this just in: Wizards of the Coast implodes


sorry folks, but as an non-D&D player I'm slightly confused.

Please explain to me what's all this fuss about and

is this serious ?
Wizards, the publishers of D&D, cancelled two magazine runs that lasted nearly 30 years, opting to continue them as online-only formats. They also are not renewing licenses to D&D-supporting companies. Thats about it.
Oct 18, 2006
Uh. I'm a bit shocked.

30 years and they just cancel them NOW ?

That's bad news. Really bad news.

I think it began with working Magic the Gathering into an online thing. They offer no offline game anymore for it, although I consider the "explanation game" (all programmed in Flash !) as excellent (at least graphics-wise).

My guess is that

a) someone just got infected with the online hype
b) someone tried to jump onto the waggon of what seems to be labelled "future" (hopefully it's not the wrong one !)
c) someone just freaked out.

I don't know, but I think I should just buy a few of the(imported) mags here, just for reference.

By the way, I just saw a few days ago a mag called "Dragon" which seemed to be brand new and had a great feature about these robot-like creatures of PS:T in it ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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