Forum Bug Reports and Feature Requests

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A feature request : Exact phrase search.

I was searching for discussions having "the dark eye" in their title. I got 100.000 results having either the word "dark" (Dark Souls !) , "eye" or a combination of both.

When I was using "the dark eye" with these quotation marks, I got no results at all.

Same with "TDE" but that's at least understandable.
Anyway, I think it would be a nice thing to have a tiny bit of an explanation on how keywords can be used within the search window.
Where do you search? From the front page or the forums? if on the forums are you using the search option in the top bar or the method Pladio suggested?
I've tried a number of combinations, but all queries with "the dark eye", including the quotes gives me a limited number of results.
Obviously without the quotes it gives an enormous amounts of results, but even google differs in results when using it with or without quotes.
Aug 30, 2006
Hm, strange. I'm using the Search Function from the menu bar. With "Search Titles only". Then, when I type "the dark eye" I get "The*Dark*Eye" and no results.
With option "Show results as : Threads".


  • Searching.jpg
    52.7 KB · Views: 116
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
That is probably, because there are no titles with the "the dark eye" in them.
If you search for posts you do get hits.
Aug 30, 2006
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
A first version of the user tagging option is available. it is a free version for now as I want to see how it works first, before upgrading to the paid version.

It works as follows:
If you want to tag a user in a post you write: @user
Or you can write @user;
Or for the original poster @Arhu;:

This will result on the referenced user to receive a desktop notification (if that is enabled in your browser). Also in the right top notification menu, it will show that you have been referenced (New mentions).

If you are quoted in a post then you receive a desktop notification as well (if that has been enabled). Also in the right top notification menu, it will show that you have been referenced (New Post Quotes).

In both cases a mail is sent as well.

Note that a desktop notification is different from the notification you get when you receive a PM.

There are configuration options to turn things on or off. The paid version has some more options as well.
Also the paid version has options to use hashes (#), just like in Twitter. I personally think we can leave that option disabled, but I'd like to hear your feedback.
Aug 30, 2006
Where are these configurations? I can not find them in the User Control Panel.

I prefer @ to the #.

Btw is it case sensitive? How about spaces in names?

Just testing:
@Myrthos;, @HiddenX;, @Corwin;, @Gorath;, @Jaz;, @Silver;, @forgottenlor;, @pibbur who;, @Thrasher;, @you;, @xSamhainx;, @joxer;, @Fluent;, @lostforever;, @Hurls;, @Pladio;, @Capt. Huggy Face;, @BoboTheMighty;, @Cm;, @Elel;, @wiretripped;, @Pongo;, @Caddy;, @booboo;, @SpoonFULL;, @NewDArt;, @wolfgrimdark;, @crpgnut;, @Hastar;, @Zloth;, @Damian;, @Nephologist;, @henriquejr;, @GhanBuriGhan;, @JDR13;, @Alrik Fassbauer;, @Pessimeister;, @dteowner;, @zakhal;, @Wisdom;, @CelticFrost;, @Ripper;, @DeepO;, @Carnifex;, @Dez;, @vurt;, @Hurls;, @RPGFool;, @Drithius;, @lackblogger;, @txa1265;, @danutz_plusplus;, @redman5427;, @wolfing;, @yllaettaevaet;, @daveyd;, @Dajjer;, @Hastar;, @ilm;, @mercy;, @sakichop;, @Ivanwah;, @Kordanor;, @Darkheart;, @SirJames;, @Aerth;, @fadedc;, @purpleblob;, @azarhal;, @Zaleukos;, @ChienAboyeur;, @jdthoosier;, @zahratustra;, @screeg;, @luj1;, @rjshae;, @ChaosTheory; @SSIGuy;, @TheMadGamer;, @Steinawarjar;, @Arkadia7;, @ikbenrichard;, @mbuddha;, @Morbus;, @Zephyr;, @Stahl33;, @Ovenall;, @Morrandir; @Archangel;, @Korplem;, @Maylander;, @Saxon1974;, @Rills;, @johnnysd; @Lemonhead;, @Ragnaris;, @Lucky Day;, @gabrielarantest;, @rune_74;, @darklord; @LordCrash;, @GothicGothicness;, @Stingray;, @Gabriel;, @Format92;, @titus;, @Moorkh; @Luitoine;, @CelesteGB;, @Ploppy;, @Galaad;, @Eye;.

Sorry to all those I forgot.
The current available options in this free version can only be configured by an admin for everyone.

Tagging a user is not case senstive. Not sure what happens if a space is in a name. It should be smart enough, if not then use @user name;

Using the # is not an other way of tagging, it is the same as using hashes on twitter.
Aug 30, 2006
Spaces seems to work.
Mentioning yourself does not, apparently. In the box to the right of my posting it says I was never mentioned. :(
It should if you click on the New Mentions. You get a list then of all the mentions, including the once to your own. You don't get it listed as new as it notices that you already saw that notification to yourself :)
Aug 30, 2006
This @Eye; gets you a new mention.
Aug 30, 2006
For the record this is the complete list of features for the Lite version (which we are using now) and the paid Pro version, which we will be using if we keep this implementation.



