The Walking Dead season premiere tonight

we initially felt that way too, especially since half the running time was goddamn commercials. But on the second watch i realized a lot actually happened. We got:

- the glen interrogation and zombie match
- the yummy Maggie interrogation
- the michonne rescue and absorption to Team Prison
- The cabin scene w/ Team Prison
- The "crazy scientist" scene w/ Andrea
- The reuniting of Carol

No doubt we were disappointed that the prison/woodbury deathmatch didnt happen that we wanted, and that was pretty much overshadowing all that actually happened. Next week tho...
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I am disappoint by so many things in last night's episode. I wont even begin until others do, nobody probably even watched it
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I enjoyed it and didn't find too much disappointing. Maybe it's because it had been so long since the last episode I was overcome with nostalgia.

One thing that I though silly though: after the raid on Woodbury people are clamoring to leave. That was ridiculous. As though going back out into the wild would be safer. Also, when the townsfolk acted so scandalized after Governor shot the bitten townsperson made no sense. They all knew what needed to be done and yet none acted.
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Jul 18, 2007
I think my biggest disappointment is the lamentable return of the "rick going crazy" thing

Yeah. I like the idea of the group struggling to stay together, but the crazy bit I'm not so sure. The entire episode devoted to the phone was not a good one.
Jul 18, 2007
I like how he's breaking down. It fits with the character and the scenario. He's been under tremendous pressure for a very long time - and he's lost so much.

If you think about it, the same thing has happened to the governor - who has been under similar pressure.

They're both leaders with excessive responsibility in a world that's a million times more harsh than ours.

It'd be strange if they didn't break.
This is an open discussion of the show, so if you dont want to see spoilers dont read the thread!

Oh yeah, you got me all riled up about it now, I've had a few minutes to stew over it all. They could have been more subtle about it, you know. Have him see her there, then blink and she's gone. Have her haunt him, draw him (and us) in and gradually have his sanity slipping and have it be detrimental. They did this before with the "phone episode" and it kinda sucked because it's just not believable. Someone doesnt just suddenly flip between outright psychosis / hallucinations and lucidity. I'm no trained shrink, but still - it doesnt work for me. Instead, they take bazooka approach and alienate the main character during a pivotal point of the show. Then again, i dont work in television, maybe that's what will ultimately make good tv and something good will come of it. It just didnt sit right w/ me.

That's just one point of yuck thru the entire episode that I didnt like:

-Yeah right, the town of woodbury are going to suddenly be trying to just up and leave the relative comfort and security of the town. The militia are there at the front gate, literally blasting away at the legions of the dead outside waiting for them and their children, but they dont care. Let them out. yeah, right

-Rick's treatment of Mission (or however you spell it) , I dont believe he would have actually treated her like that. She risked her life not once, but several times for them. She's obviously a competent warrior who can handle herself, even moreso than most of the group. He wouldnt be planning to throw her out on her ear like that.

-Merle is a complete asshole, but him showing no smarts whatsoever is not what he does. Left in the middle of the zombie apocalypse with nothing and nowhere to go is not consistent with his character. I even wanted him to shut the hell up, and I usually love his dialogue. He's an asshole, but he's not completely ignorant. He does what he needs to, to survive, even if it's stabbing someone in the back at a later date. I dont see him stirring the pot as he did, when he did.

-Andrea's half-minute "Patton Speech" rallying the town (there was only like 15 people there!) just suddenly quelled the entire revolt? It was eye-rolling to the max. Nothing about "hey, by the way youre safer here" but "we're gonna be in the history books!".
Cozy, no i dont think so

-The gov drags himself out, puts a bullet in the skull, then drags back in and hides behind the blinds. Really, a charismatic leader is going to do that? That just sucked. This is a guy that drives up to a force of national guard with a pistol and bulletproof vest. I dont think so.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I watched it and was sort of "meh". I didn't think it was terrible, but it did seem like a step down compared to the first half of the season.

I completely agree about the scene with The Governor so casually shooting the injured guy. Regardless of what he's recently been through, he doesn't strike me as the type who would allow himself to show such a dramatic change in front of the people he had worked so hard to delude.

Wasn't surprised by Merle. He has survival smarts, but he's still an ignorant redneck in the end. Also, you can't forget that he blames Rick for the loss of his hand. I didn't expect him to swallow his pride and pretend to fit in for the purpose of group safety.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The writing has never been very good, I agree. Most characters behave like they're extra moronic - and they're anything but plausible.

But I do like the aspect of the leaders breaking down - and it's one of the few really interesting psychological concepts so far.

I agree that the speech from Andrea was terrible - a true SIGH moment.

The Governor has been unstable from the beginning, and his actions fit with his continued break. The worst thing they can do now is make him "normal" again - which I wouldn't put past them.

