Aeolwyn's Legacy - Tim Lang Interview with Celestial Heavens & Status Update


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Tim Lang was interviewed by Celestial Heavens last month about Aeolwyn's Legacy. Additionally the latest update details current progress on the game.

Hello everyone! Over the weekend, Tim sat down with Celestial Heavens to talk about Aeolwyn's Legacy, his time working on New World Computing, and hockey!

In this segment we drill down into Might and Magic VI, VII, VIII and even IX! And Tim delves deep into his long lost plans for the never-released Might and Magic X! (Not to be confused with Might and Magic X:Legacy)

Tune in, it's sure to be a fun ride!

<h4 class="_1XlHP">Aeolwyn's Legacy update: One Year Later[/h4] It's been a year since we released our first video and announced Aeolwyn's Legacy to the world! A lot has happened, so I thought we could take a look back today.

The above screenshot is where AL started - as a third-person action RPG. From there it went to a turn-based 2D game in the vein of Ultima 4 or Questron and looked like the screenshot below:


And then a revelation!


Finally it ended up as a first-person blobber. Yay! But the UI and various other things made it kind of ugly, so I spent a lot of time this year revamping the UI and generally making things look better!


And here's how it's looking today. I'm pretty happy with how it looks, but that's not all that's changed. There's been a lot of bug fixing and work on the combat system, a streaming outdoor, and lots of general polishing.

I had hoped to have Chapter 1 out by now, but with all the revamping and polishing I've had to push that until after Demo v3 has been completed. It's pretty close, but there's still some bugs and polishing to finish up with.

I can't tell you much about Chapter 1, but I can tell you it's titled 'The Tambryne Letter" and will finally take you out of Ableton and to your first large city!

I'm pretty excited about where the game is headed, and I hope you are too!

See you in the next update!

As always, join our Discord the latest information! and don't forget to check out our new Merch page! Buy a shirt and help us fund Aeolwyn's Legacy!
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
..Wizardry VIII
More games should use this as a template.
Just finished both videos, Mr Lang is an interesting speaker. I played M&M9 as a budget title without experiencing any since M&M2 on Genesis so I wasn't aware of its infamy. Happy its done in this style so he might be able to salvage his rep by making a fitting 'spiritual successor'.
By the way I find it baffling Ubisoft never grafted M&M in to an open world Elder Scrolls alike; theres so much lore to play around with..
Jun 22, 2012
Northern Hemisphere
It looks good, but it still has some very serious bugs, so isn't playable really. The demo does allow you to run around a bit and test a few things, so it's not a complete wash. Tim is a good guy and is always happy to answer questions on his Discord.

Bugs: Save/Load doesn't work most of the time. Reloading a save will drop you 50 feet many times and you'll get hurt or fall through the world.
Oct 18, 2006
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