Bethesda making Mature Wii game. First pics.

Damian Mahadevan

Keeper of the Watch
Original Sin Donor
November 23, 2008
"We are going to make an announcement on a really big Wii game this year, we've got a couple of other things in the pipeline, and it's a format we're really looking at with the right approach," revealed Sean Brennan, managing director for Bethesda in Europe, in an exclusive interview published today.

"I've got consoles at home but I wouldn't sit and play an 18-rated game with my family on the Wii," he said. "Is there space in the Wii market for that? I think there is, but again, it's all about finding out how big that is. Is it 5 per cent? If it's five per cent of the market and you can own that space it's worth doing because you can achieve volume. If you can't own it at five per cent, it's not worth doing, quite frankly," he added.

Brennan said that the company isn't going to announce a dedicated label for the Wii as some of its rivals have, and it isn't about to churn out sugar-sweet titles for the tween market.

"We're not going to establish a new range and call if 'My Girly Game Range' or whatever these other companies are doing, it's so me-too and boring.

"Looking at the opportunities in the Nintendo space is interesting for us because it's more driven by getting the right product for the demographic and also the right quality. We're not going to do a hamster simulator, it's not us. We're not going to produce games for girls or pet-sim products. There's nothing to distinguish them from one another," he said.

Hopefully its an rpg.
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Nov 23, 2008
We're not going to do a hamster simulator, it's not us. We're not going to produce games for girls or pet-sim products.


There's nothing to distinguish them from one another

Kind of like Oblivion and Fallout 3. BAM! You know I never miss an opportunity.
Jan 17, 2009

I dont know if you are being sarcastic. But i agree with you. Bethesda should make a mature girl oriented title. An rpg for females with stuff females would like to be more prominent in rpg's for example.

Kind of like Oblivion and Fallout 3. BAM! You know I never miss an opportunity.

If you are talking about the looting and dialogue, I agree, but i disagree with you on everything else about the game. Combat for example and the world is very different from oblivion to fallout.
Nov 23, 2008
Does that "mature" mean violent game? I couldn't think anything else for Bethesda.
Jun 16, 2008
As long as his vision of an "adult" game is not something like Oblivion or Fallout 3 - then I guess it could be interesting.
I'll believe it when I see it.

The Wii has been an incredible disappointment to me as an adult gamer. Nearly 3 years after release, there are still only a handful of quality games not aimed at family\kids.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'll believe it when I see it.

The Wii has been an incredible disappointment to me as an adult gamer. Nearly 3 years after release, there are still only a handful of quality games not aimed at family\kids.

To me, this is a plus. I'm thinking to buy a console because of that.

I'm so much tired by all of these "mature" games for the PC that have driven everything else to extinction. There are simply no more "non-mature themed" games on the PC platform, apart from the "casual games" sector.

This makes the Pc platform more & more unattractive for me. I even got from Spellbound the reply that their newest Jump & Run game, the Giana Sisters, is unbelievable to appear on the PC platform for them. On consoles, yes, but not for the PC.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I find it incredibly ironic that ANYONE who is a fan of FPS or action-RPG would look at the Wii and complain about the sameness of games ... and of course the DS has had the best RPG line-up of perhaps all platforms combined since 2006.
Oct 18, 2006
I find it incredibly ironic that ANYONE who is a fan of FPS or action-RPG would look at the Wii and complain about the sameness of games ... and of course the DS has had the best RPG line-up of perhaps all platforms combined since 2006.

Who is complaining about the sameness of games?
Who is complaining about the sameness of games?

Bethesda, and all those who show disdain for the Wii while salivating over the latest 'Dark & Gritty' (tm) crap-action sameness game.
Oct 18, 2006
I find it incredibly ironic that ANYONE who is a fan of FPS or action-RPG would look at the Wii and complain about the sameness of games ... and of course the DS has had the best RPG line-up of perhaps all platforms combined since 2006.

On a side note, Black Sigil is supposedly getting released in the states tommorrow. I've been waiting on that for a while.
Nov 23, 2008
I'm so much tired by all of these "mature" games for the PC that have driven everything else to extinction. There are simply no more "non-mature themed" games on the PC platform, apart from the "casual games" sector.

Really? That's not my experience. I mean sure, there have been a raft of Dark! and Gritty! cRPG's coming out lately, but IMO the rest hasn't changed much. Shooters always were on the scary and bloody side (Duke Nukem 3D notwithstanding), adventure games haven't gone anywhere nor gotten particularly "mature" (A Vampyre Story anyone?), and then there's the whole industry of sports games and whatnot that I never bother with.

