Elder Scrolls VI - Region Decided

I'd prefer it to take place in a forest like Valenwood, or even the Black Marsh, anywhere with lots of green. A post on IGN similar to Eurogamer's suggests that they think it's going to be set in High Rock. Morrowind was probably my least favorite, simply because it was so alien and it was filled with dark elves. ESVI would beat it by a landslide though if it was set in a desert (which was my only major complaint about FO:NV).
Mar 11, 2018
I'd prefer it to take place in a forest like Valenwood, or even the Black Marsh, anywhere with lots of green. A post on IGN similar to Eurogamer's suggests that they think it's going to be set in High Rock. Morrowind was probably my least favorite, simply because it was so alien and it was filled with dark elves. ESVI would beat it by a landslide though if it was set in a desert (which was my only major complaint about FO:NV).

I agree about Morrowind. So brown and grey - and static.

I also hated those samey mines full of Kwama eggs or whatever that was.

Oh…. and cliff racers :)

In terms of atmosphere, I prefer Oblivion overall. Skyrim had a few forest-like areas that were beautiful - but I'm really not a big fan of endless snow.
Sommerset looks nice. :)

( "Sommer" is the German word for english "summer" ;) )
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Sommerset looks nice. :)

( "Sommer" is the German word for english "summer" ;) )

Funnily enough, Somerset is the name of a very pretty county in England - quite a good setting for fantasy. I suspect we inherited the word from the Germanic peoples.

Cheddar Gorge, Somerset

Nov 8, 2014
I'd prefer it to take place in a forest like Valenwood, or even the Black Marsh, anywhere with lots of green. A post on IGN similar to Eurogamer's suggests that they think it's going to be set in High Rock. Morrowind was probably my least favorite, simply because it was so alien and it was filled with dark elves. ESVI would beat it by a landslide though if it was set in a desert (which was my only major complaint about FO:NV).

High Rock is not a desert, it's very British Islands. A good chunk of Hammerfell is desertic though.
Oct 13, 2007
I want Elseweyr to be the region, but who cares what I want. They've already decided.

I was riding some distance from an anchor awhile back, and as its spawned an *army* streamed from the nearest portal heading that way. Like a feeding frenzy
Were you in Alik'r by any chance? There's a 24\7 dolmen training crowd over there, the whole crowd riding from one portal to the next, to reach the next dolmen in time. Three dolmens, all very close to portals.

I don't know why you sound so dismayed, though, it's pretty realistic. Unless you think that you're supposed to fight at dolmens all alone? I'm not sure that's even possible. Well, unless you're lvl50.
Jan 2, 2013
High Rock is not a desert, it's very British Islands. A good chunk of Hammerfell is desertic though.

Yeah, I remember from TESO. I actually rather like High Rock. I meant Hammerfell when I was talking about desert-like areas.
Mar 11, 2018
Elder Scrolls Online is an interesting animal to me. When I play it, I have something akin to fun, or at least I pleasantly enjoy myself. But it doesn't have that certain something that pulls me back in the next day. Hard to describe.
I'm the same way. I don't log in for months, and then I'll suddenly play it for a day or a week. Then it gets cast aside again and I don't miss it until some news brings me back to it again. I think it's because it's so repetitive. Go to quest hub, do 5-6 quests, kill the big baddie, move on to next quest hub, do 5-6 quests, kill the baddie, move on to next quest hub…

There's other stuff to do, but not interesting enough to keep my interest. So I play until the repetitiveness bores me, and I put it down until I can stomach it again. It's too bad, because the quests are interesting and a few of the NPCs are great too, especially the ones you meet again and again.
Dec 4, 2010
Todd Howard and Peter Hines: saying a lot, without saying actually anything and with the reality being totally different of whatever promises they've made in their speeches. Doing this since times immemorial.

Back on topic, i wouldn't mind if we would leave Tamriel. Exploring Akavir or Aldmeris, should be interesting. Elder Scrolls has plenty of lore set that would allow the series to change the scenery.
Aug 12, 2013
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