The Outer Worlds - E3 Trailer

Sep 26, 2007
I can't get hyped at all by this, it looks just too Borderlandish for me. Hopefully they skipped the floating damage numbers and loot explosions… all in all I might play it if I'm bored when it releases, though I doubt I'll put up with Epic store. Maybe in 2020 with the Steam version.

I kinda, sorta see the Borderlands comparions in the aesthetic. But gameplay-wise, not at all. Borderlands has zero player directed NPC interaction, its "skills" are 100% combat related, and there are only a couple of things you do during quests: collect things and shoot things. It bombards you with loot. The combat is fast paced and individual enemies are easy, but there are a ton of them. None of those things will be true for Outer Worlds.

I actually like Borderlands, mostly because of the setting and characters. I'll be getting 3 in September. I sure hope Outer Worlds doesn't remind me of it, because I'll be Borderlandsed out by October when OW releases.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I don't see much Borderlands really; it's definitely more modern Fallout in space meets Bioshock in feel for me so far.

Interestingly, I always thought Bioshock derived much its aesthetic and humour somewhat from Fallout anyhow, so it would be a curious switch of influences if it plays out how I envisage it.
Jul 12, 2009
I can agree with the Bioshock feel, even certain Wildstar feel, in the aesthetic and humour. But I don't get the Fallout vibe, I think people are just too eager to see Fallout in it because it's Obsidian making RPG with shooter gameplay elements. Either way, doesn't matter, Fallout has gotten worse and worse with every installment, something fresh that doesn't remind players of that is probably the way to go, and I'm sure that's why they've veered clear from a post-apocalyptic setting for this game.

The actual gameplay is what I'm interested on. The setting I'm not sold on, but if the story is compelling, the mechanics are solid and the game more of a RPG than a shooter with skill points, then I'm sold.
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If I remember it should be released in August this year right? If so it will be the first Epic game I ever play on it's launch day. There I said it I'm a Steam traitor sue me.:p

After its reasonable regional prices and latest summer sale, I betrayed Steam too. : D I bought nearly 10 games. (Operencia, Ashen, Outward, Hades, Sinking City...) To my surprise nearly all of them are DRM Free which is another plus I think.
Oct 30, 2006
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