The ever-popular "Currently Listening" thread

I need help from some australian friends.

In this old video it's obvious, Annie Lennox hosts John Malkovich and Hugh Laurie. But John's date he enters the scene with… Is it Viva Bianca? Looks like her, but I'm really not sure… I mean… Yes it's an old video, the face looks like hers, but tits don't match :ashamed:
Apr 12, 2009
Some kind soul finally put up the very rare Christmas song from Claire Voyant! One of the 3 Christmas songs I actually like. Enjoy!

"What Child Is This" by Claire Voyant
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I have been really digging re-discovering one of the best jazz albums of 2012 as I prep my 'best of' article for Gear Diary. Christian Scott
Oct 18, 2006
chillin w/ a glass of red wine listening to my latest neo-retro doom act, named oddly enough - "Bloody Hammers". Strange name, but i have to admit that this is some of the best occult rock I've heard in a long time, since.. um Blood Ceremony. Lots of blood. Lots of witches. Lots of moonlit sacred pacts and shit like that.
Love it.

Was rocking out very hard and loud today on the road to Nine Inch Nails, "The Downward Spiral". Nothing like the interior of a vehicle to just let you soak in music. I dont know if you can call it rocking out - for me, listening to Downward Spiral after not hearing it for a while is an emotional experience. At times it's pure aggression and misanthropy, other times it's head banging and raw, then it's bleak… but I can relate to the whole thing. A lot of it, anyway =)

Best song is definitely "the becoming"

Just like I like it, real industrial music. At times it sounds just like the clanging and churning machinery of some demented factory, mixed w/ the sound of feedback/distortion, human voices, at one time unsettling yet compelling. Just when you think it's simply noise, disharmony, you find the rythmn after a listen or two and youre 'tuned in' and can appreciate something a lot of people just dont get to experience. A fine industrial album.

Ok, now i have to go re-buy "Broken"
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
chillin w/ a glass of red wine listening to my latest neo-retro doom act, named oddly enough - "Bloody Hammers". Strange name, but i have to admit that this is some of the best occult rock I've heard in a long time, since.. um Blood Ceremony. Lots of blood. Lots of witches. Lots of moonlit sacred pacts and shit like that.
Love it.

WHOA. Listening to it from Spotify. This shit is F'ing awesome!
yeah, it's definitely a good thing to see this kind of retro sounding occult rock make a resurgence in modern times. Check out the bands below for that Similar Sabbathy Sentiment that makes this stuff such a heavy breath of fresh air in the currently rancid world of modern music.

ORCHID - Heretic

Windhand - Black Candles

One of my favorites, which i mention at any chance at all is Blood Ceremony. Imagine Black Sabbath and Jethro Tull jamming by moonlight in the ruins of an ancient castle, with a pagan priestess invoking the Great Old One… that's Blood Ceremony for you. "Return to Forever" is a pretty good song, but I wish they would have put "Into the Coven" or "I'm Coming with You" up on their myspace instead. Their entire debut album was on Youtube in full for quite a while, but I understand them taking it down.

The Sword is an awesome band, i'm bummed I missed them when they came to SD.
The Sword- Freya

The Sword - Winter's Wolves

The Sword - The Frost-Giants Daughter
Seriously, how can any red-blooded RPG geek with metal tendencies not like a song called "the frost giant's daughter"? :biggrin:

Uncle Acid and the deadbeats- Ritual Knife

Im sorry i cant talk heavy without mentioning Electric Wizard. freakin Dopethrone ftw
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
yeah, it's definitely a good thing to see this kind of retro sounding occult rock make a resurgence in modern times. Check out the bands below for that Similar Sabbathy Sentiment that makes this stuff such a heavy breath of fresh air in the currently rancid world of modern music.

Thank's a bunch! I was just about to come back asking if you know of more such stuff out there. It seems like most of the stuff you recommended above can be found easily from Spotify, which is good, since I like to always listen to whole albums. Few of those bands you mentioned I've heard of already and I'll be sure to check out the ones I haven't.

