Last game you finished, tell us about it

You can play without that DLC. That's what I did.

Good to know.

Saves me lot of kaputt teeth and headaches, it seems to me now.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
And I finished Peaky Blinders, which was a quickie compared to how long the previous games I've played this summer took to complete. It was pretty good, I thought it did a good job of capturing many of the fine elements from the show. The only issue I had was how everything was timed, right behind not being able to save in a game when I wish to, I despise being on the clock! Feels too much like work -p

If the show is something you enjoy, as well as a decent detective-like game, this one is pretty good. It's fairly short, though.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I was about to say, "hey, you're in the game thread, not the series thread" :lol:

I had no idea they made a game, I've been living under a rock again I suppose ;) But why not, it's a nice setting, must be appealing for a game.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
It's called Peaky Blinders: Mastermind, and I was fortunate to win it during the summer giveaway here! I'm not sure if it's available on multiple platforms, the version I have is from Steam.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Finished King's Bounty 2 as Katharine (mage), took me 60 hours.

The game when it comes to gaming is great.

- It has a fair share of puzzles, some easy, some not (I had to brute force a couple).

- Tons of equipment you will have to micromanage very carefully as you can't buy everything - a hint, do buy resistance trinket when you see it, it's not expensive and will save your head in toughest fights.

- Choices matter for your character. Your skills depend on it and taking any "wrong" side can lock you out of final armor set piece that was a reward you can't get in the path you took. The story however ends the same way, regardless who you side with as the main villain cannot be manipulated. ;)

- You can't become a master of everything like in Skyrim, you'll max just one skills "branch", only left will be a few points to put in others.

- Trials where you play predetermined units battle, a sort of a chess where you can't change what figures you have, some were easy, but two I had to replay many times in different ways to win. The point is you need to think outside the box and not care about losing units as in the actual game.

- And actual game combat is as exciting as was in old KB games. You need to outsmart the AI without losing too many units in your army.
Losing the whole stack happened to me more than once, then again, I loved to engage those enemies marked as UNDEFEATABLE.
I mean, really? Let's see how much undefeatable you are. And then I cry because some units are not available to buy any more and I lost 'em (ok there is a Summon scroll to mitigate this and also as the story progress you find those units offered elsewhere).
The game *is* challenging, especially if you don't care who you're currently engaging or decide to do a playthrough without losing a single soldier ever. I don't see it possible…

But when it comes to other stuff, it's not that great.

- UI is partially retarded, you can't do everything with the mouse but have to use silly keys. That, btw, are not remappable. In 2021.

- The engine version is some old one, thus character faces look as one's arse. The engine was not really designed for openworld exploration so it happens you get temporarily (frequently) or permanently (rare) "stuck on a rock". Which forces you to save often or not explore.

- To save often you will press F5 every now and than, right? No. There is no quicksave. Luckily, devs promised to add it.

- Oh, you will not explore? Well, then you won't find tons and tons of money you desperately need. This was IMO a bad design idea, instead of 100 coin purses with 100 coins inside, they should have put one so you don't risk getting permastuck. Because they knew the engine is not designed for this kind of exploration.

- The horse is utterly useless and your character runs/walks so slow as if was a Mass Effect original elevator. When it became unbearable, I hacked the game speed 2x and then it was all fun. Here's hope they fix it for future players.

- The music… Depends where you are either doesn't exist or is so worse than in old games.

To sum up, hack the game speed on double and you'll have so much fun.
Sadly you will not enthuse about it to all friends as some of it's designs are annoying.
But I am pressing a certain friend who loves mmos to try this one as it needs both wits and intelligence, one can't pay to win it.
Apr 12, 2009
And just shy of two weeks, last night I completed Dark Deity. This is an outstanding game, I can only hope the folks that made this will do sequels, or perhaps just crank out new offerings with similar mechanics.

