Released kickstarter games

Is there any reason to think that a kickstarter funded game will be better managed than one funded by publishers? Quite the opposite, actually…

No and that's been one of the most common misgivings people have had about some of these projects. It may perhaps be somewhat noteworthy to see it play out like this with the first of the big video game kickstarters and the one which kicked off the whole "year of the game" as kickstarter termed it. Considering the amount of press coverage given to this project throughout the general press, it seems inevitable that problems and delays will also be covered to a greater degree than might be the case for less exhaustively reported-on projects.

That is not to say that any new sense of caution or hesitance it introduces into prospective backers might be undue - at least if they did not already understand that it is not unusual for release dates to slip and that they might be downright unrealistic after a project has ballooned to 7 times its original size. It may also serve to remind people that enthusiastic pursuit of creative vision and pragmatic project management can sometimes be at cross purposes. As you suggest regarding these kickstarters, where the creative vision is sometimes unshackled from the overbearing bean-counters of the publisher, that may just be more important to remember.
Nov 20, 2006
Yeah, I just think some people assume that being unshackled from a publisher will solve all problems and get games to them quicker. I feel that self-publishing is a good move, because the focus of the devs will be more on delivering a quality realization of the creators' vision on what the game should be rather than maximizing quarterly profit reports for a publisher. It also means, to me at least, that delays are going to more likely with no pressure to meet schedules from a publisher. I hope backers have the patience for getting a game that they originally signed up for.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
It sounds a lot like the Sacred games to me. Fortunately I like action RPG's and open world games quite a bit. I would like to hear some impressions. Maybe a comparison/contrast with the Sacred series…

I've been playing it a lot lately and I wouldn't compare it to Sacred too much. It is much slower paced than Sacred. There are no classes at all. All skills are available to everyone and you get 1 point/level for attributes. There are about 35 skills and you get 9 points/level to invest. Each of the 35 skills has a max level of 12 and you can't be a higher level in a skill than your character level.

The game is an exploration/loot acquisition game with moderate combat. There are tons of quests, but they are all very simple. Collect herbs, kill a creature, investigate a ruin, etc.

So far, the lockpicking scheme is the biggest drawback to the game. There are 3 sets of runes to collect for unlocking chests. You might need as many as 50 runes total to collect and they're moderately rare. This means that in the early game, you won't be able to open many locked chests. Not to worry. There is almost never anything in a locked chest that you won't find in an unlocked one three steps away.

Why do I keep playing? Exploration is fun and the amount and variety of loot is very good. I also love collecting items, so the lock thing works for me. I get real excited when I find a lock rune that I didn't have before. I write down the coords of chests I can't open and frequently go back.
Oct 18, 2006
Added it to list but like Larry it looks like this KS didn't deliver either.

Not sure what you mean by that. Reviews of Leisure-suit Larry are mixed among game publications, but it seems pretty solidly popular among backers and fans of the series. Most of the negatives in the reviews I've found seem aimed at warning people unfamiliar with the game or the kickstarter that it might not be for them. It seems like it delivered exactly what was advertised, though I can see someone being disappointed if they expected it to be something other than an overhaul of a crude-humor-based 20 year old game.

Also might help to note that it is not a new game in the series but a modernization/visual and content update of the first game. It is not supposed to be a continuation or a new entry in the series. I would still say that it does stand out though as a kickstarter that is decidedly in the nostalgia camp in terms of both what was promised and what was delivered, with a lack of appeal beyond the niche audience.
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Nov 20, 2006
Also might help to note that it is not a new game in the series but a modernization/visual and content update of the first game.

I didn't realized you it's only remake.Anyway my comment might be little harsh for Larry since it's niche game and most of backers are pleased but, but not for Legends of Dawn.

Ringrunner : Flight of the Sages is now out, if you supported it as a kickstarter. The world release is tomorrow.


It looks interesting, I liked Ur-Quan Masters(star control 2) and Space pirates and zombies and even parts like this in space rangers 2 so I am very interested in this game.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Odd Planet episode 1 added to list although I don't know if I should since it raised only 622 $ at indiegogo flexible funding.It's game inspired by Limbo and and Odd world Oddworld Abe's oddysee.Game is also available for smart phones.No reviews for PC version or any press coverage.There is free trial so I might try game eventually since I am big fan of Limbo.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Well it's time to add Shadowrun returns although it's released in couple of hours but there are already lot of reviews.I didn't back it but I can't wait to play it.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
"Sir you are being hunted" is now early access on Steam. I'd be interested in hearing impressions if anyone is playing this. I almost backed that one, but in the end decided to stick with RPGs…
Oct 18, 2006
Games I backed and aren't on the list yet:

Malevolence - The INFINITE RPG
The Time Tribe - Episodic time travel adventure game (web based)
Conclave (web based RPG)
Data Hacker Initiation - A feature rich RPG for Windows/Wine (the sequel, Data Hacker: Corruption, is currently active on Kickstarter)
9 Year Old Builds Her First RPG - first chapter should be released this weekend
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters (early access on Steam)

(By the way, it would be nice if the list was sorted alphabetically.)
Aug 25, 2013
Legends of Aethereus, action-RPG (devs site and Gamersgate)
You mean this:

I haven't heard of it, honestly. Is it any good? I mean… Visually it's good, but since it looks as MMO met singleplayer, the question remains is it fun?
Anyone has it?

Oh and it's on greenmangaming too with a few user reviews:
As usual, users don't say do enemies endlessly respawn, is the story at least interesting and etc.

But a word of warning. GMG wants me to pay 24€ for it. The official site however asks only $30. So make sure you check first where you want it.
I can't find it on gamersgate.
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Apr 12, 2009
You mean this:

I haven't heard of it, honestly. Is it any good? I mean… Visually it's good, but since it looks as MMO met singleplayer, the question remains is it fun?
Anyone has it?

Oh and it's on greenmangaming too with a few user reviews:
As usual, users don't say do enemies endlessly respawn, is the story at least interesting and etc.

But a word of warning. GMG wants me to pay 24€ for it. The official site however asks only $30. So make sure you check first where you want it.
I can't find it on gamersgate.
Regarding the game, I played only a bit of the beta and not the final version yet but the game uses a hub system, where the vendor, crafting stations and quest givers are. You get a quest and talk to a especific NPC who will leave the player at the place of the quest (a instanced area). As these areas are only available during the quest, respawn normally isn't a problem, but some quests endings force you to run to a platform to call for the return transport and in this point enemies don't stop chasing you until the the vehicle arrives. But I liked the game (except for the save system, the game doesn't save inside a quest area and if you dies, is necessary restart)

And I guess I confunded Greenmangaming with Gamersgate, fixed in my post.
Apr 23, 2013
Just checked the official site, a player says this:
at the end of one mission I was killed and was forced to restart - that's indeed very annoying. a save feature or some sort of "resurrect" feature could fix it.
devs say this about that issue:
Press T, that is a complete health restore (on a cooldown) and that should help you get through these quests easier.
Huh? What health restore? And this:
As for not doing a quicksave, we have reasons for this. Now we do on the other hand, see some of our quests as needing changes and updates and this will be an ongoing process.
Apr 12, 2009
I added new games to list(only full releases).Many of those games don't have any reviews so impressions of those who tried them would be nice.

By the way, it would be nice if the list was sorted alphabetically

That is good idea now that list is big, but I think it would be better to sort it by genre.I will do it later today
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Quite an impressive list already, thanks for maintaining this, Nameless one.
Oct 18, 2006
Ok I sorted it by genre and alphabetically withing genre, genres are not sorted in any specific order except that RPGs are on top.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
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