Kingdom Come - Play a normal One

You aren't really meant to fight anything (or explore much) until you get the proper training in Rattay through the main quest. In fact, you are missing important features you can't use (like blocking, dodging and combos).
Oct 13, 2007
I can equip all sorts of armor with no training.

The story in this game beats the snot out of the "civil war" in Skyrim.
You may equip weapons without training and without appropriate stats (SRT/AGI) - you'll suffer debuffs.
Skyrim has a story? Damn, I'll have to replay the bag of bugs again to find it.
Apr 12, 2009
You may equip weapons without training and without appropriate stats (SRT/AGI) - you'll suffer debuffs.
Skyrim has a story? Damn, I'll have to replay the bag of bugs again to find it.

I went back to Run! and I'm replaying without wandering around.
Oct 18, 2006
Oh, but you should wander around. Just get Pebbles (the horse) before going for it.
There are many nice sidequests you don't want to miss. Also keep in mind that in order for some to appear you need to progress with the main story or a certain amount of days has to pass, so check with inkeepers every few days if something new needs attention.
Note that some of these sidequests are made by Bethesda horribly bugged.
Apr 12, 2009
I started Skyrim last night. Maybe when I get bored in KCD I'll switch over to Skyrim and just play my way. KCD always has someone who wants your attention and they made the gigantic mistake of timed quests. Not my thing at all. I prefer to do what I want in games not what the devs want. So I'll mix it up a bit.
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Oct 18, 2006
Well, KCD prides itself on its realism. I dislike timed quests as well but, if I'm supposed help a wounded man, I can't realistically expect that I can explore for couple of days and hope that victim will still be alive.
Jan 10, 2008
If you don't score steps in timed quests at certain amount of time, all will resolve their own way. It's not like it'll stop the game somehow, you just might not like the outcome.
And there are just a few of those. Others you can delay till doomsday.

Maybe someone will make a list of those few timed ones but I won't - it's not important enough to me because it's scarce. Instead I'm searching for workarounds on actually bugged quests, now those are not rare, here's one for example:

No wonder Skyrim gets mentioned, but while it remained quest bugs galore even after the last official patch, KCD developer promised fixing them all. Not immediately ofc.
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Apr 12, 2009
I didn't like this time quest thing in KCD either. But once you got your horse and showed up on the farm, you are done with it, and can explore freely as far as I can judge. Until then, which is about 10-12h into the game, it's basically a prologue and not the actual game I'd say.
Jun 2, 2012
Past that point I found only one timed quest so far and it's sidequest. The second executioner's quest. You have a week to sabotage… erm… spoilers! During that same week you can also decide to report it instead. Or just let the time pass and live with whatever happens.
But you have a whole ingame week to do something that will take you two ingame hours max so I don't see any problem.

Note that I don't know if helping sick and wounded sidequest in monastery is timed. Because I had First_Aid_3 perk already I've helped them all basically in a day (the only dragging point is finding a certain priest but that was fast too).
Apr 12, 2009
The problem with this thread it seems to be full of people enjoying the game - I suppose - but talking nearly exclusively about bugs and things they do not like. The worst is the explanations about how if you do not do this while holding that you will never see this because of a bug and that is very very sad.
Like so sad, you should restart the game, even after 5 or 10 hours in..

You guys are so scary than I think I will wait 6 or 7 months until it gets a bit less Bethesda all around.
Jan 15, 2018
Say what?
I just wrote that not only you have a choice to do quests differently, timed ones if you stall and miss to complete in certain interval will "solve" themselves and have an outcome you might or might not like.

1. That's not bug(s) but is intended
2. Bethesda has not a single product that is such rich choice dependant game

Sure, the game has it's share of bugs. The very reason why I blessed the save anywhere mod so you can always revert to an earlier point without wasting too much time on replaying just because a bug killed the game.
But you won't have to wait till doomsday, the hotfix with 2 main quests fixed was just released on Steam while the next beefy patch with tons of fixes should appear next week.
Apr 12, 2009
I haven't got a lot of bugs personally, mostly glitches from NPCs and my sprint stopped working without me being burdened once but it resolved itself soon after.

