The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

There's about 600 new artys running around. Not sure what that's about, but one of them belongs to me, kinda. Fairythief is giving the game another swing. We couldn't remember her login info and I had 4 open toon slots thanks to the expansion, so we just set her up on my account. Gave her 32-pt build and access to my bound-to-account goodies, which should help a bit. Anyhoo, if you see Xylloe Fortissimo running around, feel free to send her a tell. I expect she'll do most of her running in the afternoons. She's a little rusty, but she's re-learning the game fairly quickly.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
We we supposed to work on the rest of Shan-Ta-Kor, Kundarak level 5 and finish up Carnival. Will you be available on Saturday / Sunday so some of us can help you catch up?
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Possible schedule change- looks like the parents might not be here until Saturday so I might be available. Probably a game time decision. ;)

We probably can't determine what to run until we see who makes it. If Az can't run, I'd be very hesitant to run the 7s. He's the lowest rank in the group right now and has the slowest progress of the group. Anything we/y'all run will just put him in a deeper hole than he's already in and there's not that many catchup areas for him at this level. Y'all are welcome to run the 7s without me if it works out that way, but it would get complicated running them without Az.

If you end up running the 7s, Peter's got the slate right, although I'd selfishly prefer you save the HouseK stuff for last since you might not get to those after knocking out Carnival and slogging thru Hobgoblin Hell.

I don't know everyone's status on the 13/14s since that wasn't really an "official" group, so I can't really say what those toons would run. For my part (which doesn't really matter much and doesn't matter at all if I'm not running), Shadohe is done with Lordsmarch1, Lordsmarch2, Necro3, and everything in the Desert—which I believe means she's got nowhere to be except Gianthold. I've got absolutely no problem repeating quests for others if that's necessary.
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Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
We could always play the 18's with one group and the 13's with another if we don't run the 7's. It could be even messier the following week when Reywind and I will be somewhere over the Pacific!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Sounds like we have to get in Skype and sort it before game. Not sure our newest player has any toons at 13 and am sure she has not hit 18 yet. We will just have to sort it when we all get on. I agree, we don't do the 7's without Az. So we will see.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Great thing ! :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Peter and I had a wild slog thru the Harpers chain (Druid's Deep) last night. With his fighter and my machine gun nun, we plowed in on elite without looking back. There was much gnashing of teeth and JM would have been proud of the creative and extensive application of profanity. From the rogue hireling that refused to disable a spell ward he was standing directly next to, to the 3 hirelings that wouldn't hit the ressy shrine they were facing from two steps away, to the server lag that cost us no fewer than 3 quest-ending kill shots, to the countless heal and blade barrier spells that got eaten for no apparent reason, to being offered normal versions of the chain rewards even tho we ran the entire thing on elite...

A 1.5 hour chain took about 4 hours and soaked up WAY too many resources, but we beat the MFer. Dammit. Fucking DDO.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Wouldn't have been a problem with a full group, me thinks. I'd like to personally delete the code for that lvl19 rogue hireling, though.

With the addition of Aletys, I expect the lvl18 group won't run as a proper group again anyway. If I've got to repeat stuff for others, that's fine.
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Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I will try to get my monk and artificer into the 18 group asap. My kensei fighter got to 20 so I finally have a second epic toon to run when we get the expansion out late August.

I think the main reason Dte and I struggled with the quest was the lack of dps. The corrupted dryads and Hanselme regenerates hp so fast so the dps from 1 fighter is not enough. The hireling melees were almost useless in contributing. They died a few seconds after being revived due to earthquakes, creeping dooms etc.

Even in part 2 we struggled with the dps since the boss dryad ran to her tree and we had to destroy the tree within a few seconds before she got out again at full health.

If it hadn't been for Dte and I being so stubborn we would have been abandoning both part 2 and 4 long before. I guess we hate losing and want to beat the stupid quests against the odds. :p

It's probably our own fault since we never realized the bosses could regenerate so fast. We've been running these with full groups and then dps is never an issue.

It wasn't fun seeing Halselme (finall druid boss) fluctuating between 2000-5000 hp all the time regardless of how hard we hit. It reminds me of the damsel in distress in the Jeets quest. Once we got all trash gone we finally managed to kill him. I think Dte's wouldii saved the day because he had a divine punishment going on him when Peters died when we got him down to just 500 hp.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Flerida's cleric (Jhianna) is coming up towards 18 as well at the speed of Sherina (Jo's third lifer bard). Currently they are 13, but holding 14 if I recall correctly. When they both get up there we can probably move on with our high level toons (or semi high level since they can't do epic at 18).

So if you need more epic toons and have others moving up alongside Jhianna and Sherina you can probably just play your current level 18-19 to 20. My fighter can certainly help with level 18+ quests.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
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