Gaming BS of the week

You are quite correct, due to the unsubstantiated nature of the breaking news, the conveying of that news is pure speculation and would definitely require at least an apparently or alledged qualifier, I shall edit one in until more substantial evidence arrives.
Nov 1, 2014
Well, this turned out to be not-news apparently... so what's the precedence for this?

In May of 2019 the Jeremy Kyle Show got cancelled because a guest later went on to kill themselves. This was a huge news story that still carries a huge media following and is currently even being debated by MPs to discover the extent of the problems this show caused:

Jeremy Kyle guests treated worse than criminal suspects in police custody, claims MP

Links: take your pick of literally hundreds.

And what does the Jeremy Kyle show do? It's sort of like the Jerry Springer show of old, except it adds many doses of extreme moralising on top of the sickening spectacle. It's primary focus is exposing people who are assholes, dicks and hoes, etc etc etc. The kind of stuff that gets aired and shouted about outside any UK public house in areas of lower quality neighbourhoods during extremely drunken weekend nights. You know, "is it my baby" and "you cheated on me for the last time" and "why my dad can't accept I'm a transvestite" type screaming matches, full of audience groans, laughs and judgemental holier than thou looks down upturned noses.

So... a bit like what the #metoo movement does really.

Likewise, another recent suicide case involved someone who 'the public' have been chasing for a few years now, a certain Jeffery Epstein, who's claim to infame was that he allegedly asked 'underage' girls if they wanted to come to a party, at which point they were allegedly 'hired' to perform sexual acts, and then later allegedly 'forced' to continue the practice. Epstein allegedly committed suicide in his jail cell mere hours after being arrested.

Again, the news surrounding his suicide is continuous and unending. There are literally thousands of articles on the topic since his death on 10th August 2019.

Likewise, whenever a shooter commits suicide after hosing down their allotted pack of unsuspecting innocents, the first job of the wider media is to fully investigate that person's history. Again, you cannot move for people being made aware of the entire life of these cases of suicides.



When #metoo finds itself with a casualty, the suicidal death of a computer game developer, Alec Holowka, there appears to have been a near complete media blackout. Even those publications that did bother to tell anyone this news did not even bother either mentioning suicide in their title nor allow for any editorial content in the following article:

Night in the Woods' Alec Holowka has passed away

And since that time not a sausage of reporting has taken place. Apparently, the expressed reason for this happening is:

1) The sister of the deceased has claimed that the deceased did not want people to examine his accuser and she also asked for 'respect' for the dead.

Which is very unusual for media outlets. As you can see from the above historical precedent, the media really doesn't give two shits about respect for the dead, particularly when there's a good news story and many a controversial click to be earned. So why this case?

2) Because apparently whenever a suicide is reported in the headlines, apparently the suicide rate increases, so 'the press' is deliberately avoiding the topic to 'save lives'.

Even though, again, they have never historically taken this stance as a matter of principle. In effect, this 'principle' appears to be one that only matters when the 'story' is one they do not wish to discuss, for whatever reason.

There has not been one single article from anywhere in the world that has drawn parallel between the Jeremy Kyle situation and the #metoo situation here. Since my initial report of the breaking news, the news has decided upon itself that there is 'no news' here.

So even after a full mid-week of daily news across hundreds of news 'outlets' there still appears to be zero reputable links to provide on this matter.

The only people 'talking' about it in any depth are various YouTube commentators. However, most of those are being accused of being 'Gamergaters' and 'right-wing ambulance chasers', for merely taking an interest. Which is interesting, because I wouldn't normally watch a lot of these people, but the media blackout has... kinda forced me into their viewership...? So... am I a bad person for even thinking this is a very important story?

Those that are vlogging about the topic from a position of 'Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong' are mostly just objecting to the fact that people are caring about the story and that they 'believe' Zoe's allegations about Holowka, which is irrelevant, the story isn't about that any more. If the story is only about whether Quinn was telling the truth then that suggests that these people don't even care that someone died as a result of the allegations, they are agreeing, by omission of statement, that, well, anyone accused by the #metoo movement is perfectly deserving of the death penalty and that the death of victims of these on-line Jeremy Kyle-like public outrages should not be mourned even if they die. None of them have any sense of self-reflection about the methods and aims of the #metoo movement but instead carry on 'business as usual', demonising anyone who talks about the topic and simply reaffirming that the victim was 'a bad man m'kay'.

I've always been sceptical of the notion of there being some great conspiracy of media. There are some news outlets that are like chalk and cheese. So when there's a total unanimous solidarity among mortal enemies it is usually because there is a greater threat, either a war or a national disaster or what have you, but even here you can normally find some editorials or investigative pieces that are not hivemind sanctioned. This #metoo thing though... this story has really lit a beacon upon the sheer terror that #metoo wields in the upper echelons of power. Not even one single opinion piece or editorial... anywhere. Wow.