For me, this whole old-school -side of doom is a delicate business - as some of the stuff has a sort of stonerish drug-fueled hippie-kind-of lethargic drag to it (that I can't stand). But stuff like this, with the dark/occult -vibe and those killer thick-as-fck and stout riffs.. coun't me in! I love early 'Sabbath and "Nightfall" by Candlemass.
Awesome, I hear ya bro - Candlemass "Tales of Creation" was one of my first ultra-heavy doom cds, I still give it a spin every 6 months or so. Awesome concept album. Messiah Marcolin's vocals are a rarity in this style of music, seldom do doom vocalists have the range and vibrato of Marcolin's delivery. He belts it out, and I love every second of it.

That said, Candlemass, like Type-O Negative (seriously give World Coming Down a chance), and Dio-era Black Sabbath are pretty hit-and-miss. While I love "Tales of Creation", I couldnt care less for "ancient dreams".

Speaking of Dio-era Sabbath: dont dismiss it out of hand, trust me on this one!

I'm not talking about "Heaven and Hell", that album kinda sucks. No, if you want the best of the unholy Dio and Sabbath coupling you need to check out the outstanding tracks on Mob Rules. Was cranking "Country Girl" "sign of the southern cross" and "Over and Over" in the truck today, some great guitar and in my opinion some of Dio's best vocals. Ever.

You wouldnt think a song called "country girl" would be so crushingly heavy, but it's definitely right up there w/ some of the better known Sabbath classics.

As for the "drug-themed" thing, I get where youre coming from and I was exactly like at one time. While I've always been drawn to occult themes, "getting high" and "partying" type of music has never really been my thing. Then, I discovered (or rather Dteowner introduced me to) Electric Wizard, and I realized that there is a sub-genre of doom that while dope-addled, isnt necessarily hippy-like or "good-time" songs about partying and shit. It's about misery, slavery, abandon, death: you know, fun shit like that :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Then, I discovered (or rather Dteowner introduced me to) Electric Wizard
Ah, the days when MySpace was actually worthwhile... IIRC, that journey started with Orange Yellow Red and 6 degrees of separation (via Guitaro) brought me to some sludgy monstrosity that I thought would be just perfect for a young kitty I had recently made the acquaintance of.

Supposedly MySpace got a reboot and might become useful again. I'll have to look into that some day soon.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
BTW. Really digging the new Sword album "Apocryphon". Thanks Sammy!

It has a nice retro-doom/hard-rock sound, and I'm definitely hearing some prog-rock influences there, too. And I've always loved some proggy touches in my metal <3
Zak - Oh yeah, the Sword had provided me many hours of "fantasy" feeling metal with Gods of the Earth and Age of Winters, makes me want to break out the dice and get rollin'.

Checking out Graveyard, never got into them.

I'm very happy for the retro-rock movement. Some people will get down on me for "labels", i have friends that bust my balls for labeling this or that. You know, "Why do you have to label everything, Sammy? Why cant you just listen to music, and take it for what it is?".

Because labels help us get what we want, they help define what we spend our money on. There's a difference between a horror movie and a romantic comedy, no? There's a stark difference between Slayer and Justin Bieber. I want to know that I'm buying a Slayer cd, and not the latest Nikki Minaj craps-terpiece.

Speaking of Slayer, they are just one of those classic bands that I abandoned long ago and have never invested anything more in them, yet they have a pretty extensive later catalog. The last cd I bought was "Divine Intervention", and it rocked, I played it to death, I never got anything else past that tho. I guess it was just the fact that I sort of delved into a lot of different musical styles at that time (I had just discovered 'industrial' music) and Slayer just got left behind. Thrash metal in general just got left behind.

Good 'ol Youtube, looks like their newer stuff is there, I'm curious. I'll have to check this out today:

Slayer - Diabolus In Musica [Full Album]

SLAYER (God Hates Us All Album Full )
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
You look different today, Sammy …

Just been listening to some old favorites: Basement Jaxx, Cypress Hill and *these*.

When Sonny saw a pic of the latter, he said: 'Mom, now I know where all those earthquakes come from.'
Aug 31, 2006
I'm listening to the Genesis album named "... and then there were three ..." since several days ago. Good, old retro-like stuff, imho ! :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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