It's like a FF:T game, or Ogre Battles, or Fell Seal. And yet it stands on its own in many ways, the story is negligible, as the game is much more focused on defining the characters you wish to keep active in your stable. For most of the game you can field fourteen active participants, and those on the bench do not accumulate experience, so you've some hard choices to make. You can easily get stuck with a few lemons, I certainly did, yet at the same time you'll likely find some outstanding warriors.

If you enjoy this genre, buy the game. It's worth it at full price, and a total steal if you get it at any sort of a discount.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yesterday I polished off Clarent Saga: Tactics. This is a tactical game right down to the core, the story is minimal and generational, which can both be a bit jarring. You'll also see the maps used and re-used throughout the game, which also might not appeal to all comers. The exploration factor isn't high here, I did find a few treasures scattered around and allow that I might have missed a few along the way. The controls seem rather funky also, you'll want to stick to the keyboard for sure.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I went through Vampyr way quicker than I thought I would. Overall, while it was a bit too action-y for my liking these days, the large exploration factor and detective work involved kept me hooked! And goodness, if you like an interesting story to hook you in, this game has that. Might even be a good time to be playing this one, as it takes place during the Spanish flu era, just after the Great War.

No, it's not turn based. Nope, no grids to explore. However, the story is compelling, every single character seems to have a back story and some involvement in the world, it's a really solid game. And the creep factor is super high, as it certainly should be, considering the subject matter.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
O wow, that's a blast from the past there Carnifex, I'd completely forgotten that game existed. I spent quite few nights watching let's plays of that one when it came out as I drifted off to slumber.
Nov 1, 2014

I have now completed Deathloop with a steam count of about 48 hours.

I like the game very much and can recommend it to everybody, who liked the Dishonored series and/or Prey.

For those, who like the Prey spin-off Mooncrash, it may suffice to say, that the game principle of a repeating loop, which you have to end, is very similar to that game. Of course setting, story and therefore overall atmosphere are very different from that.

For all the others I try to highlight some properties, which show, why I like it (the text contains very mild spoilers but nothing you don't learn in the first parts of the game):

The returning loop, which you can explore over and over again has nothing to do with a classical rogue-like, where you start playing, die after some time and start again from scratch. To the contrary: You need to experience several loops in order to learn in-game knowledge, to acquire abilities and weapons and to change the situation step after step in a way to solve the complete task in the end. So instead of being a game with constant reloading it is rather a game without any reloading because anything you acquire in one loop is useful for the future. You have a feeling of constant progress.

It is not a pure shooter as falsely understood by some people. You can get abilities like teleport or partial invisibility which are very similar to those in Dishonored 2. (Even up to the symbol used.) You can also gather passive properties allowing you to have more health, run faster or be a better hacker.

Some abilities like hacking turrets or alarm cameras you have from the beginning but they can be improved vastly as said above.

You can also improve weapons and find unique weapons during specific side quests.

Since I am not the melee/direct confrontation player I specialized on things like hacking, sneaking (invisibility), teleporting and jumping.

You have no possibility for non-lethal take downs like in Dishonored, but this is explained story-wise by the fact that everybody is reborn in every new loop anyways, so you can't really kill people. But you can still get an achievement by only killing the boss(es) on a map while not harming anybody else.

The time-loop mechanics work a little bit different in detail from Mooncrash: You have no real timer, but the day is divided into four times of day (morning, noon, afternoon, evening) and you enter one of the game areas in each of these. As long as you stay in one area, time doesn't really go on. Only when leaving an area, the next time of day starts. So you can explore four areas in every day of the loop and you can stay in each area as long as you like.

Each area changes from time of day to time of day, so visiting the same area at different times makes a big difference and can be necessary in order to learn everything you need (e.g. certain buildings are only open at certain times, certain main characters are at different places at different times etc.).

Since you have to solve eight tasks in order to break the loop (kill eight main characters), one could think that you need to solve two tasks per time of day in average. However this seems impossible in the beginning since the main characters do not do you the favor to wait for you like that. Therefore you have to find out how to manipulate events and people in order to solve all your tasks in one day.

