Gothic 3 5 shy deer for Chris


May 31, 2009
The first time, the deer were there but my bow is weak so I waited. When I got a strong crossbow, there were no deer anywhere. I suspect it may be a bug so I used the console to spawn the shy deer:

spawn shy_deer [ENTER]

the console gave an error something about no template.
May 31, 2009
The first time, the deer were there but my bow is weak so I waited. When I got a strong crossbow, there were no deer anywhere. I suspect it may be a bug so I used the console to spawn the shy deer:

spawn shy_deer [ENTER]

the console gave an error something about no template.

They run away when you get too close and can be found anywhere in an area limited by Ardaea-Jacks Lighthouse-Venguard. They usually start out in a small canyon that is on the Venguard side of Chris' camp. If I bother with the quest I take out one deer at a time, go do something else for a few in-game days, and go back to that canyon. If I am really patient I will do a sweep along an arc from the canyon towards the lighthouse.

Most of the time I'd rather skip this boring and tedious quest instead. The main reward is that it opens Chris as a hunting trainer, but I dont think he has any unique skills to offer.
Nov 4, 2006
Yep - tedious and frustrating, but if you plan to play that style (ranged, stealthy) it is something you should do. I have had varying success - a couple of times I could get 4 but the 5th was tough ...
Oct 18, 2006
Use fire arrows. They make much more damage.
Aug 30, 2006
Have the deer had their HP increased much in the community patch? A moderate bow (the Hashishin bow for instance) and ordinary arrows was quite enough to kill them in one shot.
Nov 4, 2006
No such entry in the changelog but maybe it has something to do with Alternative Balancing.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Use fire arrows. They make much more damage.

crossbow 100 damage kills deer in one shot.

My warrior uses haldberg and crossbow. Now I have problem with skinning animals ( req 22 more hunting ) and open tough lock ( req 18 more thieving ). My char is still around Ardea/Reddock/Cape Dun and getting close to Montera. Still haven't beaten the two ogres in that cave down the beach, and hasn't dared going in the rhinos' cave. So don't have much XP to spare. Level = 12.

Can't wait to switch to archer.

---> I just killed 3 shy deer which appeared near the roaming orcs patrol 's camp site, right in front of Ardea. But haven't found the last 2.
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May 31, 2009
i normally tackle this quest later in the game. after i've cleared the orcs' camp around Vengard. sometimes i wonder if the deers run into the orcs range and get killed, if that is possible.
Jul 17, 2007
i normally tackle this quest later in the game. after i've cleared the orcs' camp around Vengard. sometimes i wonder if the deers run into the orcs range and get killed, if that is possible.

I don't believe that they are attacked by the orcs, but they surely run into their direction and sometimes even farther.

Once disturbed the deer start running around and the main problem is to find them.

I too do it later in the game, for example afterhaving fought all the orcs near the barrier, beacause they often run in that direction.

Good hunting skills are helpful too, because you can then shoot one before they even notice you (otherwise you can only hunt one at a time).

Edit: I like that this quest is typical for the Gothic felling, because you can get it very early but may only be able to solve it much later.
Dec 26, 2007
I also killed 3 shy deer with my archer and I also saw 2 other hiding in the grass toward the hemispheric barrier but some wolves rushed me. When I came back, the deer were no more. Oh well.

Additional note: I finally completed this quest for a mage. It is as people have mentioned. First, I went around to block their way to Vanguard, then started shooting them. I killed 4 first ones pretty easily; the last one a bit more to wait.
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May 31, 2009
And I was thinking that just one was enough!!! Now I understand I have to kill 5 of them, the hunter forgot to tell that! But I was thinking to do that quest in order to improve my hunting cuz I remember from demo that i need that in orfer to open difficult loks... Am I wrong? How I can get that skill early in the game (I'm lvl 12 atm) and open those bloody loks as I find 5 of them and soon I will forget where they are?!?
Jul 6, 2009
This quest isn't a storyline critical and can be left out, it's still useful for gaining some exp' points, the quest also stays 'open' so you could come back later and finish where you left off...but there's a catch in not completing the quest in one go --->
Chris wants only the meat (raw uncooked) from five shy deer you have to keep them *quest-separate* from other meat because meat from all kinds of killed animals goes into only one inventory slot and is in effect..."mixed". So before starting the quest, cook any and all meat in your inventory then make a save game. When you have killed five deer return to Chris and the quest will complete without failing.
Having "40 points in lockpicking" and difficult locks skill will get you through the game, any harder locks locks can be opened with unlock magic scrolls which you collect on your travels and is enough to get you well into the game untill further skills can be chosen.
Oct 18, 2006
North-West England
I did quest because Chris is only one I know that can teach you the skill Orc Hunter, I had a hard time to do it first to but then I notice that they dont show up at daytime so I slept till midnight and came back and it was pretty easy to do (kill all wolves and bloodfly's at daytime first :cool:)
Aug 27, 2010
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