  • Email alerts for all features
  • Globally disable emails for any of the features

General Features:

  • Ability to disable Thread Tag list entirely for guests
  • Globally disable any of the features


  • Statistics Page: Top X Thread Tagged, Top X Mentioned (Lite locked to Top 5)
  • "Mention" alerts: Type @username to mention someone, and link to their profile. Email & forum notification
  • Quote alerts: Email & forum notification
  • Tag an user in a thread to alert them to the thread via a box above threads
  • View list of tagged users above threads, with link to see all tags
  • Profile Tabs: Lists both incoming and outgoing mentions, quotes and thread tags
  • Shoutbox Integration: New Shoutbox Tab to list incoming mentions & tags
  • Control how many users to display in inline tag list
  • Turn statistics page on & off
  • Control BBCode for mentioned usernames (Underline only)
  • Control [DBTech] vBShout integration
  • Turn features on & off per category
  • Globally disable email alerts
  • Ability to set maximum mentions per post (default: unlimited)
  • Control what usergroups can use "Mentions"
  • Control what usergroups can use "Quotes"
  • Control what usergroups can use "Thread Tagging"
  • Direct link to post/blog in the "Mention Received" email
  • Direct link to post/blog in the "Quote Received" email
  • Direct link to thread in the "Thread Tag Received" email


Hash Tags:

  • One-click (un)subscribe to hash tags via the post list page
  • Clicking a hashtag shows all posts tagged with that word.
  • (vB4) Forum Sidebar widget with Recent and Trending hash tags
  • Control number of Recent / Trending hash tags
  • Control time span for Recent / Trending hash tags (x Hours/Days/Weeks)
  • Control stat weights given to individual users using the hash tag, and number of uses in total (for the Trending score)
  • Control display of number of users, number of uses and trending score
  • Deny usergroups access to sidebar block


  • Per-user email disable for any of the 4 features

General Features:

  • Ability to Mention and Thread Tag whole usergroups by typing their name. Per-UG permission to disable Mentions / Thread Tags for this UG.


  • Ability to tag all your friends by checking a checkbox instead of typing out usernames
  • Ability to tag and mention all usergroups by typing out the usergroup name, permissions control what UGs can be mentioned and tagged
  • Turn off alerts from everyone except friends
  • Hide forum notifications for individual features
  • Turn off email alerts for individual features
  • Hash tags, Twitter-style, add a topic to your post, sends notification to subscribed users
  • (vB4) Forum Sidebar block with Recent & Trending hash tags
  • (vB4) Mentions in posts visible in the Mobile Style (4.1.12+)
  • Turn tag list off
  • Control number of users displayed on Top X Stats
  • Hide "@" on mentions
  • Additional BBCode (Bold, Italic, Highlight) for mentions
  • Exclude usergroups from features
  • Exclude users from features
  • Control what usergroups can use "Hash Tags"
At the moment, I have disabled:
- Statistics overview
- Tagging a user to a thread (thread tagging) by means of a box that is displayed on top of each thread

The pro version has quite a number of extra functionality related to hash tags. But the most interesting feature in my opinion is that the forum and email notifications can be configured per user.
Aug 30, 2006
It should if you click on the New Mentions. You get a list then of all the mentions, including the once to your own. You don't get it listed as new as it notices that you already saw that notification to yourself :)
I was talking about the box to the right of the posting, I did not check the right top of the page…
But now I did: 6 pages in 'Mentions' already! :-/
Later though, after having closed my browser, I can not find the 'notification page' in my User CP anymore? The one with the lists of notifications, mentions, and quotes?
This @Eye; gets you a new mention.
Yes, that one changed the status of the box right next to my posting.

Let's see if quoting myself will get me a mentioning in the Quote list.
Spaces seems to work.
Mentioning yourself does not, apparently. In the box to the right of my posting it says I was never mentioned. :(

Well, probably not. Because the list of Notifications, Mentions, and Quotes remains hidden.

Another edit.
Myrthos, you have probably been notified of this posting of mine in this thread, since it was placed directly after yours.
Will you get another, additional notification of this same posting when I edit it by adding @Myrthos;?
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Yes, I do.
But it appears that you don't get a desktop notification when you are already actively visiting the thread.
Aug 30, 2006
I can not find the 'notification page' in my User CP anymore? The one with the lists of notifications, mentions, and quotes?
It is on the Profile page of each user:
About me - Statistics - Friends - Contact info - Mentions - Quotes
@Eye; talking to herself again :)
Thanks for testing this out, appears to be working.
Definitely tagging @joxer; in every phone scam and bear related post.
Last edited:
Aug 13, 2013
Tagging @Eye; back…
Oct 13, 2007
@Definitely tagging [MENTION=10546]joxer; in every phone scam and bear related post.

You don't need to. He has some sort of a magical link to those threads here. He always know when they pop in :)
Nov 15, 2013
There appears to be an issue with the integration of the forum account information on our front page when you have been mentioned. The front page shows blank.
If you go to the forums and check the notification, the loading of the front page works again, because you do not have a notification anymore.
Checking why this happens.
Aug 30, 2006
Should be fixed now.
Aug 30, 2006
@Eye; got notified

EDIT: works in edit mode too
Last edited:
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
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