The story is not as deep as the ones in Dishonored and Prey and has no real plot twists. But it is more deep than only "break the loop", because you learn things, which can make you doubt your goal. For example the possibility is indicated that the rest of the world is already destroyed and uninhabitable and the loop is the only way to preserve human life for the future.

This kind of ambiguity is underlined by the fact that you can play as the (male) protagonist, who tries to break the loop, as well as the (female) protagonist, who tries to prevent that.

Unfortunately, if you only play Singleplayer, you can only play the first of these roles, the second one is then done by AI.

I assume that it would have been impossible to emulate the loop-braeking protagonist by an AI, so you can only play the loop-defender in a multiplayer game, where you break into a game of another player, who tries to break the loop and you have the goal to stop him. I never play multiplayer but right now I am tempted to try this at least once…

Overall the world and the story are not as complex as the ones in Dishonored or Prey, everything is a little bit smaller in scale. Therefore I wouldn't count Deathloop as a Milestone of immersive sims like I would do for Dishonored, but still count it to the "games you should have played or at least tried if you like immersive sims".

At least it is fun enough that I will now play on a little bit after the end, because there are several small side stories, which I haven't solved yet. Mainly areas and secrets which I haven't found the way to access yet. The wish to play on after the end is always a sign for me that the game did something right in terms of world and atmosphere.
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Dec 26, 2007
@bkrueger; Thanks for the detailed impressions. I think Deathloop has been ignored to some degree because of so many other games being released in the same time frame.

I'm still not sure if it's for me, but I definitely plan on giving it a try at some point.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I think Deathloop has been ignored to some degree because of so many other games being released in the same time frame.
I wanted to instabuy and play it when it was released but Arkane pulled the Warner move in PC version.
Not touching till patched 100%.
Apr 12, 2009
Finished Eastward just a few moments ago.

Well, that was a trip. I don't want to spoil anything, but for people who enjoy oldschool action RPGs with a focus on storytelling, it's very well worth it. The story and the characters may feel cliche at times, but it seems intentional, and well done regardless. If you let it sink with you, it's likely to provide you with good times.
I assume you're referring to Denuvo. I doubt that was the deciding factor for the majority.
Again no.
The game is stuttering on too many PC setups, just like Warner's Arkham Knight.

I buy games regardless of Denuvo, IIRC KB2 has Denuvo integrated and I bought it and finished a few weeks back.
It's not any factor when it comes to me, I simply don't care about it's presence. ;)
Apr 12, 2009
Finished my second playthrough of Days Gone, this time on Survival II. And I'm very close to 95%-ing every achievement. I'm saying 95 since one of the achievements requires me to do another full playthrough in NG+, and no way am I doing that now. Maybe in a few years, if I don't lose my saves.

Since I've pretty much cleared most of everything, maps and hordes alike, a lot earlier than was required, I was heavily overpowered from the middle of the game going forward. And right now I just have a couple of final missions and around 7-8 hordes left, I believe. All in Highway '97. But for some strange reason the map tracker is now showing me all of them. Only about 3 of them. I hope that's just a temp glitch or something. I don't want to hunt the hordes with external resources.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun, but I'm also excited to finish of the last things and then be done with it. Seems there also a Challenge mode? I didn't even notice it before. There's some achievements tied to that, which I doubt I will do.
Jul 31, 2007
And, also finished and collected every item, mission or thing that the game tracks. Besides this there's also a bunch of achievements tied to challenges. And I gave the challenges a couple of shots, but man am I bad at thos.

The main challenge I tried is the endless horde that attacks you, and you practically have to survive as much as possible. With the limited resources you have. And you have to achieve at least 10k points to get bronze. Well, after 3 attemps I'm only at 6k. Gold requires just an absurd value (I think around 100k+).

So, I think I'm done with the game for now. I'll probably try a NG+ a couple of years later.

EDITL: hm, interesting. I did a little more reading around the challenges, and it seems Surrounded is one of the harder ones. And people are recommending doing the other challenges first to unlock abilities and items that ease this one a lot more. Ok, I may do that.
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Jul 31, 2007
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