General News - Will The CRPG Genre Die Again?

I pay no mind to stuff like this. I heard a while back that PC gaming was dead yet I’ve been gaming on some variant of PC since the late 70’s.

If RPG’s are dying “again” I’m guessing I won’t notice since I didn’t notice the first time they supposedly died.
Dec 18, 2020
And i say "newspapers", because for decades, newspapers were THE source of quality journalism !

Because then it was a profession, with a career you needed to ace to get access to the few selected prestigious media that chose only the best of the best to write for them. Now anyone vomits some words and calls it an article.
...I’ve been gaming on some variant of PC since the late 70’s.

PC gaming since the late 70s? My God, why couldn't I have lived near your house. I was stuck with Atari 2600...
Oct 18, 2006
For me, Crpg is also in contrast to console style rpgs. Zelda, Final Fantasy and the like. Sure, the frontier between console rpg and c-rpg is slimer, nowadays, but there are still games that are primarily meant for Mouse & Keyboards while others are more meant for console controllers.
Exactly, a CRPG (C = Computer) is an RPG targeted at computers, which means targetted at mouse/keyboard and a high-res monitor that you're sitting close to. The input / output devices have always been the primary differentiator between computer gaming and console gaming.

Obviously the lines are heavily blurred nowadays, so "targeted at" is what's important. A game like Fallout 3 came out for both computers and consoles on release day, but it isn't a CRPG because it's obviously targeted first and foremost at console I/O (picklist for inventory, much bigger fonts than necessary, etc). Fallout 1 and 2 are obviously targeted at computer I/O, so those are CRPGs.
Sep 26, 2007
Newspapers are struggling. Newspapers are dying out, one by one, and some try to adapt to the internet.

Maybe, one day, there won't be any printed Newspapers anymore. Or,maybe, only as a luxury thing.

Maybe, one day, we won't have books anymore, either, or only a very few printed books anymore.

And i say "newspapers", because for decades, newspapers were THE source of quality journalism !

The need for hard copy journalism has increased but its practical utility and business model has declined. Also consider the historical perspective - the internet is too impermanant and headlines and stories can be changed overnight or in as little as 5 minutes with little oversight or scrutiny unless you happened to archive it. History is literally disappearing before our eyes. But on the other hand the wider publics trust in media is less than even politicians.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Exactly, a CRPG (C = Computer) is an RPG targeted at computers, which means targetted at mouse/keyboard and a high-res monitor that you're sitting close to. The input / output devices have always been the primary differentiator between computer gaming and console gaming.
Many PC players have been using controllers for a long time; they also play very different types of games on this platform not only it offers the choice of I/Os but because it allows for high-end hardware whereas consoles are behind most of the time. This has a price, of course :)

Mouse and being able to read comfortably is important for the games that usually interest us on this website (classic or isometric RPGs or whatever you prefer to call them, and RPGs with some level of depth), I would agree, but for the majority of games, I believe PCs and consoles are more a question of preference, opportunity or money.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Because then it was a profession, with a career you needed to ace to get access to the few selected prestigious media that chose only the best of the best to write for them. Now anyone vomits some words and calls it an article.

The need for hard copy journalism has increased but its practical utility and business model has declined. Also consider the historical perspective - the internet is too impermanant and headlines and stories can be changed overnight or in as little as 5 minutes with little oversight or scrutiny unless you happened to archive it. History is literally disappearing before our eyes. But on the other hand the wider publics trust in media is less than even politicians.

I read in an opinion article in the local newspaper of yesterday or the day before that
the highly ironic headline : "Everyone must have an opinion these days."
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It was Oregon trail in school. Didn't have a computer at home until apple IIe.

I remember playing the original Oregon Trail in elementary school. We'd hammer the space bar when that deer was running across the screen thinking it would make our bullets move faster. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
stoped at the dates cos saying crpgs died in 2000 is just insain and shows how clueless you really are on the subject.
Nov 8, 2019
I remember playing the original Oregon Trail in elementary school.

When I was 17 I worked at Software etc. and in those days they had a table with 4 PCs on it for people to try things out (IBM PC, Apple IIe, Commadore 64, & a MAC Plus). We had Oregon Trail on the PC and people constantly played with that game, it was such a big deal in the 80s. For the record, I never beat that game (I didn't try really though) I always managed to die of a disease or die crossing a river. Good fun.
Oct 18, 2006
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