

October 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Glitched, by En House Studios, will release for the computer and Mac on October fifteenth of this year.

Hello backers!

We started development of GLITCHED officially in October 2016. Those three years flew by pretty quickly, huh? Three years is a long development cycle, but with blood, sweat, and some tears- things are finally coming to an end. This update will provide some details for the last few things we need to take care of before release. Let's go through all of the Kickstarter updates between now and release.

Update Schedule

July - Reward Surveys

I know we've been pushing this back again and again, but on July 2nd all backers will finally receive a survey to help us gather some info about your rewards and platform choice. You will be able to select your preferred platform for GLITCHED. All backers will receive two keys. One DRM-free download on and the other on the platform of your choice. If you don't want both keys, give the key to a friend and help spread the word about GLITCHED! For higher tier backers, you will also be submitting your name for the credits, providing an address for physical rewards, and choosing from a few options for your physical rewards. Once you submit your survey, we'll be sending out your rewards soon after. Digital rewards (soundtrack, dev book, pixel art commission) will be sent along with the game keys on the release date. We wanted to do this much sooner, but we've had a few issues making sure the pins were good quality. We'll be placing the final orders on them soon, so you'll hear back from us in July to get you your rewards.

September - All Rewards Shipped

We'll do a quick update about development and confirm that everything has shipped out by this date. Every reward should arrive before release as long as your survey is completed by this date. If you don't provide an address, we'll hang onto your rewards until you do. We'll give you a little reminder email on this date if you haven't filled it out yet. We'll also show off a few new characters and zones to get you excited about the upcoming release. Maybe a video or two with some game-play.

Early October - Official Trailer & Steam Page

We've been hashing out the official trailer for a good while now, but we're going to hang onto it until really close to release to help get the buzz going when it really matters. Along with the trailer, the Steam page will go live on this date. This will be the final update before release, so expect a few surprises to help get things going.

October 15th - Release

The light at the end of the long tunnel. GLITCHED will release in full on this date. Backers will be messaged their keys the night before or early in the morning so you are ready to play when the day comes. We'll be working day and night around this time to fix bugs and answer questions- so if you have any issues with playing we'll be here to help.


Once the craze from release calms down, we'll be back here to talk about how things went and to address any other issues that come up. In early 2020, we'll set some release dates for the DLC that was part of the stretch goals. We would like all the DLC for GLITCHED to come out in 2020, but we'll have more concrete info on this post release. One thing we can say now, the DLC will likely take the form of smaller stand alone experiences in the world of Soren. These will be just a few hours each, but will twist the game-play a bit to test out new mechanics and play around with the lore behind the world we built. Sometime during 2020, we'll be bringing GLITCHED to all of the promised consoles. As many of you know, this process takes a bit of time. We'll try to get GLITCHED onto every platform we promised as quickly as we can.

Smaller Updates

There are a few smaller things that will happen between now and release. We'll be announcing them on our Twitter and official Discord as they get finished. Make sure to follow us on there if you want to keep up with these smaller updates.
•Soundtrack Release on YouTube & SoundCloud
•Development & FAQ Stream
•Backer Character Tweaks and Responses
•More Demo Updates
•Existential crisis about life after GLITCHED development.
•Merch Store
•Press Kit & Website Update
•Email/Messaging Responses (We'll get to you- don't worry!)

We'll be back here with an update in July with the reward surveys. Development still has a few months left. The first couple months are going to be spent filling out the last bit of content and putting in a lot of the backer characters and content fully. The last bit of time will be spent making sure the ending(s) are perfect. We'll also be doing some heavy bug testing to make sure the first play though goes as smoothly as possible for everyone playing at launch.

One question for you all before we wrap it up. Are there any platforms/stores on PC that you would like to see GLITCHED on? GLITCHED will be coming to Steam and on October 15th, but we are still looking into other options to get people to find GLITCHED. Let us know about digital platforms you like and we'll try to get GLITCHED onto as many as possible.

That's all for now, going to keep this one short and sweet. The countdown begins now. It has been a long three years, but we're working hard here to make sure it was worth it. Thanks for your support as always. We know October is still a long time away, but if we've learned anything from development... it will be here sooner than we think.

Stay creamy,

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Didn't back it only because of Nintendo Gameboy style. If it went modern PC visuals, it'd have been instapledge or instabuy for me, sadly it... Just didn't.
For those interested in details, and honestly I believe it's an awsome idea made repulsive only by outdated designs:
Apr 12, 2009
repulsive only by outdated designs:

Pixel art will unlike "modern" 3D graphics never go out of style. 3D graphics ages absolutely terribly in comparison, it gets outdated in 2-4 years and is sometimes even outdated when the games comes out.

will release for the computer and Mac

The computer AND Mac. Ok!! :D
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
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