I'm only watching this because I've caught the rest. I can't see myself going for another season. The writing is simply not good enough.
I suppose one could think of Rick's treatment of Michon (sp?) as an indicator that he was starting to lose it. IIRC the others didn't want her gone either.

I too did not like Andrea's speech. But it's clear their setting her up to be the Governor's aide/puppet/heiress. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if she kills him and takes Woodbury for herself. I would rather she suffer a gruesome end because I don't like her character. I look forward to seeing the role of the scientist there in future episodes.
Jul 18, 2007
as if the Aquarium Wall of Living Death wasnt enough, and the fact that he kept a zombie daughter and is obviously not cooking on all four burners, she finds out that he had captured her friends and said nothing to her…

She has to have an angle, because again - there's no way that someone would tolerate that! She's a player, i think youre right and when the shit really does hit the fan it's going to be her knife in the Gov's back.

Then, will everyone forgive her?? My wife hates her, I think she hates her more than she ever hated Lorrie.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I love the show just started watching it a couple weeks ago and watched them all to date now.

I don't like the idea of rick going crazy, I can understand it given the situation but I still don't like it.

The most annoying thing for me though is every time they meet some one it's 1 week of food and water and send them packing. Yes, sometimes they end up letting them stay anyway but that whole speech every time is getting old.

Not sure why the hate for lorrie, I liked her, actually I like all of the in the group, Darryl probably the most so he needs to come back and to my surprise i'm starting to like rick the least lately.

Also ninja chick with the swords and pet walkers must stay. If rick continues to lose his mind she can lop off his head and lead the group.
I don't like the idea of Rick going crazy, again, too. He lost it in the past, then he becomes sane again, so he can raid the camp, and the lose it again.

And he lost what? His wife. Like the others lost nothing. The one female, lost her child, no, they shot her zombie child in front of her, but she is cool. She has Rick!

I lost my patience with the whole second season. I liked the first one of the third. Let's hope they manage to keep it that way.
Oct 4, 2007
I don't like the idea of Rick going crazy, again, too. He lost it in the past, then he becomes sane again, so he can raid the camp, and the lose it again.

And he lost what? His wife. Like the others lost nothing. The one female, lost her child, no, they shot her zombie child in front of her, but she is cool. She has Rick!

I lost my patience with the whole second season. I liked the first one of the third. Let's hope they manage to keep it that way.

Well, there's a difference - because he's the leader of the group and everyone is expecting him to solve all the problems.

He's had to kill his best friend - and he can't really trust anyone. He's the one making the decisions to turn all the new people away.

It's only natural that he's starting to crack under such pressure.

But I do agree that it's a bit far fetched how he's been acting completely normal for a while - and then going psychotic again.

Anyway, this last episode was not that bad. Even though the battle was a bit ridiculous. Everyone arriving on the scene at the same time? Just another example of the extremely stupid coincidences.

Zombie takeover? Then they just leave without knowing the outcome? That's just extra stupid.

Oh well.
Just saw the last episode. The last 15 minutes are what matters. Both leaders make clear of what they are made of. Nothing else.

The real essence for me, comes from the previous episode, where Rick never picked up the hitchhiker. Noone is nice anymore. hehe
Oct 4, 2007
The last couple of episodes have been really good, in my opinion.

Funny thing with this show. Every time I decide I'm not going to continue watching - they up the quality significantly.

I love the focus on the characters and the human aspects - something which I find infinitely more interesting than constant CGI gore and silly action sequences. Those things have their place - but they'd be a million times more effective if they were used sparingly - and if the characters were ever in any real danger when fighting zombies.

I think it's really ridiculous how every single person is Rambo and never misses with a gun - and can kill zombies with a toothbrush in their sleep. It nullifies the tension.

Anyway, I hope the show will have more of what I've seen lately - but I guess we can't avoid a big showdown coming very soon.
I think it's really ridiculous how every single person is Rambo and never misses with a gun - and can kill zombies with a toothbrush in their sleep. It nullifies the tension.
Seems reasonable if you think about it, though. It's been over a year now since the zombies started up. Darwin at work—if you can't kill zombies with a toothbrush in your sleep, chances are fairly good that you are a zombie by now.

Really, there's only 2 things really troubling me as far as realism. After a year, food should be a very serious problem, far more than it is. Since they've got the zombies eating animals and farming is pretty well out the door, protein should be a huge headache. The other is that they seem to have forgotten that gasoline does have a shelf life. Even if there's plenty to scavenge (which seems a stretch itself), it would be starting to gel up by now, particularly after sitting over winter.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
What dteowner says is right. If there are groups of people fighting each other, the reasons are those two Dt says. Food, gas. Plus water and medicine i would say.
Oct 4, 2007
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