Original Sin - Patch 1.0.107 Released

He actually did, he referred to "100's of fixes" twice.

Yes, "100's of fixes" that actually happened, although that's not what you quoted. :)

I'm pretty sure by "fixes", he was referring to everything they've done not just bugs.

Are you saying the statement is inaccurate? If not, then I don't see a point in continuing to drag this out.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US

If you can't understand why I've put this pic in this thread, I really don't know how to explain things better.

Taken from escapist:
Apr 12, 2009
That's interesting because he never once used the word "buggy" in this thread. :)

Thanks for actually reading JDR13.:)

If I thought the game was a buggy mess I'd say that.

They have released a lot of fixes, etc and have said they will release more. I will be waiting until they are done so I can play it in the best condition possible.

I'm tired of playing a game on release only to see a superior version due to patches, rebalancing, enhanced edition etc. released 6 months later. I don't have time to play very many games over these days.
Whatever to all that are waiting…..

It is one of the best old school games released in years. I haven't found one of the patches made the game any better or worst.

They did a great job on it.
Apr 2, 2011
Well, re: waiting, it is not just waiting on patches for me. Somehow, I don't think this game would play very well on a 5 year old laptop with integrated graphics, lol. So, that is one major reason besides waiting on patches I will end up playing this early next year, when I get a proper new computer. ;)
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Yeah, yeah the people waiting for D:OS patches…
… just wait a few days more … and you can wait for Risen 3 patches, too ...
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, yeah the people waiting for D:OS patches…
… just wait a few days more … and you can wait for Risen 3 patches, too …

Yes, I will wait for risen 3 as well and the witcher 3, DAI, and any other game that releases.

I will buy them at release to support the dev and probably mess around with them for a couple hours then I'll shelve them and wait for patches, dlc, enhanced editions, etc just as I am with D:OS.

This is not a slight to any of the games mentioned it's just a choice I've made in reaction to the current state of gaming.

Most games now will offer a better expierence 6 months after release for the reasons mentioned above.

I'm still playing the game just a little later. I don't see how waiting can be a bad thing.

Well, unless I drop dead or something. I think I'll go workout know and make a few changes to my diet.:)
Yeah, yeah the people waiting for D:OS patches…
… just wait a few days more … and you can wait for Risen 3 patches, too …

Though I get the point of your post, some may not see it for what it is.

D,OS was great to play from day one, with no real issue's. For the first time in years there was a game right out of the box that was fine(no bugs) to play. Not only was it fine to play it was creative well done and keep me wanting more.

Yet I hear, Better this and why not this. I get it if you have a back log of games and are waiting. Though for those of you that haven't played it because you think the game will be better.

Well there hasn't been a better game in 10 years and that is my thoughts on the subject.

Congrats to all behind making this game and thank you.
Last edited:
Apr 2, 2011
I hope I get as much out of this when I finally finish as you folks. The beta was a solid enough game, but it wasn't memorable except for the addition of terrain tactics to combat. The writing was the poorest Larian had ever done and the murder quest was so easy to break it wasn't funny. Hopefully, you can finish it even if you go east instead of north or west when leaving Cyseal now.

Of course, I'm still waiting 6 weeks later for my physical goods from the RPGWatch campaign. Hopefully Larian will get around to those tedious promises and I can finally find and complete the mega dungeon.....
Oct 18, 2006
It's hardly a new concept that a game gets released in an incomplete state. I mean, isn't that the rule rather than the exception?

It's fully playable RIGHT NOW - and a ton of people have loved and enjoyed it from start to finish.

Maybe I'm a strange person (ok, I probably am) - but isn't that the thing that's interesting?

They could have waited a month or two - and we'd still be seeing patches for a while. That's the nature of being dedicated to your game and feeling obligated to improve upon it.

With the publisher model, it's a different story - as most developers get to release one or two patches, and that's it. Doesn't make the games anymore feature complete or bug-free.

You can imagine that being the case, but it's not.

If a game is fully polished and slick - that's cool, but it's not an easy thing to accomplish once you reach a certain level of complexity.
Of course, I'm still waiting 6 weeks later for my physical goods from the RPGWatch campaign. Hopefully Larian will get around to those tedious promises and I can finally find and complete the mega dungeon…..

You might want to reach out to Larian about that. I got my physical box probably a month ago followed by the art book which I received maybe two weeks ago.
Oct 18, 2006
You might want to reach out to Larian about that. I got my physical box probably a month ago followed by the art book which I received maybe two weeks ago.
Roughly same here. (Also in the US)
Sep 26, 2007
I got mine and I'm in Oz!!
Aug 31, 2006
Reading this thread is a little like talking to my wife. You guys lost me somewhere around the middle of page 2. Yeah, that's about how long it take me to tune her out, too...
Sep 16, 2010
Of course, I'm still waiting 6 weeks later for my physical goods from the RPGWatch campaign. Hopefully Larian will get around to those tedious promises and I can finally find and complete the mega dungeon…..

You might want to reach out to Larian about that. I got my physical box probably a month ago followed by the art book which I received maybe two weeks ago.

Roughly same here. (Also in the US)

If you haven taken part in the RPGWatch D:OS fundraiser then Myrthos will send the physical goodies to you (he gets everything from Larian, he's still waiting for T-Shirts and posters). In this case don't ask Larian, ask Myrthos.

If you've taken part in the Larian Kickstarter on your own, then and only then you should ask Larian for your physical goods.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, me personally intend to play it in co-op with my wife, and I've been reading there's some issues relating to that (as in, players not being able to see conversations the other is having), so I am waiting until they fix/improve on that...

I've been itching to start though. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
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