And if it's not terror induced... then... what exactly is it?

Just wow.
Nov 1, 2014
I think the above post should be sent to the P&R forum.
Aug 31, 2006
I agree with Lackblogger and Corwin.
Jul 7, 2010
Yet it is appropriate to publicly accuse this person of murder?

Well, accusing people publicly become "the norm" and Zoe Quinn make her own effort to make that happen. So where is the problem? She get what she worked for?

EDIT: That doesnt mean I agree with this public war of words. I just comment how it is.
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
What does this have to do with gaming and what have your theories to do with BS; or are you claiming your theories to be BS ?

Well, this turned out to be not-news apparently… so what's the precedence for this?

In May of 2019 the Jeremy Kyle Show got cancelled because a guest later went on to kill themselves. This was a huge news story that still carries a huge media following and is currently even being debated by MPs to discover the extent of the problems this show caused:

Links: take your pick of literally hundreds.

And what does the Jeremy Kyle show do? It's sort of like the Jerry Springer show of old, except it adds many doses of extreme moralising on top of the sickening spectacle. It's primary focus is exposing people who are assholes, dicks and hoes, etc etc etc. The kind of stuff that gets aired and shouted about outside any UK public house in areas of lower quality neighbourhoods during extremely drunken weekend nights. You know, "is it my baby" and "you cheated on me for the last time" and "why my dad can't accept I'm a transvestite" type screaming matches, full of audience groans, laughs and judgemental holier than thou looks down upturned noses.

So… a bit like what the #metoo movement does really.

Likewise, another recent suicide case involved someone who 'the public' have been chasing for a few years now, a certain Jeffery Epstein, who's claim to infame was that he allegedly asked 'underage' girls if they wanted to come to a party, at which point they were allegedly 'hired' to perform sexual acts, and then later allegedly 'forced' to continue the practice. Epstein allegedly committed suicide in his jail cell mere hours after being arrested.

Again, the news surrounding his suicide is continuous and unending. There are literally thousands of articles on the topic since his death on 10th August 2019.

Likewise, whenever a shooter commits suicide after hosing down their allotted pack of unsuspecting innocents, the first job of the wider media is to fully investigate that person's history. Again, you cannot move for people being made aware of the entire life of these cases of suicides.



When #metoo finds itself with a casualty, the suicidal death of a computer game developer, Alec Holowka, there appears to have been a near complete media blackout. Even those publications that did bother to tell anyone this news did not even bother either mentioning suicide in their title nor allow for any editorial content in the following article:

And since that time not a sausage of reporting has taken place. Apparently, the expressed reason for this happening is:

1) The sister of the deceased has claimed that the deceased did not want people to examine his accuser and she also asked for 'respect' for the dead.

Which is very unusual for media outlets. As you can see from the above historical precedent, the media really doesn't give two shits about respect for the dead, particularly when there's a good news story and many a controversial click to be earned. So why this case?

2) Because apparently whenever a suicide is reported in the headlines, apparently the suicide rate increases, so 'the press' is deliberately avoiding the topic to 'save lives'.

Even though, again, they have never historically taken this stance as a matter of principle. In effect, this 'principle' appears to be one that only matters when the 'story' is one they do not wish to discuss, for whatever reason.

There has not been one single article from anywhere in the world that has drawn parallel between the Jeremy Kyle situation and the #metoo situation here. Since my initial report of the breaking news, the news has decided upon itself that there is 'no news' here.

So even after a full mid-week of daily news across hundreds of news 'outlets' there still appears to be zero reputable links to provide on this matter.

The only people 'talking' about it in any depth are various YouTube commentators. However, most of those are being accused of being 'Gamergaters' and 'right-wing ambulance chasers', for merely taking an interest. Which is interesting, because I wouldn't normally watch a lot of these people, but the media blackout has… kinda forced me into their viewership…? So… am I a bad person for even thinking this is a very important story?

Those that are vlogging about the topic from a position of 'Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong' are mostly just objecting to the fact that people are caring about the story and that they 'believe' Zoe's allegations about Holowka, which is irrelevant, the story isn't about that any more. If the story is only about whether Quinn was telling the truth then that suggests that these people don't even care that someone died as a result of the allegations, they are agreeing, by omission of statement, that, well, anyone accused by the #metoo movement is perfectly deserving of the death penalty and that the death of victims of these on-line Jeremy Kyle-like public outrages should not be mourned even if they die. None of them have any sense of self-reflection about the methods and aims of the #metoo movement but instead carry on 'business as usual', demonising anyone who talks about the topic and simply reaffirming that the victim was 'a bad man m'kay'.

I've always been sceptical of the notion of there being some great conspiracy of media. There are some news outlets that are like chalk and cheese. So when there's a total unanimous solidarity among mortal enemies it is usually because there is a greater threat, either a war or a national disaster or what have you, but even here you can normally find some editorials or investigative pieces that are not hivemind sanctioned. This #metoo thing though… this story has really lit a beacon upon the sheer terror that #metoo wields in the upper echelons of power. Not even one single opinion piece or editorial… anywhere. Wow.

