Titan speculations


Level N+1
March 30, 2008
Rumors have it one of the leads, John Staats, has been removed from the project. I can only interpret this as the project being doomed! A repeat of Starcraft Ghost?
Mar 30, 2008
Either that or a massive success. Blizzard doesn't do mediocre.
Oct 18, 2006
That was the old Blizzard.

The new Blizzard, however, is quite capable of mediocre visions - or so it seems.

That said, they're still incredible craftsmen.
I was referring to success. They refuse to release anything they don't feel will be an instant smash hit.

Personally, I'm not as super keen on Diablo 3 and so on as others, but I have no doubt it'll be a massive success.
Oct 18, 2006
The new Blizzard, however, is quite capable of mediocre visions - or so it seems.
The new fluffy/greedy Blizzard. My god, their panda expansion will fail. If Titan is something completely different than World of Warcraft in term of gameplay, then the future doesn't bode well for them. This John Staats for instance was involved with the raiding aspects of World of Warcraft. In addition, they have to create an entirely new IP from scratch. With World of Warcraft they could "jump right in", building upon a solid fundation.

Take Wildstar for instance which was made from scratch. Despite all the talent, I doubt this game will be successful on the PC. World of Warcraft put emphasis on adult gamers while still appealing to younger players. I believe you need that breath to be a big success. If Titan want to appeal to an even broader range of players than Warcraft I think it will fail from the get-go.

One thing is sure. SWTOR have a giant opportunity now to grab a large slice of mmo players. Shame that company isn't any better, but the competition might beat some sense in Blizzard. If it has staying power then Titan need to address it.

I was referring to success. They refuse to release anything they don't feel will be an instant smash hit.
The next releases will tell. Blizzard as a corporation has changed quite a bit these last few years.
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Mar 30, 2008
The only MMO with any real vision, as far as I can see, is ArcheAge. Here's hoping it will be a success - and they find a decent US publisher. I don't dare put my hopes up for an EU publisher yet, but it looks like it could be one of the first "asian" MMOs with a very wide appeal.

Bliz have always been about the mainstream audience, but somehow - I think they used to keep the creative vision intact with a strong design integrity. A very rare thing, and I don't know another company that succeeded in that very strange combination.

But given their recent efforts, and in particular the laughable Panda thing, I don't see any integrity that will get my hopes up for Titan. I think they've grown too complacent - and they don't seem to have the same creative drive as they used to.

They're pretty much just extremely competent craftsmen with the emphasis on the business side of things now. Not really my thing.
Care to elaborate more about ArcheAge? never heard of this game before and brief glance makes it looks like another Korean MMO.

Currently I am not playing any MMO because bored of everything out there now. So keen to know why this interest you.
Oct 8, 2009
Care to elaborate more about ArcheAge? never heard of this game before and brief glance makes it looks like another Korean MMO.

Currently I am not playing any MMO because bored of everything out there now. So keen to know why this interest you.

It would take too long to explain… I recommend you go to MMORPG and read up on it.

It's a hugely ambitious MMO with a lot of the features I've been dying to see in the genre, coupled with serious production values and the mainstream appeal required to "make it big".

It's a hybrid MMO which is both themepark and sandbox in nature, with an unprecedented freedom given to players to shape the world, and create anything from furniture to ships and towns.

It also runs on the latest CryEngine - which means it has the potential to look very good.

It's in "closed beta 4" at the moment, which is supposed to be the last beta before the launch in asia. It remains to be seen when - if ever - it will be released in the US - but it's been designed to appeal to the western market as well as the asian one.
Did bit more research and it does looks interesting. However it looks like there is not much following for it here in Europe (or even US for that matter).
Oct 8, 2009
and no BlizzCon this year either...
Oct 13, 2007
After what they've done with WoW, I see nothing to get excited about. This latest information only confirms that.
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