Let's play LMK … in Wiz8, et al.

Realms of Arkania should work great… any female Elf (probably Ice-Elf), a Warrior and a Mage are the perfekt fit and the AI is really stupid so it should work with a party of 3 :)
Level-Limit is 21.

NWN 2 SOZ is perfekt with Kaedrins AddOn:

Female Wood Elf Scout/Ranger with Swift Ambusher, Swift Hunter and Able Learner Feats
Male Human Wizard/Arcane Scholar
Male Human Paladin (maybe Paladin/Fighter/NWN9/Weaponmaster ? my favourite Knight^^)

Edit for more Powergaming:
Necromancer/Arcane Scholar/Red Wizard for the mage, Cleric/Hospitaler/Warpriest for the Knight or Wizard/Cleric/Mystic Theurge for the Mage, but then you have to mod the Mystic Theurge back in (it's easy if you don't mind that there is no Class-Description at the MT-Class.)

OC and MotB could be played with the SoZ-Edition Mods from Kaldor Siverwand.

And another Edit for NWN1:

The elven Cleric NPC could take the Role of the Lady in the OC and the early Part of HotU and then there is this Mod for a costum Party:


The Drow-Assassin could be the Lady 2.0 in HotU in the later Part of the Game :)
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Oct 18, 2006
dte: Thanks. Once I figure out what I did before I was in no-man's land, I'll get back to you.
My best guesses:
(In case it's been long enough that you don't remember the whole game and don't want it laid out, I'll spoiler it)
1) You're clearing out areas before heading to the Rapax Castle, either before or after the big sorceress/caster/elemental battle that's on that map
2) You've done the castle and you're headed to the Rapax Away Camp to save the Queen and/or complete the Trang/Umpani alliance optional.
3) You've done the Away Camp and it's time to diffuse the Savant Tower-Bomb via a Rapax Castle portal
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
My best guesses:
(In case it's been long enough that you don't remember the whole game and don't want it laid out, I'll spoiler it)
1) You're clearing out areas before heading to the Rapax Castle, either before or after the big sorceress/caster/elemental battle that's on that map
2) You've done the castle and you're headed to the Rapax Away Camp to save the Queen and/or complete the Trang/Umpani alliance optional.
3) You've done the Away Camp and it's time to diffuse the Savant Tower-Bomb via a Rapax Castle portal
I rifled through my previous savegames and read some walkthroughs and it turns out it was 1). I had just been to the Rapax Away Camp but wasn't welcome, so I turned around. I hadn't visited one of the wildernesses yet (the one with the Rift entrance?), so that's what I'm currently exploring. Thanks for the pointers.
Aug 30, 2006
Managed to get some gaming time in and explored most of the Mountain Wilderness, including the retro dungeon there. I finally remembered how everything works, which makes me happy. I don't like those flying, poison spitting snakes.

A times I think I'm missing a holy healer, since I often find items or spell books that are exclusive to Priests / Bishops. But then again, a case could be made for other classes as well, and where would it end? Still, it might be worthwhile to do LMKP theme parties in games, i.e. Lady, Mage, Knight and Priestess (-ess for some gender equality), as has been mentioned earlier in this thread for a good minimum party that covers most areas.
Aug 30, 2006
Finished the last retro dungeon. Realized that I must have missed the Sea Caves! Help!

What's the quickest route to the Sea Caves? I'm utterly lost. I have done Bayjin, Water Caves etc. I have quick access to the teleporters (Arnika, Lower Marten's Bluff, Northern Wilderness). Can anyone give me directions, please?
Aug 30, 2006
What's the quickest route to the Sea Caves? I'm utterly lost. I have done Bayjin, Water Caves etc. I have quick access to the teleporters (Arnika, Lower Marten's Bluff, Northern Wilderness). Can anyone give me directions, please?
IIRC, the only way to get there is via Nessie´s lair - there are three passages that connect to it - one that leads to Mt. Gigas, one that leads to Bayjin and one that leads to Sea Caves, which means that from Bluff teleporter you can get there either via Swamp -> Bayjin, or via Umpani camp -> Mt. Gigas. I´m not quite sure, but I´d say the Mt. Gigas route should be faster. Neither is particularly quick :).
Apr 4, 2008
DeepO has a good memory. Speed will depend on what maps you've already cleared. Mt. Gigas is a longer route, but easier. Swamp to Bayjin to Bayjin Shallows is a shorter trip, but the critters are much tougher if you haven't already cleared those maps.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Thanks, guys, that helps a lot. I have cleared everything, just stumbled past the Sea Caves without having a look. "Cleared" is a relative term in Wiz8, though, what with all the re-spawning going on. I'm leaning towards taking the long route, since Bayjin was hell for my party.

Speaking of being lost -- is there a way to find out which quests I have already done and which are still open? The journal isn't of much help.
Aug 30, 2006
The journal is your only real hope. It will be a mess since it adds things as you pick them up with no real organization. Keep in mind that active quests will be in white lettering while completed quests and "flavor" will be in grey.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
going back to first post.
2 chars is all i ever pay with. A Fighter and a Bishop lol, and the vanilla is a walk in the park with these 2, which was what got me into modding.
I can't beet my mod with these 2 because i have a self imposed rule that if my party dies then it's over.
I am currently working on a mod where full stealth and reflection will not make you practically invincible.
Mar 26, 2008
Telford UK
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