteness in the game. The writing is cute, the characters are cute, but it's not overdone to the point where you don't take the game seriously because of it. They struck a good balance.
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