And if it's not terror induced… then… what exactly is it?

Just wow.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
BBC's bs of the week - this the most important news excerpt about the current state of gaming industry is not available on youtube:

I've tried to find it on YT, no dice. Cmon BBC. Put it on the official channel so everyone can see it already!
Apr 12, 2009
BBC's bs of the week - this the most important news excerpt about the current state of gaming industry is not available on youtube:

I've tried to find it on YT, no dice. Cmon BBC. Put it on the official channel so everyone can see it already!
Few people in that video saying "it's only problem if you can't control it". Yeah, that is how addictions work. You have to control everything, even eating, so it doesn't become an addiction. Some people can, some people can't. Some people can go to a casino, put in $50 get back $60 and get out happy. Some people see a chocolate bar and can't control themselves and eat it.
Jun 24, 2014
As usual, asking few, random individuals on any issue will hardly get you anything of value. But hey, I'm sure those BBC people always wanted an excuse to satisfy their curiosity about that gaming cafe near to their own workplace... :p
May 18, 2012
IMO a few random individuals on the street gives more merit to the issue than lobbies.
The problem always gets obvious from such statements, even if it's just a level of ignorance on a matter.

btw a certain UK parliament comittee (IIRC) is asking for lootboxes ban while ESA is strongly against it, of course they are.
The ban asked doesn't mean making manipulative&predatory practices illegal but basically suggests declaring a game with any kind of ingame purchases marked as Adults Only or Parental Advisory.
No links as I'm too lazy. :D
Apr 12, 2009
mmo roadmaps. A product sold a full and not as alpha/beta/earlyaccess - has a roadmap? It's plain bs.
And there is another bs connected to it. Cancelling the very same, already paid for, roadmap.

Or it's not bs but scam?
Apr 12, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
Google launching Play Pass game and app subscription service for Android this week

Following last Thursday's launch of Apple's games subscription service, Apple Arcade, Google has announced that its own similar offering is coming to Android devices in the US this week.
Google Play Pass, as the service is known, provides all-inclusive access to over 350 titles, all ad-free and in-app-purchase free, and will, like Apple's service, cost $4.99 USD a month.

Yes, you've read it right. Both Apple and Google launched their subscription service that contains ONLY no_scam products (no gambling, no pay2win, no bullshit).

So… Why is it in this thread. Because:

There are plenty of countries on this planet who want to "betatest" such a platform immediately. Belgium, Netherlands, Vietnam to name a few who banned lootboxes already.

AMD hid the true power of the Radeon RX 5700… here’s how to easily unlock it

The full potential of the AMD Radeon RX 5700 has been locked away from users, hidden behind artificial barriers on power and GPU clock speed. But there is an easy, non-invasive way to access the true performance of the second-string Navi GPU, and a way to squeeze almost $500 worth of RTX 2070 Super-level gaming frame rates from this $350 graphics card, and we’re going to show you how.

AMD's Ryzen series won the CPU war, but at cost of neglecting their GPU cards… Or was it really so?
Seems choking GPU performance decisions added to the problem.
We'll never know for sure, in the meantime whoever bought a RX 5700 should do a happy dance.
Apr 12, 2009

My sheer guess is that this is a right thing : They can enforce different kinds of laws there better - laws like the copyright and ownership laws. Plus, cynically put, they can legally collect more data and better exploit U.S. citizens that EU citizens.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe

mmos gonna killya. :)
Apr 12, 2009
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
An interview with someone I can't stand for like an eternity, but is highly respected on this forum probably thanks to his, repeated in there, whatever nonsensical and meaningless term describing nothing:
One of the original creators of the series (and genre) is at the helm, too: Warren Spector. Best known for leading the charge on the early immersive sims, particularly Deus Ex (2000), he and his team are looking to meet expectations while pushing a fairly niche genre forward. GameSpot producer Mike Mahardy had a chance to catch up with him and talk about the history of the games he's touched, the modern gaming landscape, and how all of that is feeding into his team's work on System Shock 3.
As usual, there has to be some new bs.
I don't understand why video game developers use character classes. I guess it's simple for people to understand "I'm a fighter, I'm a healer, I'm a mage." It's probably sensible and there's a reason why I'm kind of the "King of the Cult Classics," and haven't sold 100 million copies of a game ever. But character classes and all those secret di roles were the best simulation tools that Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson had at their disposal when they created this whole role-playing thing. And we have better tools now. I don't get it. As a player, sure, I'll play a game that has character classes, but I'm not a huge fan.
Well I'm not fan of everspawning trashmobs and checkpoints. Yet developers, certain developers, believe character classes are the biggest outdated design.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
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