Bitburner - what's an RPG?


proud GASP member
August 29, 2020
Good old Europe
How do you define RPG again? :)

I enjoyed Exapunks so much that I was looking for something similar yesterday, knowing that whatever it was, it had little chance to match Zachtronics' visualization level.

Among a few candidates was Bitburner, it's free on Steam, or online. You can also download the current version and open the index.html file with any browser to start playing.

It's about hacking again, and it's programming and terminal-oriented of course, but there are
  • stats and character evolution: hacking, but also strength, agility, …
  • exploration: small city map, travel to other places, and the network structure that is not directly visible as a map but necessary to navigate in order to connect to target computers
  • combat
  • mini-games
  • factions
  • goals ("quests")

There's an economy system too. There's a complexity to it and I have only played for ~2-3 hours so I haven't discovered everything yet. I don't think there's a real story, it's more an evolution and contacts with factions or getting messages from hackers.

It makes me wonder again where people put the boundary of what they call "RPG", is this game considered as one? Is Elite: Dangerous considered as an RPG? There aren't characters that you can see and move around directly, but the defining elements are there, so to me it is an RPG. And maybe not so different from older text-based RPGs, except the computer-centric theme.

A quick presentation:
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
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