So the GPU's in the PS4 and 720 will be atleast 3x weaker

Don't forget that the new consoles (a) will be multiple times as fast as current gen, (b) won't have a memory bottle-neck and (c) will have their games optimized for one fixed system per platform.

Early games will probably only use 720p output, until the devs have learned how to squeeze out enough performance for 1080p, but this will change soon. Are the specs really too low for a 1080p gaming machine, under the assumption that the devs will spend resources on optimization?
Aug 30, 2006
If the new consoles are really that much faster than the PS3 and 360, then I don't see how 1080p would be any kind of obstacle.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The key is what it's always been. They're writing for a platform that's set in stone. When testing the game - they can be assured that everyone will be using identical hardware - which makes it MUCH easier to squeeze everything out of it and use all the tricks in the book.
@darkling, aren't those abilities (Mode 7, etc) either workarounds to deal with hardware limitations or so-called "special" features more for marketing than actual technological milestones?

Depends on what we're talking about. My examples were both unique hardware and software workarounds to work with said hardware. My point is that there were unique differences between those devices that set each of them apart. Nothing about the next gen sets them apart from PC's. PC's from a few years ago, even. Nothing really sets the PS3 or Xbox apart from a PC either, except game selection. Which is an artificial limitation set by marketers and businessmen, so is ultimately irrelevant when discussing hardware.
Sep 28, 2009
Depends on what we're talking about. My examples were both unique hardware and software workarounds to work with said hardware. My point is that there were unique differences between those devices that set each of them apart. Nothing about the next gen sets them apart from PC's. PC's from a few years ago, even. Nothing really sets the PS3 or Xbox apart from a PC either, except game selection. Which is an artificial limitation set by marketers and businessmen, so is ultimately irrelevant when discussing hardware.

The games being for a particular system actually did hit me pretty hard a long time ago. Knowing that amazing games existed on another platform that I did not own. :(

But eventually I got over it. And from the way things look, consoles are here to stay. In my opinion. PC-only gamers are just limiting themselves by clinging to some self-imposed sense of honor if they find a console game appealing but refuse to purchase a console for it. I think as gamers, we'll own one or more consoles - just a matter of time, I think.

I myself own a PS3 which served the family well for years. And I am looking forward to the PS4 - but only when some good killer-games are released for it.
Oct 19, 2006
A mouse and keyboard (actually a n52 speedpad) are requirements for me. That all by itself pretty much assures the PC will remain my only gaming system.
May 3, 2008
A mouse and keyboard (actually a n52 speedpad) are requirements for me. That all by itself pretty much assures the PC will remain my only gaming system.

Admittedly I prefer M+KB too. Although there are some games where the controller/joystick just fits perfectly (platformers, sports games, etc)
Oct 19, 2006
I'll be curious to see how much optimization gets done in the early games of the generation. They get a big graphics jump (and memory jump and CPU jump) just doing everything straightforward so why spend the money to do extra optimization? In fact, if they make games TOO good now, how will they impress people with better graphics three years from now?

Big studios will jump on the optimization wagon from their first game. The last couple of years of existence of consoles are done on optimization mostly. Better to be prepared from the very start as optimization is planned and amortized over several games.
Mar 29, 2011
Admittedly I prefer M+KB too. Although there are some games where the controller/joystick just fits perfectly (platformers, sports games, etc)

True. Of course, on a PC I can switch back and forth at will.
May 3, 2008
So NVIDIA has made a chart with comparassion specifications of graphics cards which are not even made official yet ? I call this BS.
Oct 25, 2006
I would imagine nvidia is probably in a pretty good place to know these things. In fact its fairly instrumental to their business.
May 3, 2008
I'm an ex-PC gamer that prefers to play on consoles now.

I just would rather spend my money on other hobbies than a PC nowadays.

The console is cheap and the games are cheap as long as you wait a bit before buying them.

I don't even know how old my 360 is and don't care. Graphics card? Who knows and who cares. It plays just fine when I stick a disc in.
I would imagine nvidia is probably in a pretty good place to know these things. In fact its fairly instrumental to their business.

You mean they know what their biggest competitior will offer in their next-gen graphics cards? and officially admits they've gotten this information ?
Oct 25, 2006
I'm an ex-PC gamer that prefers to play on consoles now.

I just would rather spend my money on other hobbies than a PC nowadays.

The console is cheap and the games are cheap as long as you wait a bit before buying them.

I don't even know how old my 360 is and don't care. Graphics card? Who knows and who cares. It plays just fine when I stick a disc in.

Games are definitely not cheap. You have to wait 39219 years and even then, you'll probably pay $20+. Compare that to Steam, recent games can be purchased less than a year after release usually for $10 or less.
Also, to play online on a 360, costs what, $50/year? Console's life is like 8 years so add $400 to the cost. Is it cheaper now than a PC? Considering the cost of games and online, I think it's actually more expensive (and that's not mentioning all the free add-ons and mods I get for games, like Game of Thrones for Crusader Kings 2, or the myriad free mods for Skyrim).

Now, console gaming does have a big + for me… playing from my bed :)
Sep 23, 2008
I easily spend less than $100 a year on games. I regularly trade games with friends and on Craigslist. It quite easy and quick to swap a game on CL in my area. I'm one of those rare people who have never been online with my 360 so no bills there for me. Actually I don't even have home internet except for the smartphone. I guess I could tether it like the laptop but its just not important to me. You have your preference and I have mine.
I don't know about the 360 because ours got the 3 rings of death for the 3rd time about a year ago and I just threw it out but I can't do anything on our ps3 without having to download updates.

I play madden and watch blurays only and it seems like every time I turn it on its either a system update or madden update. I have even had to update it to just watch a bluray. I only use it 1 or 2 times a month though so maybe it wouldn't seem so bad if I used it regularly.
You mean they know what their biggest competitior will offer in their next-gen graphics cards? and officially admits they've gotten this information ?

Well the ps4 is revealed. And people are adamant they know what is in the 720, so it isnt much of a stretch.
Jul 22, 2012
The gpus for both the 360 and the ps4 were based on known pc cards as well. Cards that weren't at all new when the systems were released. Any of these cards that is going to be released in the next couple years is already designed. They might still need some pcb revisions, but they are largely done. To get into truly unknown territory as far as performance, you're probably going to have to go 2+ generations out. So Nvidia probably has no idea what will be in the playstation 5 :)
May 3, 2008
You mean they know what their biggest competitior will offer in their next-gen graphics cards? and officially admits they've gotten this information ?
Next gen graphics cards? Our 'generations' are only a year long and the differences are pretty small. Anyway, the games are already in development. The specs are out there.

Toff, yeah consoles are cheap stuff. Plus they are EASY. Drop the disk in and it works. PCs have been getting better with that but the open platform means it will never match the closed console platforms. If gaming is a secondary hobby, console is the way to go. (If it's tertiary, might as well stick with what your phone can do.)

Don't count on those used game sales continuing forever, though. The winds of change are blowing again - and I think they are going to blow a big chunk of processing power over to publisher-owned server farms that will reject used/pirated games.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Well, the official specs for xbox 720 is not official, and for PS4 sony has not yet given the details on the graphics card except it is a next gen AMD graphics card and they did give the terraflops, but NVIDIA knows very well you cannot only measure performance in terraflops ( which is probably what they did )
Oct 25, 2006
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