Shroud of the Avatar - Update #11, Stretch Goals and Bonuses


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Now that Shroud of the Avatar is officially funded it is time for some stretch goals.

  • One word, "Pets!" We're adding both social and combat pets which players can control using simple commands

  • Grab your cloak, because we're adding Weather to the game!
$1.3 M To Be Revealed!
And the following tiers have received one or more additional bonus rewards:
$60 Tier (FOUNDER) - Founder level now contains:

  • NEW: Special tunic for your in-game avatar to wear, proudly displaying unique symbology identifying you as an early Founder of the game.
  • NEW: 2 starter melee weapons, uniquely identifiable as Founder weapons
  • NEW: 1 non-combat pet (out of 3 to choose from; dependent upon reaching $1.1 M Pet System stretch goal)
$100 Tier (VIRTUAL COLLECTOR) - Virtual Collector level now contains:

  • NEW: You will receive the box cover art as a digital, uniquely framed, in-game decoration for your house.
  • Added 3/12: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Royal Archivist" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
$125 Tier (EXPLORER) - Explorer level now contains:

  • NEW: You will receive the new world map as a digital, uniquely framed, in-game decoration for your house.
  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Explorer" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
  • Added 3/12: Special Collector's Box
  • Added 3/12: Recorded media game (format of recorded media TBD)
  • Added 3/12: Recorded media game soundtrack (format of recorded media TBD)
  • Added 3/12: Old-school style, illustrated, printed manual
$150 Tier (COLLECTOR) - Collector level now contains:

  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Royal Curator" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
  • Added 3/12: Mysterious physical artifact! (Is it an ankh? Is it a serpent necklace? What could it be?)
  • Added 3/12: Special Collector's Box
  • Added 3/12: Recorded media game (format of recorded media TBD)
  • Added 3/12: Recorded media game soundtrack (format of recorded media TBD)
  • Added 3/12: Old-school style, illustrated, printed manual
$200 Tier (PATRON) - Patron level now contains:

  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Patron" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
  • NEW: You will receive a digital, framed certificate of your inclusion in the Domesday Book, as an in-game decoration for your house.
$250 Tier (ANCESTOR) - Ancestor level now contains:

  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Ancestor" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
  • NEW: You will receive a duplicate of your digital tombstone as an in-game yard decoration for your house.
$350 Tier (NAVIGATOR) - Navigator level now contains:

  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Navigator" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
$400 Tier (DEVELOPER) - Developer level now contains:

  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Tinkerer" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
$500 Tier (CITIZEN) - Citizen level now contains:

  • NEW: Your in-game avatar will receive the honorific title of "Citizen" to be proudly displayed for all to see (title visibility controlled by player).
  • NEW: Printed Village Property Deed, hand signed by Richard "Lord British" Garriott
$1,500 Tier (LORD) - Lord level now contains:

  • NEW: Printed Town Property Deed, hand signed by Richard "Lord British" Garriott
$3,000/$3,500 Tier (BARON/BARON 2) - Baron/Baron 2 levels now contains:
<ul> ...More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I cannot express how much I loath the concept (and reality) of in-game "social pets". Not such a big deal in a single player game (I just don't use them), but it's enough to nudge me over the edge to not play multi-player games (not that I need much of a nudge). It might be about immersion, or a reminder that I am spending my fleeting life playing a game designed for children (who else derives amusement at seeing a bunny hopping after them, everywhere they go?).
Oct 3, 2007
I cannot express how much I loath the concept (and reality) of in-game "social pets". Not such a big deal in a single player game (I just don't use them), but it's enough to nudge me over the edge to not play multi-player games (not that I need much of a nudge). It might be about immersion, or a reminder that I am spending my fleeting life playing a game designed for children (who else derives amusement at seeing a bunny hopping after them, everywhere they go?).

Then I guess you won't be spending $10k to see the words "Lord of the Manor" floating over your head either?
Sep 16, 2010
I'm just going to note weather is already in the game, what they are talking about is seasonal weather. I don't care much for the pets either.
Apr 17, 2007
Man, well, that would be something to get the ladies, but... nah, no bank would give me a loan for that.
Oct 3, 2007
Everyone making a game in Unity seems to contemplate adding weather, wether the game demands it or not. They're thinking about it in Tides of Numenera too, and I don't think anyone needs weather effects in that.
Really, for what the old ultimas were they used weather quite well. I think if used well it can add to the game atmosphere.
Apr 17, 2007
For $100,000 I expect to be getting slapped in the face by live hail stones.
Mar 22, 2012
I would really like to see U7p2 style portraits for all npcs. Portraits help you to connect with the characters, and will make for a far more memorable game.
Oct 18, 2006
Seattle, WA
A few days back, I caved-in and pledged $30... but these so-called stretch goals make me question whether I want to have any part in this.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Pets……LB really has lost his touch. Where is the companions? Where is the being able to stack up rocks to make steps to climb on top of building. Why are the interactive objects just click and be done? Are there going to be houses FULL of interactive items? Pianos, ovens, hidden buttons, secret walls. Start explaining things like this and you will have far more pledges.

Looking much more like UO(with single player) rather than U7.
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Oct 18, 2006
Did you ever think a lot of that was in already and they didn't need to be stretch goals? Wouldn't you be more upset if they had to be?
Apr 17, 2007
… Are there going to be houses FULL of interactive items? Pianos, ovens, hidden buttons, secret walls. Start explaining things like this and you will have far more pledges.

Besides Ultima's exploration and story elements, I miss the interactivity, hidden items, and puzzles. SotA really needs to flaunt some of that… It's not truly a Lord British game if you can't bake bread.

I remember moving every piece of debris and crate in U7 trying to find hidden keys or levers to secret rooms. And NPCs had their own daily routines, including work, eat, sleep, etc… for example, you might follow one npc who leaves his home at midnight and find him cheating on his wife. In the old Origin BBS days, I read a post from a guy who killed every NPC in U7, then carried their bodies and stuffed them into one room. Why did he do that? Who knows, but that's not the point… the cool thing is that he could do it.
Oct 18, 2006
Seattle, WA
Besides Ultima's exploration and story elements, I miss the interactivity, hidden items, and puzzles. SotA really needs to flaunt some of that… It's not truly a Lord British game if you can't bake bread.

I remember moving every piece of debris and crate in U7 trying to find hidden keys or levers to secret rooms. And NPCs had their own daily routines, including work, eat, sleep, etc… for example, you might follow one npc who leaves his home at midnight and find him cheating on his wife. In the old Origin BBS days, I read a post from a guy who killed every NPC in U7, then carried their bodies and stuffed them into one room. Why did he do that? Who knows, but that's not the point… the cool thing is that he could do it.

You do know that guy who did the bodies thing turned out to be Jeffery Dahlmer right?

One of the main bullet points on the main page of the kickstarter is:

Fully interactive virtual world - If it looks usable, it should do something

LB has always liked that stuff, I don't think you need to worry.
Apr 17, 2007
Man, am I glad I didn't back this at that fleeting moment when I had the urge to do so. Every update they do just makes it less appealing.
Oct 27, 2006
This is why mankind doesn't spend time in space...makes your mind a little nutz.
Apr 2, 2011
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