Which non-"mature" games are you fondly recalling anyway?
Oct 19, 2006
Bethesda, and all those who show disdain for the Wii while salivating over the latest 'Dark & Gritty' (tm) crap-action sameness game.

Oh, I don't think it's the sameness of the gameplay as much as the target audience. Some of us don't really enjoy family/children oriented games.

That said, I have no problem, personally, because I know what the Wii is about - and would never expect anything for me on that platform.

Dark & Gritty crap games? Like The Witcher?
Bethesda, and all those who show disdain for the Wii while salivating over the latest 'Dark & Gritty' (tm) crap-action sameness game.

I think you're missing the point. You can get *any* type of game on the PC, all you have to do is look, but at least the choice is there. You don't have that choice with the Wii, or at least it's very limited in that regard.

and of course the DS has had the best RPG line-up of perhaps all platforms combined since 2006.

*Cough* um......ok. Pretty bold statement there, definitely a matter of personal taste.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I never really got the impression that the Wii would be anything but family friendly. Were there ever promises of some really violent stuff on it? From the commercials, it was always pretty family-oriented which I think is good. Like others have said, I'm pretty tired of all the violence. That doesn't mean I own a Wii or would want one, but I think everyone should be happy knowing there's Xbawkz and PS3, no? Why can't there be one console system that's all family stuff?

One game I think would be cool though, is a House of the Dead game. It just seems like it'd be perfect for that system :biggrin:
Jan 17, 2009
I never really got the impression that the Wii would be anything but family friendly. Were there ever promises of some really violent stuff on it? From the commercials, it was always pretty family-oriented which I think is good. Like others have said, I'm pretty tired of all the violence. That doesn't mean I own a Wii or would want one, but I think everyone should be happy knowing there's Xbawkz and PS3, no? Why can't there be one console system that's all family stuff?

One game I think would be cool though, is a House of the Dead game. It just seems like it'd be perfect for that system :biggrin:

That may have been true in the beginning when game companies thought it would be like the Gamecube, but when there are millions of consoles in people's houses, game publishers obviously want to tap into that, and Nintendo is probably happy to let them (considering they get a nice chunk of each game sold without them lifting a finger)
Sep 23, 2008
Nintendo's consoles have always been somewhat more family friendly compared to sega, microsoft or sony.

I think it began with super nintendo. Mortal kombat was the bloodiest and most violent beat 'em up in the 90s. Everyone was talking about it. I remember putting endless coins into the MK machine in local arcade.:) So when it was finally released on sega megadrive I was thrilled obviously. Finally I got to play it as much as I wanted. A friend of mine on the otherhand had a super nintendo. He got the game too. Sadly when playing the game very first time, he couldn't help noticing that something was missing. The developer had cut all the blood from his snes version. Morover the fatalities that made MK famous were much less violent. In the orginal game, Sub Zero rips off the opponent's spinal column. In nintendo's version sub zero only freezes the guy and then smashes him into piecies. I don't remember what they had done to other fatalies but likely something similar :).

Ofcourse this doesn't change the fact that nintendo's consoles are tons of fun and their games are really innovative. Just don't expect to see complex rpgs or any games that are too mature. A friend of mine bought a wii and it has been a total blast during parties. Punch out is perhaps the funniest game I've played in years. I loved the orginal, but they took it in a whole different level with wii. House of the dead overkill, wii sports, mario kart, virtua tennis and pro evolution soccer just to name few have been real hits during parties. Even those ladies who don't normally game loved wii. My opinion is that wii is aimed towards social playing instead of serious single player or multiplayer gaming where you immerse yourself into gameworld and storyline. I would rather get xbox or ps3 if you yearn such on console platform :)
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Oct 19, 2006
I never really got the impression that the Wii would be anything but family friendly. Were there ever promises of some really violent stuff on it?

Nobody said anything about really violent stuff. It's more of an issue of variety, and quality games in general.

Another issue I have with the Wii is the way Nintendo has tried to cram their shitty Wii Remote control schemes down our throats. Only about 5% of the Wii games I've seen allow you to choose between the Wiimote or a gamepad. When is Nintendo going to realize that not everyone wants to use the Wiimote all the time?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Only about 5% of the Wii games I've seen allow you to choose between the Wiimote or a gamepad. When is Nintendo going to realize that not everyone wants to use the Wiimote all the time?

Except that it seems like most people actually want to use the wiimote. The success of the wii is almost entirely due to the wiimote.
Nov 23, 2008
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