I haven't got a single game breaking bug so far. *touch wood*

joxer, why don't you bother using the base save system? It works fine, are you too cheap to buy/make Savior Schnapps and rent lodging?
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Oct 13, 2007
You guys are so scary than I think I will wait 6 or 7 months until it gets a bit less Bethesda all around.
Remember that this is a thread for people who do play KCD. My impression is that (while appreciating impressions from those masoch…. I mean brave souls who dived in early) many Watchers adopted your approach.
Jan 10, 2008
Well, I supported the game on KS before. Not sure if I bought it at realease for 50€ and honestly I would also not recommend it for that price due to it's unpolishedness, which isn't the worst in the world, but it's not what you should expect from a 50€ game.

Personally I am playig two games at the same time now. Avernum 3 and Kingdome Come, and personally I prefer to play Avernum. You know that Avernum will always deliver exactly what you expect. Kingdom Come Deliverance ofc has a much higher production value, but it also has tons of little disappointments (in any form).

I think the German voice overs are a great example:
They put lots of effort to have great voices and great casting.
In every second Story Dialogue you have some parts which are cut off.
Also you often feel like they tried to match a generic answer to two different possible situations.
And this always feels a bit "meh".
Jun 2, 2012
If I hadn't backed it on KS I'd wait as well for some patches before buying.
May 6, 2013
Some people can't stand failures or losing or not having made that perfect choice selection…

Embedding failure in gaming demands work. Failures must come with a kind of gratification to be sustainable. Like opening new options, new paths etc
Making failures interesting is one of the things that distinguish a good game from a mere game.

Which is not the case in many products, especially this one, that deals with failure as a mere postponement: failures are setbacks that put off the unavoidable, which is meant to happen as it is designed to happen.

Useless to waste one or two hours of redoing what it meant to happen in all cases.
Mar 29, 2011
Well, KCD prides itself on its realism.
The storyline itself is not realistic.

Realism is a quick excuse for a common means to dilute content, timed quests as they are done add nothing but make sure all content can not be accessed any time.

Dilution of content.
Mar 29, 2011
When is the last time someone said "gee I like this game but I wish I couldn't save anywhere, any time..." That's how you know the KCD screwed the pooch. Just stop being stubborn and let players play the game they bought already.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
joxer, why don't you bother using the base save system? It works fine, are you too cheap to buy/make Savior Schnapps and rent lodging?
Kill me if I know, I guess I got used to the mod too much.
I do rent frequently so I can access my trunk for stuff (example is a quest that at one point needs wolf tooth, raven feathers and dog skin, well I didn't carry those through the whole game). Additionally I do have dozens of savior schnapps on my horse.
After the prologue saving anywhere mod becomes completely irrelevant but I guess I'm too lazy to delete it. :)
…impressions from those masoch…. I mean brave souls
Yea, I do feel beta tester. Yet again. :(
Did I say already when it comes to bugs, this release should be called Skyrim 2? In case I didn't, there you go.
Well, I supported the game on KS before. Not sure if I bought it at realease for 50€ and honestly I would also not recommend it for that price due to it's unpolishedness, which isn't the worst in the world, but it's not what you should expect from a 50€ game.
… but it also has tons of little disappointments (in any form).

I think the German voice overs are a great example:
I backed it on KS, if I didn't it'd still be day1 purchase for me. Why?
The game is unique. Or because of it's approach to the genre, should I say, exotic?

Except tons of bugs that should have been fixed through KS betatesting (I didn't go for it because lack of time) nothing disappointed me, perhaps because I was expecting a bit of mediocre product. Instead I got a story with such crazy substories, a thing perhaps I always wanted to play.
Note that I don't play with german voiceover and adore when english actors swear and curse in the game.
If I hadn't backed it on KS I'd wait as well for some patches before buying.
That's something I say for all games. If you won't play a game at release day, wait till it gets patched.
Embedding failure in gaming demands work.
You saying nothing else demands work? If yes, just so you know, I disagree.
The storyline itself is not realistic.
It's definetly not. Medieval youngster bursting with hormons surrounded by sheep, goats and chicken? Yea, his "celibacy" is realistic my arse.
Which doesn't mean in some other areas it isn't realistic. The 3 murderers execution and three witches quests are not dumbed down by Hollywood and are absolutely amazing. Oh you didn't got there yourself but you watched some steam? Forgeddit.
When is the last time someone said "gee I like this game but I wish I couldn't save anywhere, any time…"
Dunno. I know I refuse to buy Alpha Protocol because of it.
In KCD you can save anywhere actually, it's just not F5.
Apr 12, 2009
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